Chocobo Gene
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New Year
AS it says in the title, and I hope you all have a good one ^^
Well, I am back, sorry about yesterdya, basically I was running around like mad man yesterday, all around Bradford, so hardly anytime for anything last noght ^^
GOt 2 new games though, got YGO - Duelists Of THe Roses, Sided with Seto of the Yorkists ^^, Kaiba is a Yorkshire man, can't be bad ^^
Also got an oldie called Tachyon, but, I am still working on that one, yet to get it installed, lol, but when I do, I will play it
Well, other than that I am gonna have a good day, once I get my PS2 pad back. I am going to be working on that for some of the day. My sister and her BF are going out, so that means we get a quiet house, and I intend to take advantage of the siutuation, not often it haqppens, and I want to make sure it is used effectivly.
I have to go now anyway, gotta quickly help with the dinner, so have a good one
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Friday, December 31, 2004
Quick Post
This is a Quick Post, I have bad a busy day, and it is only getting busier, I will talk tommorow
Happy New Year to you all, and have a good one ^^
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Well, that will teach me for sleeping out at Adams when Lee is there, did not get to sleep until 5AM in the morning, and I have just gotten up at 11AM.
Well, I am gonna be tired today, but I will not let it himder my writing abilities, so, I will keep on writing, So, there we go.
Well, went out yesterday with Lucy and Michael, ha an intresting time in town, met some of there other friends, media students from the Colege, they were making a Music Video, it was intresting, was ontop of a car park for like 20 minutes in the cold winds, lol.
Went up to Michaels after that and just hamged around up there, found out alot about his FUrry art, and some of his Characters, Astral and Myth, they are really cool, if I get his permission I will see if I can show you some of his art, he is really good ^^
Well, must run, so talk to you all alter.
And a universal apology here, I am sorry I have not been making it around peoples sites, and I apologise for that, I will start to try and get round them more ^^
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Well, gotta be up early this morning,h ad tyo make sure I was up, will be going out, so, must be ready. Me Lucy and Michael, so should be intresting to say the lerast, must ring her soon to confirm whjat we are doing.
Well, not much happened yesterday, layed my new games, they are really good, and I am enjoying them to say the least, better than sitting around and been bored. ALso watched 'The Last Samurai', and it is as good as I remembered, really powerful, and especilly at the end, beautiful, I am glad I got it, and my dad could also see why I wanted it ^^
Must run anyway, have a good day, and see ya all later
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Shopping ^^
Well, been out spoending the vouchers and money today, and I have to say, we did quite well ^^,
We got a few things, parents got a couple of DVD's, and a calender and Diary, where I got a game for PS2, called 'Second Sight', and also, a game I have been wanting to get for PC for a while, Cvilisation 3 ^^, it is a good game, I really enjoy it, and I am a great fan of the series, and to be able to play thone has brought me much jiy, been playing it already as the Japanese, lol, we are the richest nation ^^.
Well, other thant, also got a DVD I have been looking for, the last Samurai, we will be watching that later today, it has to be my favourite film of all time, so well ade, and even thoigh you think you know the stroy, the way it is told really does surpriese you ^^
Well, thats all from me, having a good day, I hope the rest of you also havea good day, and see ya all later ^^
(Also for anyone intrested, this is the second part of my story, I hope you are enjoying it, I have completed the first one already, and I am working on a second part, maybe I will get it published as a short story trilogy?)
Chapter 2 – Lupine Revealed
Darkness seemed to fill the environment, fragmented images rampaged through his head, random images of been crowded around, and pain, he could not remember at all, but, he could feel himself becoming heavier, and then, a small crack of light began to appear, as he opened his eyes and let the light from around fill his eyes.
A dull ring was in his ears, he slowly felt himself coming to, and let his eyes focus. He blinked several time to try and get an image of his environment around him, the ring dissipated and he began to sharpen his eyes, and saw what was around him. The first thing he saw was the roof of what appeared to be some kind of shack, appearing to be canvas, made of cloth, plain and white, there were some rafters as well, wooden, there to hold it up he guessed. He suddenly realized he was lying in some kind of bed, as he looked forward to see that there was some kind of cover over him, designed elaborately in a kind of dark colored diamond pattern, tessellating and symmetrical, he looked at it with some confusion and then began to wonder how he actually got there, the fragmented images had now totally gone, and he could not remember anything, he tried to but all he remembered was sitting in a heap, looking pretty pathetic on the floor of a clearing, and some ‘creature’ was present. It was at this point he remembered his wound, he suddenly looked back to his covers and lifted them off him, and looked to actually see that the wound seemed to had been bandaged with clean, white bandages, been tied from the shoulder and his entire lower torso, he could feel the wound was still there as he tried to get up, but all he did was let out a small call of pain and then laid back down in the bed. He laid there and there, looking to his side, he saw some kind of table and dresser, obviously someone or thing seemed to live here, it was apparent, but, he did not see how some of the items were of use, he did not recognize many, random instruments, and candle holders sat on the dresser, as well as a mirror over the top of it. Suddenly from outside he heard movement, and as he looked towards the door, or what you could call the door of the canvas tent, a ‘Lupine’ kind creature walked in.
