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myOtaku.com: Cho

Friday, May 28, 2004

*cheers wildly* WHOO HOO I have finals in two weeks! I can barely suppress my excitement. Actually, I can. Quite easily, in fact. But anyway, moving on. I just thought I'd post something to complain about my present plight. Which has to do with finals. Mostly my Theology final. *shudder* Theology. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if the teacher didn’t drone on and on (and on and on…). I tend to daydream a lot in that class. *points excitedly out the window* Look, a cloud shaped like a giant box of Pocky!!! Yumm…*coughs*. Well, I better go. I'll probably be studying all next week. Gotta love those end of the year tests. Byebye!


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