Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
I'm Bored!11

OMG!!! It's Kaiba and Joey's love child!11 :O
XDD The resemblance is uncanny, though. I guess it's to make up for the big group of friends Jaiden doesn't have. Obviously, she's suppose to count as two people. :] I've only seen about 3.5 episode of GX, actually. xD The dueling scenes bore me. >_O
Ok, well, that's the end of my boredom enduced entry. I hope I have something better to update with next time. =^_^=
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Continuations are <33

Huzzah for continuations!! Maki Murakami decided to continue on with the Gravitation series! <33 This one starts where book 12 left off. I manage to get the translated version of the first two chapters, too. >w< See, I am a fangirl. XDD It starts off with Yuki and Shuichi going to New York to visit Kitizawa's grave. They meet up with a few familiar faces and learn new things. Whooo! XP
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Monday, September 12, 2005
Camping trip. :D
On Saturday, for my brother's birthday, him, me, my friend, and 4 of his friends went up to Mount Diablo to spend the night. All day, we climbed rocks. @_@ My legs are sooo sore. -_- As we were climbing over the rocks, there was a theme we kept running into. On almost every avaible surface, people carved their names. Me, being the dork I am and not having a boyfriend, decided to indulge my inner fangirl. I carved "Zira + A.J." on one of the rocks using a metal pick someone found. XDDDD "Zira + A.J." is actually short for "Aziraphale + Crowley" but you can see why I didn't carve that. It's so dang long. >_< So, yes, I am a fangirl at heart. It was just sooooo tempting. ^_^;;
Anyway, we did the normal camping things, also. Like, we roasted marshmallows, made smores, and snacked ourselves into oblivion. XP At night (10pm) my Dad made us go to bed, and lo and behold, as soon as we went to bed, the raccoons came out. What's really funny, is that my brother's friends were sleeping on picnic tables outside and most of the raccoons decided to hang out under said tables. XDD
Obviously, I made it back safely, so the trip ended well. ^_^ I actually would like to go back sometime and check on my engravement. PX
[EDIT]: Azirphale and Crowley are from the book "Good Omens". If you haven't read it, you should. XP
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Monday, September 5, 2005
Back to school. ;_;
Wow. The summer is already over. O.o Or it will be starting Tues. Of course, to add to it, my parents have Labour day off. =/ There goes my last day of summer, eh? ;_; You know....I've never noticed this before, but the fact that we get Labour Day off is kinda ironic, no? XD Anyway, the only good thing about going back to school, (Yes, there is a good part. O.O)is that if I get good grades I can finally get my own computer!! >w< Unfortunatelly, this means that I won't be on the computer much since I will be hitting the book, so to speak.
Well, until next time!~
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Japan Town!
Oh my goodness, I'm lazy. XD It's already Friday and I'm just now updating about Japan town. PX
Anyway, I went to Japan town on Sunday and, of course, it was fun. ^_^ We took Bart so my mom didn't have to dirve. XP I got two Pinky:St figures, a magazine(one of those phonebook ones), and a Tsubasa pencil board with Yukito and Touya on it. :D I'm really glad it wasn't a repeat of last time I went*. XDD
*The last time I went, I tried to buy a Yaoi phonebook for my wonderful friend Sakura Ikayuro. Well, I'm not definitely not 18 and they actually asked me if I was! I was really surprised since they don't ask at Borders. =/ Anyway, it was pretty enbaressing because I had a few cashiers giggling at me for it. =_=
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
I just went to see "The Brothers Grimm" and all I have to say is:
The poor kittie!! ;_; It never even stood a chance. How could they do that to a cute little ball of fluff. They mutillated it!! T_T *cough* Yes, well, I actually did like the movie. Although, at some points it seemed a little excesive. Hey look, I'm a movie critic now. XP
Oh! I'm also going to be going to Japan Town tomorrow. I can't wait. >w< Finally, a place where I can blow all my birthday money. XD When I get back tomorrow, I'll most likely write about it. See you then! ^_^
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
Belated Birthday
Pfft. My birthday was on the 21st. Sunday, to be exact. Yes, I'm aware that I'm posting this on Thursday. I have no idea why it took me so long to post, but it did. XD The only gift item, in other words, not money, I got for my birthday was a gamecube. I only have one game for it (Super Smash Bros. Melee) but I still love it. >w<
On a side note, my dog is so freakin' scary when she dreams. O-O Her eyes roll up into her head and her whole body starts shaking. Then, she starts making all these odd throaty whimpering sounds. It's like she's possesed. It scares the heck out of me. ;_;
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Friday, August 19, 2005
First entry!.....kinda^^;
Hey there. Well, obviously I'm new to Otaku. You can tell by the lack of any content. XDD I'll have to fix that soon. *sigh* As soon as I figure out how to work everything, that is. =/
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