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Monday, January 31, 2005
Blues Of a Season
Well, Back to the work I guess, it wa sa nice weekend while it alsted, although it al lcannot pass soon enough for me, I want my DVD's and OST's >.<
THey should all be here, or at least the bulk of them within the next wekk or so, well, thats the theory anyway, let us hope so :)
Not alot happening here, spent most of yesterday at home, writting and watching AMV's, I am so bored *sigh*
I will leave you ith my story today, gotta be ready for school, my head of year wants to see me this morning about my school attendancce last period on Friday *sigh* So I guess my morning is going to be fun
I sorta feel like this chapter today
Chapter 7 – Imprisonment
This was becoming an all too familiar feeling, he woke up to darkness, blinking several times, and he tried to move his hands but found they were bound in someway. He pulled at the restraints holding him until his eyes focused again, and he saw his situation, his arms were in chains attacked to a ceiling, he was in a room, a box, he could see light come in by the back, and a door ahead of him, outside, he heard the whispers of others, were they here, or just his imagination?
He pulled several more times but failed, he was well and truly stuck, a thought went through his head, where were the Wolves? Were they ok? He pondered on this for a second, hoping they were, a lone tear feel down his face, he missed them, he wanted to be with them, he wanted it so badly, he felt it dwell up inside him like something ready to explode.
“Feeling alone are we child?” he heard a voice, deep and cold say to him, he quickly stopped the crying, and tried to turn round, but, saw nothing, the person was too far behind him, in the shadows, hiding himself. Richard said nothing to him back, he heard the voice again say to him, “What were you doing in the wastelands, and what were you doing with those dirty Wolves?, Tell me, seen as we did Rescue you” Richard listened to his words with anger, how dare he call any of them ‘dirty’ the only dirty one here was himself. Richard didn’t respond to this again, and the man behind his seemed to sound like he expected it, his words hitting him deep, “Fragment, Well, I did not expect an answer, but we will have fun with you, linked to Paradise, even you don’t know what you can do, pitiful” he stopped for a second, and then continued after a sigh, “Well, what a shame, guess we have just got to have fun with you” Richard just hung there, listening to his words, how did he know he was ‘Fragment’? And what did it mean, what was ‘Fragment’?
He didn’t have much time to think before he felt a sharp pain in his back; he called out a loud, a scream echoing around the chamber, he had been stabbed in the back with some kind of sharp object. Again it happened, and again, he felt the blood drip down him, he saw as it hit the floor, creating a crimson pool. He began to cry again, and as he hit again, he called out the words, “KIBA, HELP ME!” he felt this echo around in his head, and saw an image of Kiba in his head, he wanted him, or any of the other Wolves to help him, giving another gentle, whimpered “Help me, please” as he felt his head drop from the pain.
His eyes clouded over from all the pain, he had been tortured for hours now, he had been stabbed so many times in the back, shipped, sliced, he no longer felt any feeling in his back apart from a throbbing pain, the blood spilling to the floor, draining off into drains at the side, he came to the conclusion soon that no one was coming to rescue him, he was in the hands of someone, someone who did not care what they did, and not care who they did it to. He was finished, and coldness swiftly took over his soul, he wanted anyone else to be there badly.
He must have drifted off, he felt himself awake, he could not hear anyone in the room, but, he still felt the pain, it must have been strong enough to knock his straight out, he tried to call out, but, all he could do was croak slightly the words, “Help me”. Feeling a depression inside him, he looked down, his legs; the trousers he wore were now only a deep red, soaked in his blood, and a pool beneath him, the whole floor red in his blood, like a lake. Looking up, he saw the door, it was locked still, made no difference if it was locked or open though, he still would not be able to escape, not while he was chained like he was, his feet just barely able to touch the ground, touching it with his toes when he stretched, but doing this also stretched the wounds on his back, so, he did not try, he felt so alone, cold, he had lost all his energy and happiness, he was no longer like the boy on the hill, stroking the Wolves as they lay there, he was now a depressed, destroyed mess, a no-one, just a thing, hung there like a puppet, he was now truly alone, he just wanted to end his suffering.
He hung his head down, closing his eyes, and letting tears fall down his face, he saw as they dropped to the floor, landing in the redness of the floors new shade, he couldn’t see through his tears, blurring his vision, creating a illusive pattern, one of no sense, not that he needed that no longer. It was at this point he heard a cry outside, and heard as the door began to open, he began to fear again, looking down to the floor, saying in his croaked voice again, unable to make any sense of his own voice, “Please, Leave me alone, let me die” the tears still ran down his face, streaming.
The Door opened, Richard looked up to see who was coming through the door, perhaps to see his torturer, but, it wasn’t, through his blurred vision he saw a White Blob, soon changing to a human shaped one, hearing a call to him, as he hung there, he recognized it, sending a warmth into him, it was Kiba, “Richard!, I heard your call for help, please tell me your ok” He felt Kiba touching his back as he moved around, Richards face contorting in pain as he did, and Kiba sighing heavily as he looked at it, saying as he looked up to the chains, “Hold on for a second”. He could no longer see Kiba, he wondered if this was a dream created by his mind to comfort him before his final passing, but the pain he felt, it couldn’t be.
He saw three more blobs come through the door, he began to try and clear his eyes, seeing who it was more clearly, it was the other Wolves, all in there Wolf Form, they looked up to him, and had a look of shock and disgust on there face, hearing Toboe say out, “Oh my, What have they done, how could they!?” his tone turning aggravated, as an even angrier Tsume then called put, snarling,
“I will kill them, Kill them all for what they have done to you” he smiled, weakly as he said this, feeling himself drop slightly, it would seem Kiba had found away to snap the chains, looking around, he saw Kiba again in his wolf form, biting at the chains, having to jump up to try and bite it, making little progress, Richard said to him, looking back forward, trying to sound as strong as he could in his current state,
“Use my Shoulders, you can use them to stand on while you bite away my Chains” he heard Kiba stop, and felt him as he hesitated to what he said, Richard, just said to him, as he heard the silence, “Do it, please”, after a few more seconds, he felt a searing pain rise up in him, feeling Kiba’s Claws in his back as he stood on it, biting away the chains, breaking them both at the same time, dropping him to the floor, Kiba jumping off Turing Human mid-air as he landed.
He felt himself fall to the floor, feeling the shoulders of two people underneath him, as he looked, he saw Human forms Toboe and Hige hold him up, he smiled weakly to his, watching as Kiba took him from both of them, saying as they let go, “Thank you” Richard smiled saying this, he felt happy again, they had come back for him, risking there own lives, even though he was only a Human, he felt as if he had someone he could trust, and this enough was enough to make him smile again, feeling the radiance once again revive, burning inside him, the pain still been felt, but now, bearable.
