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myOtaku.com: Cho Gonou Hakkai

Sunday, November 19, 2006

How is everyone?!!!!
I have been SUPER busy the last five days. -.- Man, did it SUCK. I HATE feeling swamped. This is how it makes me feel: GHReoai;dfslaLFGDAL;J!!

Anyyyyways, I was searching through some old files (I mean STONE AGE old ) And I found a Saiyuki Story!! I showed it to a friend, and they wanted me to add onto it, so I am!!! If you want, I can put it on here....maybe my next post?
If you want me to, please ask! I want to know how many people want to read one of my lamo super old story. ( haha! )
Well, I'll add some more later! Bye!
Oh, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch out for the swinging door on your way out! It's being mean and slamming into everyone. I need to get that door fixed. seriously.
^ ^

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