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myOtaku.com: Cho

Friday, May 7, 2004

*looks around* Hm. They sure have made a lot of changes lately. Then again, I haven't been online for a while. Eh, I was sick. That's my excuse for everything I didn't accomplish this week. Anyway, it's Friday!!! *does a happy little dance around the room* I'm so happy. It felt like this week went by too slowly. Non-stop tests, yaaaaaay! ^^ Maybe that's exaggerating a little, but it seemed that way. Yup, I had fun this week. I also got hooked on X/1999...*glares at Krys* You know, there is no sense of closure at the end of each volume. It just...ends. And then you have to buy the next one. Because you have to find out what happens. *twitch* Anyway, enough of my babbling. I'm going to go eat now. Byebye!


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