The others turned back to there Wolf form and ran outside the room, looking around, Kiba holding Richard over his shoulder, saying to him, as he geld him, “Hold on, we will get out of here” he began to walk forward slowly, his arm around him, supporting him as he walked, Richard been able to pull of a slight walk, but a very slow one at that, he felt it would annoy Kiba, but he seemed to compensate well, smiling slightly as he did, he could feel Kiba next to him, his heart beat, and his happiness, like he had found something he had lost so long ago, like he had found his friend? Richard smiled, and forced himself to work harder, to try and aide the escape, ignoring his burning pain.
They entered the corridor, next to the door was a guard, his throat had been pulled out, and he lay in a pool of his own blood, but he ignored this, he knew how brutal the Wolves could be getting that they wanted, even to kill in order to protect him, although it was nice to think they would go to these lengths to help him, but, the thought of someone dead because of him, still made him shudder, no one should have to suffer.
They picked up the pace turning the next corridor, Tsume standing there in his human form, taking him under his other arm, and both of there combined strengths lifting him up off the floor, his feet just dangling over it, there arms covering his wounds, blood smearing them, but they did not seem to mind, they smiled at him, and ran down the corridors as fast as they could towards a large opening, a hole in the wall, running into the bright light.
They were outside again, he could see the whiteness of the snow been stained as his blood dropped slowly onto it, creating a path of crimson, it was then he noticed that Kiba had an injury, his shoulder was also bleeding, he must have got it trying to help him; Richard, turning to him then said, “Your injured, are you ok”, Kiba looked back to him and smiled, looking to his wound, happily saying,
“It doesn’t hurt, we don’t feel pain like you do, I’ll be fine” he turned back in front of him, still carrying him along the path, Toboe and Huge just ahead of them by a truck, it seemed they had got another way to get out of here. He felt himself been loaded up into the truck, been laid out, seeing as Tsume got into the front, and began to drive, the cloth at the end been closed and sealed, as he felt the truck shudder and begin to move.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
If I only had a heart
Random line from the Wizard of Oz, parents watched it last night, I forogt how old those films actually were, lol, still good to watch every so often, calssics always seem to be the ebst, maybe it is just novalty value :)
Well, not alot happening here, I havn't really got alot to do, been watching Anime Music Videos from Wolf's Rain, now I want to see the series even more >.<, lol,prehaps I should stop, but to quote the floy from 'Antz' "I can't help it, it's so beauitful" I just hope I do not fry, hehe ^_^;
I really do not have much to say today, nt alot has happened, all I know is that tommorow when I go to school my head of year wants to see me -_-, so that is going to be a bit of fun *sigh*
I will leave you with some more story, enjoy
Chapter 6 – Voyage
He awoke in the morning, the sun shining down straight into his eyes, through the tattered branches, blinding him slightly, having to lift his arm to cover his face, as he tried to focus his sight, using his other hand to rub the sleep outta his eyes. Looking to his side slightly, he saw a sleeping Kiba still, it must have been a long night, trying to keep him warm in all that snow and wind, he felt sorry for him, giving him a gentle stroke on the head, a smile on his face, he really did appreciate all the work and effort Kiba had put into him, he had sacrificed a lot for him, and he had not been able to do anything but cause problems, but, he felt he had to continue with them, like he was been summoned somewhere, and these Wolves were apart of it, like it said in his ‘dream’.
He got up, slowly yawning and stretching, looking around, it seemed that the weather on the wastelands has calmed down, you could see the sun shining through the light clouds covering the sky, and the wind had also died down, looking around, he walked towards the tree, were he sat himself down again. Beginning to think to himself. Sitting there, he let random thoughts pass through his mind, mainly on what he had saw last night, while in his unconscious state, Who was that voice, and what did it want from him, ‘Paradise’?
He sat there for what must have been a while; at least an hour or so before Kiba began to stir, shaking the snow that had settled on his coat over night. He immediately looked to where he had been laying, quickly looking around when he didn’t see Richard lying there, soon finding him next to the tree, he sat there just looking back to Kiba, who nodded to him and walked over to him, slowly, sitting down next to him, Richard’s Stomach creating a slight moan, it would seem he was hungry, and it must have been at least 3 days since he had eaten anything, Kiba looked to his stomach and smiled, “Better get you something to eat” he looked around, and to the sky, lifting his muzzle to do so, Richard shaking his head to what he said, and saying to him,
“I am fine, I can continue without food” he looked to Kiba giving him a weak smile, but Kiba had caught onto this, and shook his head too, saying to him, with a hint of humor in his voice,
“And have another repeat of last night, I think not, you are going to have something to eat” Kiba then got up and looked around the hill, he seemed to be looking for something when he spotted it, looking over where Toboe had been lying, grabbing a small brown parcel, and dropping it in front of him, nudging it towards him, saying as he did, “We were able to find some food before we left, it is for you, we expected you might need it”, Richard picked it up and un-wrapped it tentatively, looking inside to see a couple of bread buns, it was not much, but he picked one up, extending it to Kiba, to offer him some, he shook his head, and said to him, “It was for you, I am fine, don’t worry, eat up” Kiba nudged his arm back to him, Richard smiled and ate the bread bun happily, it hit just the spot, he had almost forgot what food tasted like, it was delicious.
After finishing the food, He stood up, and looked around, he could see the other Wolves were also awake now, just sitting a bit if a distance away from him, why were they doing that? Were they keeping out of his way? He looked over to them, and began to walk, saying as soon as he got to a respectable distance, “Good Morning”, the other Wolves turned as he said this, and nodded there heads, all saying at different times,
“Morning”, they seemed to be relatively happy about the situation, although they had not said much to them, they had not put any protest up, and he got the same feeling from them as he got from Kiba, but, felt some apprehensiveness from these ones. He sat down in the centre of them, and continued to say,
“I am sorry about the trouble I caused for you all yesterday, I apologize” he looked to each one as he said this, giving each a smile or re-assurance, then a voice came from behind, it was the one they called, Hige, who said to him,
“Really, it was no problem at all, don’t worry about it” Hige moved closer, and Richard gave him a stroke along his muzzle, touching his collar, looking at it curiously, he seemed to recognize it, but why? He let it pass him though, it was not important, it was then Tsume who spoke next, also coming closer,
“Gave us something to do anyway” Richard also smiled, patting him with is spare hand, he seemed to feel the Wolves pains and happiness, and this gave him a kind of weird warmth inside, and he sensed that the wolves also felt the same way with him, as they relaxed when he stroked them. Kiba slowly came up from behind calling to them as they sat there, Toboe had also moved over, and was also been stroked by Richard, who just sat there, smiling as he did, he had never felt so content, he heard Kiba call,
“Well, we better go” Richard looked around slowly and nodded his head, also standing at the same time, he still felt a warmth inside him he felt he had connected somehow, he looked to Kiba, suddenly feeling a prick in his back, he thought nothing at this of first, until he began to feel sleepy, hearing footsteps behind him, the Wolves standing up quickly, snarling, moving in front of him. A group of men dressed up in military gear stood ahead of them all armed; feeling his back he pulled out what was in it, some kid of tranquilizer, he began to drift off to sleep, hearing one of the men say as he drifted off,
“Collect the target, ignore the obstacles, stun only men” this was the last thing he saw as he drifted off gently, falling into a heavy sleep.
