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myOtaku.com: Cho

Wednesday, June 2, 2004

*sigh* I have less than seven days left of school now. And four of those days are final exams, which I can't bring myself to care that much about. Eh. Ya, I know I should be studying. And I will be! Probably all weekend. Funfun. Especially since both my math and French exams are cumulative. Whee! But anyway. Enough of my whining. Oh, I have my flute recital on Friday. That's always fun. It's the first time I've really played in front of people, at least all by myself. I hope I don't mess up too badly...*horrible images of audience running out the door screaming* Ehe. Yeah...I'm going to go...practice some more. *window shatters* Byebye!


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