See you around, hope you are enjoying the story
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
Blood and Chocolate
Well, it is Saturday at last, I am able to relax now, which is good.
Not a lot happened yesterday, although I got busted for taking my last lesson off, so I have to see my head of year about it on Monday,. Must come up with a good excuse, I am sure I will I hope I don’t get too much of the dog house for it
Other than that I did not do a lot unfortunately, I did read a WHOLE BOOK though, it is called ‘Blood and Chocolate’ by Annette Curtis Klause, I did a bit of research, there is supposed to be a movie coming out about it, I read it all in one day o.O
It was published in 1997, making me 9 when it was made, makes it sound old, but it is a really good book, I couldn’t put it down at all, I really enjoyed it, poor Vivien, and Aiden, I am writing my own version based of it now, may post extracts, but I think I may keep this one personnel, I may post it though, depends if I think it is good enough, I hope it will be
Other than that, not a lot to be done, just hope my stiff comes soon, I want to see it, it is hard having to wait, so annoying, but, good things come to those who wait eh
Well, that’s all from me today, I will leave you with Chapter 5 now, enjoy
Chapter 5 – Freeze
They seemed to walk for hours, the snow never ending, occasionally coming across a frozen river, and old trees long since dead from the extreme cold, but still they continued. Richard had been able to hold on so far, but he already felt the effects on him, his fingers and toes had gone numb long ago, and he struggled to walk, only just managing, not trying to show any weakness as he went along, putting a brave face on it all. His vision going blurry slightly from all the cold, he could no longer feel anything on him, only cold, all around him, barren, empty, coldness.
Then it happened, what he feared might be the effect of going through these lands, he felt himself go faint, he tried to keep up, but he found he had no more energy or strength in which to do so, the Wolves seemed to still be full of energy, the snow not even effecting them. Richard fell to the snow, hitting it on his side, and beginning to shiver and convulse like a seizure, he heard Toboe shout over to the others, and saw as he tried to nudge him, getting nothing. Seeing Kiba run back to them, he heard slightly what he said, “I knew we should have got him some form of clothing, he should have told us he was cold” he saw as Kiba tried to rouse him, nudging him in the side, but getting no response, he struggled to keep his eye open, the snow covering them, seeing Kiba trying to frantically get a response out of him, Richard was able to muster enough strength, and said the words, softly, but as well as he could,
“Sorry for, been, a bother” he felt himself begin to drift off, the cold was taking him away, numbness all over, he felt a weight on him, resting, he was able to turn slightly to see Kiba resting directly over him, resting straight on his chest, he then felt this weight spread, feeling another right against his head, it was Toboe, surrounding it, his tail wagging about in his face. He felt the heart beats of all the wolves against him, all there furs, a slight heat came back to him, he felt some feeling, but it was not enough, he was suffering from severe frost bite, even as they rested against him, he felt himself slipping, it was only prolonging the inevitable.
As he slipped off, he heard a voice, he could not make it out, only random words, non of any real meaning on it’s own, but, he listening to these, he slowly felt himself drift off, thinking this was his end, he embraced it, he was lucky enough to meet some great people, but, it was all too short, all good things, must come to an end.
A Bright light surrounded him as he felt his eyes close and become heavy, it created a brightness all around him, but yet, he still only saw darkness, it penetrated surrounding darkness, but not his own. He could not move, he was suspended within, was this, heaven? He then heard the voice he had heard so many times in his dreams, he tried to call out to it, but found he had no voice, he could not call back, do anything at all to respond, all he did was listen to it’s words, the first time he ever made them out clearly, “Fragment, Pieces of the Luna Flower, Come back to me, let us release Paradise for the Wolves, guide them, take care of them, it is your destiny, come back to me Richard”, his name was used, this could not be a dream, what was it? She knew his name, he could not hear anything else, he felt darkness come back, but, he suddenly heard a whisper call out to him, “Cheza, Flower Maiden of Paradise”, with this final voice, the light disappeared, and left him, still cold, and floating. He felt himself been pulled, a violent push at him, like he was been pulled back to something, he became heavier again, and felt himself re-awakening.
His eyes opened slowly, he felt himself again, he could feel his fingers, and near-by, he felt warmth all around him, as he focused his eyes, he could see a fire directly next to him, on the other side, a large white object, it was Kiba. Attempting to get up, he grabbed the attention of Kiba, who suddenly looked up and moved his muzzle so to look at him sitting up, he also getting up from his lying position, standing taller than he sat, putting his muzzle on level with him. Kiba looked to him, seemingly smiling, and said, calmly, but, you could tell he was happy,
“Your alive, You had us scared there, we thought we lost you, why didn’t you tell us you were cold, we would have helped” Kiba moved forward slightly, uncomftably, Richard could sense this, and smiled, throwing his arms around him, holding him tight, feeling his fur against his warmish body, around them, snow was still on the ground, but under the shade of what seemed to be one of the dead trees, he said while he held him, seeing the other Wolves asleep behind Kiba, resting there,
“I am sorry, I didn’t want to be a bother” as he said this, he felt Kiba as he shook his head, and said straight after him,
“You shouldn’t have suffered like that, I knew we should have got you some clothes, you would not have bothered us, seriously” Kiba moved away at this moment, and sat himself next to the fire as Richard lay back down, slowly. They had an uneasy silence as he did lie there, looking up to the night sky, and for the first time, seeing the Stars shine above them, the Moon also, bringing down the light, and illuminating the ground around them. It was beautiful, for the first time he saw them without having to be created in a domes roof, it was brilliant. Richard then looked to Kiba, and said to him, as he sat there, looking into the fire,
“I saw something while I was out, I heard a voice, a woman, telling me to find paradise”, Kiba seemed to suddenly snap his head looking at him, and then said to him, quite quickly,
“Paradise, you know of it?” he seemed to have renewed interest in him, as if he had been proven right about something. Richard only nodded his head, saying to him, still looking to the Sky,
“I was told to protect the Wolves and seek it out” he had no idea was this meant himself, Paradise? What was that? Kiba seemed to know what it was, he moved towards Richard more, and was almost nose-to-nose with him, and said,
“Are you also” he stopped for a second, sniffing at him again, and then smiling slightly, “You are, you smell of the Flower, only faintly, you are one of them” as he said this, he moved away and looked back to him, he seemed to ecstatic, as if he had been proven right, and he had a new energy in him, and continued to say, “Well, Looks like I was right about you, I am going to have to make sure that you are well looked after” Kiba moved over to him and rested next to him by the fire, placing his muzzle in his paws, and closing his eyes, hearing him say to him, “Rest now, you need to recover” with this, Richard nodded and sat back down, resting his head on the small rough of grass they had put together, it wasn’t much, but it would do. Slowly losing his eyes, he wondered what he meant, was his role? Richard didn’t have the energy to enquire further, perhaps later, when he recovered, but for now, he rested, feeling he warmth from Kiba next to him.
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Friday, January 28, 2005
News Round
Well, had an eventful day yesterday to say the least, where do I start, well, the beginning would be good wouldn’t it, prepare for a long post…
Well, started going to school, yes the heating was buggered, but it wasn’t even cold, I only learned about this last night, I am not getting my memo’s, lol, not really fair that the others got to have time off school, although I did make a bet with my Math’s teacher saying I could bare the cold, if I could, I would get our Math’s group of Homework tomorrow (Our Math’s teacher is also our Head of Year) But, it seemed to have worked, see if she is a woman of her word tomorrow.
I decided to leave school half day today as well, I didn’t fancy going to Ogden for a track in nature, after the weather we have been having recently, no thank you, I think I shall pass on that if you don’t mind, I told the teacher straight, she didn’t seem to mind, I think she agreed with me you know, lol, from what my friend told me when I rang up later, it was interesting, nearly lost a party member, Jessica on point, not a good thing -_-
Well, got home, had my dinner and made some more Wallpapers and Greetings for the MyO database, have a look if you get spare time, it is times like this I wish the Portfolio was on-line -_-, but, guess it cannot be helped I suppose, I still love my Cher and Hubb one, it is so beautiful.
Not much more happened really, did Finish my Fan Fic, so I will be able to put a full one up, I will continue to do a Chapter a day though, and then the question is after you have read the ending, would you be willing to read a sequel, I will only write one if I know people actually would want to read one (I lie, I Prolly will write one, but if no one wants to read, it, I prolly won’t post it -_-) but, we will deal with that when the time comes, it is about 13 chapters, including the Epilogue which I included especially.
I always find when I read an open ended story, I want to find the author and ask them ‘Yeah, that’s all well and good, but how did it go after?’, I know it is a weird thing with me, they leave it open for a reason, but, it is there story, do you know what I mean? But been my own writer I can decide, and you can when you read. I like to leave my stores, like most writers with that ‘O’ feeling at the end, let you take something away, may it be the experience, or a deeper Philosophical message (Which seems to always find away into my stories, and not on purpose too :P) But, lets leave that till we are there
Oh, one good thing of news, for the first time, yes, I am starting to get anime, I have ordered the Cowboy Be-Bop movie and the first 5 VOLUMES of Wolf’s Rain, my school finally paid my £100 pound bonus late from Christmas, but, I am not complaining, it is because it is this late I ma able to get the Wolf’s Rain series, I am so happy, the only sad fact is that the whole series is not out yet, so I will still have some wait -_-, but, I am finally able to start ordering, it is great, so I will have the sound track and the first half of the series, fantastic, should all be here within 7 days
Wow, that is a lot, I have written too much here :P, almost made me explode remembering it all, lol Hope it does not bore you, I will talk to you all later, have a good one, in the meantime, here is the next section of my story, enjoy
(Yes, this Chapter is short, but it is building up, bare with it please)
Chapter 4 – Journey
As he slept, he had a curious dream, he saw images in his head, these images seemed familiar, he had them before, but, like dreams past, he could not understand them, and only just remembered them as he woke, a girl with pink hair of some sort, suspended in a cage, flowers blooming below her. She speaks out to him, but he cannot hear her, he is not able to hear the words that she speaks, as he tried to hear her, she starts to drift away, the only work he ever seems able to catch is ‘Paradise’.
Waking in the morning, he felt a small weight upon his stomach, at first he thought h was just imagining it as he woke up, but, as he looked up, he saw a ‘White Mass’ sprawled along his lower torso, as he looked around a bit more, letting his eyes focus in the morning light he saw it was Kiba resting on his, in such a way like he was protecting him. Looking around the other 3 wolves rest in here also, resting themselves on different areas on the padding, all relatively close to him, encircling him.
Pushing himself up slightly, trying to get up fully, but also not wanting to wake Kiba, he was able to sit up, using his elbow as a prop, looking around the carriage light flooded in from the main door, and cascades of light came in through various other holes that were made in the old carriage. As he sat there, looking at these lights, following them, he felt Kiba move on him slightly, and as he turned, he got up on his legs slowly, Richard looked over to him, slipping his legs out from under him and sitting, crossing them beneath him, with some effort needed his torso still ached, along with his shoulder and arm, but, they had done a good job in bandaging them, it would take some time, but they would heal, hopefully.
It would seem that Kiba was awake, and after a short moment of his yawning, his teeth coning to bear, every single one of them white, and sharp as knifes. He looked to Richard immediately as he woke and turned around, giving him a simple nod of the head, which Richard returned, getting up slowly, slightly stuttering over his own feet as he still did not have the energy to hold himself up stably, and found himself limping tentatively across the carriage, sitting himself down at the entrance tentatively, giving the Wolves plenty of room.
As he sat there, he looked outside, it was indeed day, the fire that had burned so brightly in the oil drum, illuminating all around it had now extinguished, and all that was left were a few smoking embers that emanated from it, creating a steam of black smoke as it rose into the sky. Looking around the rest of the yard, he got a clear view of it now, it must have been indeed some kind of old train yard, but, it must have been disused for a long time, the trains seemed old and ancient, disused, like so much of the world.
Sitting there he heard the other Wolves wake up one by one, all talking amongst themselves, Richard caught bits of there conversation, not feeling it was his place to add to it, they seemed to be talking about where to go though, the wastelands seemed like the target from what Richard could hear, but, how would he survive out there, he had never been out of the dome himself, but from what he had heard it was baron, nothing could survive out in the snow, you would freeze before you got anywhere. He trusted Kiba though, and if they really were going to pass through the wastelands, then, he must have a good reason, and he wouldn’t let him die, he hoped.
Suddenly, a call from behind got his attention, it was Kiba calling his name, slowly, he turned around pivoting his body, but more so his head, but it still hurt no matter which he turned, the pain spreading through the entire left side of his body, but, he heard Kiba then say to him, “Richard, Let me introduce you to the rest of the pack, this is Toboe as you already know” Toboe nodded and twitched his ear in acknowledgement to his name, “This is Hige”, the Large Brown dog cocked his head to the call of his name, Richard nodded to him, “, and last, but not least, this is Tsume” The Grey Wolf gave him a simple nod, Richard returning it. It would seem at least now he was introduced he knew who people were. After a short pause, he then heard Kiba continue to talk, directed to him, “We are going out into the wastelands, I want you to come with us, I do not know why, but, for some reason I want to”, Kiba looked to him with a determination, Richard himself could not continue why he would want him to be with them, but, he would not refuse the offer, he owed his life to Kiba, and he would re-pay that debt, so, softly he said,
“Ok then, It is not like I have much here, I hope I do not slow you down” Richard knew well he was no match for the speed of a Wolf, and they would be slowed down by him, he would not be able to run for as long, nor as fast as they could, but, Kiba seemed slightly amused by this comment, and said to him, a slight humor in his voice,
“No need to worry about that, we don’t mind” he moved over to the door with Richard at this point, staring out at it, looking up to the artificial sky, the other 3 following behind them al looking out of the door, as Kiba said to them, quite suddenly, “Right, lets go” and as quickly as he said this, he jumped from the carriage, the others following him slowly as he began to walk around the corner. Richard had to quickly follow them, jumping from the carriage and giving a limped run, he would not be able to keep that pace for long, but thankfully, they had awaited around the corner for him, and Kiba seemed to give a kind of bemused look, turning back to Richard he said, in an apologetic tone, “Sorry, I forgot”, Richard walked up from behind them, and stood next to him, saying as he did,
“It is ok, I told you I would only slow you down” he looked to the floor as he said this, he was going to be the burden on the group, he knew it, but, as he felt the sadness begin to creep upon him, a nudge came into his side, it was Kiba, who sad to him, softly, reassuringly,
“Don’t be like that, please, we do not mind, we shall walk, we’re in no rush” with this, he began to walk forward, Richard following on next to him, the other wolves following closely behind, Toboe on his left side, looking up at his occasionally, giving him some occasional budges as they walked, trying to be friendly. Richard smiled at these and patted him on the head, stroking him slightly as they walked.
They seemed to go on forever, walking through several old abandoned areas of the city, where the ruins of buildings once standing stood tall, but all that was left were a few fragments of foundation stones, and walls raising only slightly past the knee, this place was such a mess, the floors uneven, in dire need of maintenance, but no one available to do it, these cities were slowly becoming desolate. Looking around, they seemed to be avoiding the areas that were heavily populated, intentionally going through these areas of disrepair on purpose, but Richard could understand this, after the response he heard that most Humans he gave, they would want to keep there presence unseen, and at the moment, with his ripped clothes and such, it may look a bit suspicious.
Look ahead, they soon came to a large metal wall, Richard recognized this wall, It was the limits of the city, past here were the icy wastelands that expanded for miles, as far as the eye could see, reaching outwards, very few people left the safety of the dome for the freezing environment of the wastelands, although the wastelands were likely a lot safer than life in the Domes. Richard turned his head to look at Kiba at this point, who seemed to just be standing there, looking to the wall, he had to say something, and so, said the word, clearly, “Well, What now?”, he looked back to the wall as he said this, looking at it, seeing what maybe Kiba did, but all he saw was cold, hard steel sat in front of him, decaying away in the times, rust forming over several sections.
Kiba began to walk forward, he seemed to be looking forward and it was almost as if he had not heard Richard, but, just as Richard as about to ask again, standing rather uncomftably, he saw Kiba run and hit a section of the wall, falling straight through, a hole appeared in the old walls. A Cold wind immediately ran through him, a chill spreading over him, it was a t this point he realized how cold it actually was, and then, he realized his severe lack of clothing, it was ok for them, they had Fur, but, he was wearing the scattered remains of his clothing, he would freeze in no time. Not wanting to impede there journey which he was only a guest on; he said nothing to this, only shivered slightly, and tried to fight the cold off.
Kiba turned back to them, the snow slightly falling in through the hole, and he nodded to the group, they all understood this as an all clear sign, and made there way for the hole, each crawling on through it, Richard having to get on his hands and knees, been the last to go through, he had a bit of help as the Wolves pulled slightly on his clothing, helping him through the small hole, his hands freezing on the snow, spreading straight through him.
Kiba looked back at them as they all came up and stood just a small distance from the hole, he looked to Richard, he could see he had no where near the appropriate clothing, and said to him, as the cold winds blew through, lifting the snow up slightly, creating the barrier where the hole once was, “Will you be alright?”, he walked over to him, he could see he was shivering slightly, but, Richard tried to control it as much as he could, not wanting to look weak in front of them, not wanting to be more of a bother than he already was, he responded with a nod, and said,
“I’ll be fine”, he knew this was a lie, he knew that this weather would soon take him sooner or later, he only hoped he could last long enough until they reached there destination, he only hoped. Kiba looked back and nodded, tentatively, not sure if he should believe this, but, none the less, he began to walk forward, leaving faint traces in the snow, soon been covered by the heavy winds. The others followed soon behind this, there own traces disappearing, Richard following on, Toboe still next to him, keeping him company, Hige just in front.
(As a final note, we were supposed to be having lecturs tday, but due to no heater, they cancelled it -_-, so no afternoon off -_-)
Panda, your Bishie break today, ROCKED, Kiba is so HOT!, lol
Comments (8) |
Thursday, January 27, 2005
My School is crap
Well, I am good, got a lot of stuff last night after going to Morrisons, got the KEANE Album, YAY, so I have been listening to that all last night, brilliant band, if you have not heard there music I really reccomend that you do :)
Other than that it wa s aquiet night, did my writing anda few Wallpapers, I am gonna do some more maybe later, if I have the time, which I should as I will have the afternoon off, so gives me a bit of freetime, lol.
Get this, I usually havea free period first lesson, but I leanred today that our heater packed in, yes, the school heating system is down -_-, not the first time I may add. But they want us all to assemble in the refectory first period, when I should still be at home -_-. WOuldn't be too bad but they only want to re-located us, the only years gonna be in the school at years 11,12 and 13. SO will be quiet to say the least.
Must run anyway, Iam rushed like hell thanks to that news, so I will talk to you later, I shall leave you with Chapter 3 of the story, I really hope you enjoy this one as much as the others, I am glad you are enjoying reading it *hugs*
Chapter 3 – Truth
He seemed to have drifted off, it was a dreamless sleep though, all he saw was light, bright, white light, as if he was been called, summoned away from what he had once known, but, also been torn away from that light, as it began to fade away, his eyes slowly began to twitch.
Richard opened his eyes slowly; he blinked several times, trying to get his vision back, letting it focus slightly. When he did, he saw his current situation, above him was a red corrugated roof, it looked as if it was a train roof, and as he looked around from his padded position, he was right, he seemed to be in what was left of an old train carriage. Attempting to get up, he found he still had some pain in him, but looking at himself, he found white bandages wrapped around him, had the Wolves done this?
After several minutes of getting up, he left the carriage by the only door on the right, outside it was now night, the stars in the sky blinked several times, and even though it was artificial, it was still beautiful, even the moon, in it’s ‘fake’ state shone down vivid rays of happiness, he was glad to be able to see them. Looking around it seemed he was in some kind of train yard, the trains old and decrepit, a fire nearby, burning bright in an old oil drum. He looked around his surroundings, and as he began to walk away from the carriage he heard a voice from behind, sat next to it, tuning around, he saw the White Wolf, Kiba, as it repeated what it had just said, “Good to see you are awake and well”, Richard looked at him for a second before moving over to him, stumbling slightly, his wounds still giving him great pain as he walked. Resting upon the carriage, he nodded, not looking to the wolf and then said, trying not to sound too upset about the situation,
“I am fine, thank you for your help, I never expected help from a wolf, everyone says you have been extinct for over 200 years” Richard tried not to sound too surprised as he said his words, from when he was in school, for a short time, he had been taught, by the teachers there that all the wolves had dies off, like a lot of the worlds nature around 200 years ago, so to see one here was quite a shock, but, he retained his excitement. Kiba gave a slight grunt to this, and responded to it, not looking to Richard either,
“Expect the unexpected, remember that” he began to walk away, Richard turned his head slightly, he understood what he had said, he killed two birds with one stone with that answer, but, Richard could not hold back his other one, which he let slip as Kiba began to walk past in front of him,
“What is with the ability to change form, can all Wolves do that?” Richard did not expect much of an answer to this, it seemed rather personal, but, sure enough, Kiba turned slightly so now he was looking at Richard, and said to him, a slightly aggravated tone in voice, this was obviously a sore topic,
“All Wolves can use this form, and even though I think it is filthy, it helps us fit into human civilization” he gave another slight grunt at the end of this, and then said to him, looking away again, the aggravated tone now gone, “So, Richard, What are you going to do now, Do you have a home?”, Richard let this thought ponder in his head for a moment, Home, now there was a novelty, he had not been there for a long time, too long in fact, but, having non, the streets were really his home. Having a brief sigh, he then says to Kiba, trying to hide his sadness,
“I have no family, they died along time ago, no home, I have nothing of which to call my own, I am a stray, wondering the streets, just getting by, I have nothing in which to live for” he looked down to the floor at this point, it was a harsh realization, he knew it all along, but talking about it always made him sad, he liked to believe he had some form of purpose, a meaning in his life, not just someone on the streets who walked around, from place to place, although, deep in his Heart, he did believe he had another purpose, just, he has not had the chance to unlock and use it yet. Richard looked back up to Kiba, and he seemed to be nodding in agreement, and said softly, not looking to Richard,
“I know how you feel, you and me are very alike Human, I have a special feeling about you, you have a strange Aura I have sensed before, but, I do not recognize it fully, I want you come with us” he turned his head as he said this last part, and then added as he did, “I usually cannot stand Humans ,and would happily kill many of them, but you, you are different” he stopped there, slurring off slightly as he said the last bit. Richard had no idea what to say to this, to be able to stay with the Wolves, it is not like he had anything better to do, and anyway, he had to pay a debt to Kiba, he had to return the favor of saving his life. So, to what Kiba just said, he nodded his head, solemnly, and then looked, seeing Kiba walk off into the yard, he would follow, but he thought it may be better to not, he seemed to be a very quiet person.
He seemed to stand there for a long time, looking into the fire as it spitted out the embers of the flame, landing on the floor, quickly extinguishing, he looked back to the sky occasionally, he felt that at least he may serve some other purpose other than that of been a wanderer, one who had nothing to do. He was standing here, leaning, contemplating this when he heard a noise behind him, a kind if shuffle. Suddenly a wolf jumped out in front of him, Richard first response was to duck, and cover himself, but he then heard a familiar voice, looking up, he heard the Wolf say to him, “Hey, its me, don’t worry”, Richard looked back up to see the Brown Lanky wolf walk towards him, the same one fro earlier. As it continued to walk towards him, sitting in front of him, he then continued to say, “My name is Toboe, Hi Richard” the Wolf seemed to smile as it said this, he seemed like a very happy wolf did this one, young as well, unaware of the hardships of the world, or perhaps too aware? Looking to him, he then saw as he looked to the side, and then back to Richard, continuing to say to him, “Well, looks like Kiba trusts you, if he trusts you, then I do too” he stopped for a second, cocking his head slightly, standing back up and moving to be sat right next to where Richard had sat himself down, and continued his sentence, “You must really be special, he really hates Humans, and usually would kill them, but he wants you to travel with us, you really have got his trust, and even though he doesn’t show it, he likes you” he Wolf rested his head on his shoulder as he said this, nuzzling him slightly, creating a weird kind of happiness inside him. Without change in his ‘stoic’ expression, or change of where he was focused at on the fire he then sad to Toboe,
“Were you listening to what we said?” he cocked his head slightly as he said this, not changing his fix of gaze, feeling Toboe move a little, and say to him, quickly, seemingly rushed,
“Yeah, I am sorry, I did…..” as Toboe as about to continue, Richard intersected, quite quickly with,
“It is ok, no need to be sorry, I am the stranger here, you are right to be cautious about me, after all, I am Human” he looked down at his feet as he said this last comment, he knew what Humans had done to the world, and how they had destroyed a lot of it, making it what it was today, Toboe seemed to feel his sadness, and moved his head slightly, licking the side of his face, saying to him,
“It is not ‘your’ fault though, you have no need to suffer unnecessarily, you are a special kind of human, you do not scream, or panic when seeing us, you reacted to us quite well, most want us dead “ Toboe got up after this comment and moved up into the carriage calling to him as he jumped up, “Well, you better rest, we are going to have rest for tomorrow” as Toboe said this he gave a slight yawn, Richard, understanding hoe he felt by giving a yawn of his won followed him into the old, corrugated Carriage.
Moving back over to the padded area of old cushions and such, he rested on them, feeling Toboe just rest behind him, curling up, his tail moving about slightly tickling the back of his legs. As he drifted off he thought about how lucky he actually was, he could have been dead, quite easily, but he had been saved by the most unlikely of animals, he had a small warmth inside them, for some reason, he no longer felt as alone as he did that morning, waking up, and letting the gentle city winds guide him, he felt that he had something now to perhaps live for, and if that is true, maybe he may have a purpose? This thought drifted through his head, he felt himself drift off into a gentle and calm sleep.
Comments (12) |
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Thank You
This is just a thank you post rreally, there are so many things I wanna say here,
Firstly, the story, I am really glad you are enjoying reading them as much as I write them, I will definetly complete this story, I really want to make it work. Panda, thank you for your encouragement, I will continue to work on it's originality
I have also made some more WallPapers, one of which is really beautiful, it has Hubb and Cher in there Final Moments, when it is up, please check it out, it is beuatiful, and it brings tears to my eyes to look at it.
Also, a SPECIAL thank you to Me Luv Kyu Kun, One of my greatest friends her on MyO, I am happy to help you anytime, and that goes for anyone else who is in need of someone to talk to who will not judge, I will listen, and try to help where I can, I hope I am able to help as much as I can, I don't like to see people suffer, it is the last thing I want.
Well, still on the search of fan conventions here, gottta look harder, if anyone finds anything, please tell me, I would really appreciate it.
(As a Special Note, I may only have Paint, but if anyone has Requests for Banners at the top of there page, or a WallPaper in a 'Wolf's Rain' Format, then please PM me and I will happily make you one :)
Thank you all again, you guys are the greatest *Hugs* *Howls*
(A Final Thank you to Sw33Tz, for help with coding, which I will be putting to good use soon enough, if anyone can give me the location to a site with 'Wolf's Rain' Songs on it, be appreciated, yet again)
[Must be growing tired of all of the 'Thank You', hehe ^_^;, kinda like the last episode of Evangelion]

(NOTE - Looks like my Wallpapers have been accepted, please take a look at them and tell me what you think, especilly my Hubb/Cher one, I am really proud of that one, it still makes me sad to think about them)
Comments (4) |
Middle Day
Well, my day yesterday did not improve much, although some plans we made for today are a bit ruined, we were all supposed to come here today (All my friends adns cuh) to play the PS2, but I remember we cannot duye to the fact we no longer have an up-stairs TV, so I am hoping my familiy will not be in so we can just sit and use the LivingRoom TV :), I can hope at least.
Other than that, nothing major happened yesterday, I came to a conclusion though, I want to go to a Cosplay Convention, the only problem is I know of non in the UK, does anyone now of nay at all?
Well, I will leave you with another part of my story, I hope you enjoy it
Chapter 2 – The White Wolf
Richard watched as the other wolf took a position just directly in front of him, they seemed to be having a stand off, where they fighting who would have the final bite of him? He didn’t really care if it was or not, all he wanted to do was get out of there, so with what energy he had, a look of intense agony on his face, he moved off to the corner, slowly crawling across the floor through all the pain, cowering when he got there, watching the action only through the slits in his blood stained fingers.
He saw them go at each other like angry dogs he had seen before fighting over food, they exchanged blows, scratching, Biting, clawing, the White Coat of the other wolf becoming slightly red, but not with his blood, he seemed to be able to avoid any kind of injury, it was the blood from him, that the other wolf had taken.
The battle seemed to last an eternity, as Richard sat there trying to forget he was there, and let his wounds just go away, but always he felt it sting, it hurt him so bad., and this could be seen on his face. He looked onwards, as eventually, he looked as he saw the darker wolf run off, it looked as if it had been injured badly as it began to limp away as fast as he could, meanwhile, the other Wolf, the White one now with slight red patches stood there, looking victorious.
Richard just sat there in awe of this White Wolf, but, realizing his wounds were still there, he clutched them, trying to stop them bleeding, but failing, miserably, He hoped the other wolf would not see him there, sitting, bleeding, but he was hoping too much, he knew that could not happen, as the wolf then looked to him, staring straight at him, Richard looked away, he did not wish to aggravated the wolf, but he thought it was already too late, he would take him now as part of his prize.
He continued to look to the sides and down, trying not to concentrate on what he expected to come next, a swift and painless death he hoped would be his end, but, as he heard the paw steps stop, nothing, only the wind in the yard blowing his hear slightly. Where was his death, where was the pain that would come from the Wolf?
He looked up to hope that maybe the wolf had left, but, indeed it had not, quite the opposite, it was standing straight in front of him, just staring at him, it seemed to be ascertain something, but he could not make any sense of it. Richard looked away slightly, as he raised his arm slightly, seeing the wolf move forward, he would have expected another bite into it, not that it would make much difference, his arm was a mess already, and another bite into would make no difference to his suffering. Instead though, he felt something entirely different, he felt moisture, and as he looked up, he could see as the White Wolf was actually licking his wounds, as if he was trying to re-assure him. Richard looked back up again to look at the Wolf, Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">moving his arm slightly, he felt warmth go through him which filled every part of his body, was this Wolf, peaceful?
As he lowered his arm, he looked deep into the Wolfs eyes, and saw no malice in them, no snarling, no bore teeth, just a Wolf standing there, looking at him back. He raised his right arm slightly, Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">moving it tentatively towards the wolf, it did not react as he slowly moved it towards it muzzle, touching it slight on the right side, he moved away again, tentatively, but, the wolf did nothing but in fact moved forward, which he followed suite with again, Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">moving his arm, stroking the side of the muzzle gently with this blood stained hands, it seemed to smile as he did this, and it moved further forward to him, and for some reason, through all his pain and his fear which he still had, he threw his arms around It, holding it close, it’s fur becoming red where he held it over wounds. He felt himself begin to cry, but the wolf did nothing, but indeed just stood there, like it was trying to tell him it was ok.
It was at this point he heard it’s voice, he was slightly taken back by this, a talking Wolf, but he listened, just glad he was still alive, and it said to him, softly, over his shoulder, “You do not need to be afraid, you are ok now” Richard let go slightly and it moved to be in front of him again, Richard was about to open his mouth to ask the question of how he could talk, but, the wolf beat him to the punch, and continued to say in the same tone of voice, “I know, you didn’t expect this, yes, I can talk, and to why I saved you, another question you likely have, I did it because you were defenseless, and I cannot stand the strong who chose to fight the weak” of course, the wolf hid something, he felt something from this child from the moment he placed his eyes on him, but he was not sure.
Richard was about to thank the wolf for his assistance, but, before he got the chance another set of thuds were heard at the opposite ends of the courtyard, as both of them looked over to where the sound was, fear spread over him again, as he moved and hid behind the White Wolf, shivering, shaking uncontrollably in fear, holding onto the wolf slightly, the wolf did not seem to mind, but turned to him and said, “They are my friends, they won’t hurt you”, he watched as they moved forward, and as the 4 talked, one was a Grey, with a scar on his chest, another was large and Brown with a collar around his neck, the last one Lanky and Brown, with what seemed like a bracelet on his front right leg.
They seemed to be talking about something, Richard could not hear them, but it would seem that this White one was some kind of leader of this ‘pack. As he sat there, behind the white one, using it as some kind of shield, he felt a nudge at his side, looking to it he saw the Brown, Lanky one, the one with the bracelet. It seemed to be trying to get his attention, turning his head he looked to it tentatively, he looked at it briefly before looking away, a voice came from the Wolf, saying to him gently, “You look bad, you had a quite a beating, I am sorry” as the wolf said this, it moved up closer to him and it rested on his side, he felt the warmth in it’s fur as it rested it’s head on his lap, and Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">moving his hand gently, he stroked it, slowly at first, only in short burst, but, he slowly became more confident, it seemed that they wanted no malice upon him, he felt slightly happier, but, he suddenly remembered his wounds, he reached and touch ed it to see it was still bleeding, not as much as it was, but, indeed it still had blood coming from it, creating a large dwell of fear within, he was still at risk.
The White one turned, looked him in the face, and then said to him, “What’s you name?” he cocked his head slightly, looking to his wounds while Richard struggled, and gave the answer, as well as he could, feeling his body begin to fail on him, energy been sapped from every part to keep him alive,
“Ri, Richard” he gave a hefty cough after this, leaning forward, specks of blood on his hand, he looked at this, his eyes widening, he wasn’t going to last much longer, but at least he would rest in Peace. The White wolf, looking at him as he coughed then said to him, softly,
“I am Kiba, we shall take you somewhere to heal your wounds” as he said this, he began to change, suddenly, in front of him was a Human, Blue Jeans and White T-Shirt, the others also did the same, having all there own distinctive looks, Richard looked at them with amazement, what were they?
Kiba moved to his side to help him up, placing his head under his arm, the other one who had his head on his lap picked up his other side, dressed in a red shirt and Brown Cargo’s. The pain drifted on through his body as he was picked up, he felt every Neuron flicker and reacted, the pain been so much as to make him call out slightly as he did, the Wolves, now Humans reacted in trying to pick him up more slowly.
Once off the floor, they looked to him, and Kiba said to him, quietly, “Ready?”, Richard replied with a simple nod as he felt himself been dragged along slightly, he found it hard to keep his footing on such an uneven path, but, with his current strength, it did not matter anyway, he felt himself begin to drift off, the energy leaving him nearly totally now, the last scene he saw was Kiba’s face, looking ahead, his hair Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">Moving">moving in the wind, taking him someplace.
Well, must run, talk later, thanks for reading, also, glad so many of you like the TOp Welcomeing Banner, that means alot to me
(On an additional note, my wallpapers have been accepted, if you would like to see them, they are in the WOLF's RAIN section, I hope you like them)
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Thank you to all who have commented on my Story, I am glad you are liking it, those who have no idea what I mean, look downwards, that is the story I am working on at the moment, a Wolf's Rain Alternate Universe Fan Fic
Well, I finally decided I would try to use Paint to it's full potential, I have submitted 3 Wallpapers, that I made in paint, hopefully they will be accepted, I hope anyway, I really do.
Also, I made the Welcoming banner at the top, what do you think ,is it ok?
(Also, does anyone have the coding so to put Music on your site?)
Comments (5) |
Well, good morning, Looks like I am here on my own today, well, until my mum decides to come downstairs, lol, but that may take a while :)
Not much did happen last night, although I did get alot of writing done. I started another WOlf's Rain fan fic, the first one didn't feel right for me, this second one feels alot better though, I think I prefer it alot more to the one I was writing, got alot more effort into it :)
I will leave you with that at the moment, and I will talk to you all later, c ya
Chapter 1 – Encounter
It was a normal day in Freeze City, the sun shone down from the artificially made sky, inside the dome, outside, the freezing wastelands for as far as the eye can see, nothing but death and withering nature, long since destroyed, and people forced to live inside these cities, waiting, for the end to come, and it could be sensed, by all, that it wasn’t far.
Richard looked around, the steam raised from beneath the floor, the steam from the lower industrial areas under the city, looking around, the decrepit buildings, only just still standing still, from decades of ill-maintenance. A bag over his shoulder, containing most of what he held dear, he was like nay of the young who lived in the city, they were forced to live a hard life, his family long since dead, he wandered the city trying to make what ever kind of living he could, using government housing to stay in, it wasn’t much, but at least he survived, but, for what the world was turning into, it was not a lot.
Turning around the corner leading onto Franklin Street, he walked down it again, he had no specific destination in mind, he was just wandering the streets like he did most days, he did not really care where he ended up, after living on the streets for so long it is a thing you get used to, you go wherever the wind guides you, you follow your hearts resolve. It was half way down this street he heard a noise behind him, slowly; he turned around to see what had created the loud ‘Thud’. The street was empty, but, in front of him as he looked slightly down was a large animal, whispering to himself, Richard said, “Is that a Dog, no, it’s too large, it, couldn’t possibly be” the thought going through his head were quite frantic, but organized, was it a Wolf!? There were extinct though, how could one be standing in front of him, it couldn’t be possible, could it?
Before he was able to think anymore on this, he suddenly found that the large, Brown animal pounced, landing straight on top of him, Richard let go of his bag and let it hit the floor as he raised his arm to try ad block the creature, of course this was useless, his arm was not made to withstand attacks, but, he did deflect it before it had a chance to strike. He felt a cold chill run through his back as he threw it back slightly, still snarling at him, he was scared, really scared, but, he was able to somehow summon power within his legs to get up and run, down a near-by alley. He could hear the animal running behind him, trying to catch up, in fact, it didn’t even have to try, it was playing, it could catch him at any time, and Richard knew this, making him even more scared.
Exiting out into a small courtyard, the remains of old fountain in the middle, broken, and destroyed, looking as if it had not been used in a long time, a thick green moss covering it. This was where it finally made it’s move, as he was about to run past the fountain, he felt himself been thrown to the floor, he could not see it but he knew exactly what had forced him to the floor, he felt a deep tear in his back, he could feel his heart beat n his back, screaming out in agony as it did, a chill falling over it, and feeling a liquid run across it. He was able to turn around, the animal still unmoving, and as he tried to defend his face as it came in for another attack, the blood shining on it’s teeth where it had bitten into his back, it bit straight into his arm with no hesitation, he called again in pain as he saw the teeth sink deep into his arm, the blood pouring out, dampening him and his clothes in a crimson shade, a darker shade of red.
It was at this point the thought crossed his mind, he was going to die here, of course, living in the city and the way he did, he expected he would not live to be beyond the age of 20, but still, to die like this, he did not expect this at all, perhaps it was Karma that he would die in this fashion, a punishment on him for been Human, having killed the world and the species that once inhabited it, it was destiny that he should be killed by what his race had been killing, and although this brought no comfort to him, it brought a kind of closure, something so he would not die empty.
The animal did not stop, it pulled and threw at him, trying to get him arm to move, he could feel his skin on the arm be torn away as it bit to the bone, the pain was so much, he was calling out in desperate agony now, for what he did not know, as no one would hear it, and if they did, they would not do anything to help, the nature of people who lived in this City, you took care of Number 1, no one else. The animal backed off slightly, Richard had to move his arm in order to stop himself from been in total pain, but as he did, the animal came straight back in and he was too slow to use what was left of his tattered left arm and it reached and bit straight into his left shoulder. He sat up slightly as it bit in, its sharp teeth reaching deep into his skin, he could feel it every inch, calling out now in extreme agony, just wanting it to end, he wanted to fade away, why was it him? Why did he have to walk down that street? He could have gone straight forward, was it his destiny? He just wanted to die at this point, he was in a total state of fear as he began to feel the taste of metal in his mouth, and blood began to drip from the side, the end was near for him, his vision began to blur slightly, the pain was dampening all his senses, he could no longer fee, hear, see properly, he was slipping.
His eyes became heavy as the animal moved away from him, leaving a deep wound in his shoulder, he looked to it, touching it slightly with his right hand, the blood covering it almost immediately, it was indeed deep, and as he looked to the animal, all he could see was it snarling back at him, its muzzle covered in red, his blood, it licked it’s lips, and began to move at him again, this was it.
It was at this point he then saw a white blur pass in front of him, from over his head, was this an angel to take him away? No, it wasn’t, in fact, whatever it was jumped and collided with the other animal, creating a large thud. His vision began to focus slightly as he looked upon whatever it was, was that, a White Wolf?
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Well, my fingers are no longer numb, so I can make a proper up-date, YAY
Well, not much to actually say, we did not do much school today, just played some pool, as my Pshychology teacher is not in today or tommorow, so I have got some free periods to plan for.
I have been recently writing a 'Wolf's Rain' Fan Fic, now I know I have not seen the series, but from what I have read, and using a 'Poetic Licence' I am trying to do what I can, if you want, once I have some more done, I willl post a few chapters here. I know it may not be true to the stroy, but I have manipulated it to be different in such a way.
Well, all I have to say really, so I will see you all later
(Also, is everyone able to see my BG ok, as when I use Mozilla I am unable to see my BG -_-)
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