Richard could not make out if it was the same one he had met in the forest, he still had a hazy memory, and all but fragments could be remembered. He looked towards the Lupine as it walked towards him, it looked the same as the one he remembered, but he could not remember, he put his hand on his head as the Lupine looked at him, and lent downwards from it’s height, and made it’s self just about level with the bed, Richard looked at it, but then looked away, he was still scared, he did not know if it was only toying with him, or what its real purpose for him was, but he looked away non the less, trying not to let it see him incase it had a mall meaning. He suddenly felt a warmth where the wound was, and looked, the Lupine had actually taking the dressing away from the area, and inspected the wound, wrapping it back up again quickly, Richard tried to sit up, but the Lupine sensed he was trying and then put it’s paw on his bare chest, pushing him gently back down to the bed, he did not understand, what was happening, he did not know what to say, but suddenly, without even realizing what he said, he spurted out “Please, don’t kill me” he looked away again, shaking with fear he thought it would then try and finish him off quick, but instead something quite different happened, in fact it stood up and then sat on the edge of the bed, it’s tale resting on his feet, he could feel it wagging about, it gave him a strange feeling, he did not know what to think, he then felt its paw touch his chest, he turned to see what it was doing, and looked at it’s face, he then was shocked to what he saw next, he did not see the bearing of teeth, or the claws ready to strike, but in fact he saw what appeared to be a smile, and a kind look in the Lupine’s eyes, he then looked at it, and looked at it’s paw on his chest, he then heard a gentle voice, slightly course, but, sounding female saying to him
“I wish you no harm, you are the bravest human I have ever seen” he then looked back to the Lupine slowly, shock passed along his face, he could not believe it, it talked, he suddenly had a mind full of thoughts, everything he knew had just been destroyed, sure, a walking wolf was slightly comprehensible, but a talking one, he had too much to handle, but, before he could say anything to the Lupine, she said to him again, back in her calm voice, looking closer at him “I know you must be thinking of a million questions, I can understand, but I will try to explain to you” the Lupine stopped and then put her other paw on his chin, turning his head gently to look at her, he had fear again in his eyes, he had no idea what would happen now, but, she began to speak, clearly and concisely “My name is Lorna, I am a member of the Lupine/Human race, we are able to change our form occasionally from Lupine to human, but only on the full moon of a month, we may then walk as a human among others, so we are not suspected of anything” she stopped to take a breath and then continued “We live here in this forest, away from man, as from experience they like to try and hunt us, it took a lot of persuading with the Village Chief to even allow me to let you enter this Village and allow me to treat you for your wound” she reached down with her paw on his chest to his wound, touching he bandages and then resting them on the mattress next to his lower torso “I have seen so few risk themselves selflessly for an other, unfortunately that bear caught me in my human form, and I was powerless, it may have well killed me, that was, until you turned up” she then paused, and Richard’ eyes widened, and then said suddenly
“I understand, so you were that girl I saw last night, in that clearing” he then fell quiet, and allowed Lorna to continue her story, she readjusted her posture before continuing
“Yes, but, it was actually 3 nights ago, you have been out quite a while, your wound was quite serious, we did not want to risk you waking too early, but I want to thank you for your assistance, I owe you my life” she then stopped, and moved closer to him, Richard said to her, after a few seconds of a silence
“I think that debt has been repaid though, you saved me from that bear again, but, why did you try to kill me back in the forest, you looked like you were ready to kill” Richard then stopped, it appeared his memory of events was not as bad as he first thought, and he could begin to remember what happened, he remembered distracting the bear, and then running, it was all coming back to him slowly, in sections, Lorna then looked slightly away, rubbing her back with one of her paws, saying then, with a disgruntled tone.
“Yes, erm, I am sorry about that, I had no idea it was you until I saw you up-close, I would have known straight away but in my human form I could not smell you, so I had to go from recognition” She then paused and looked away as she said her next part “You have to understand, we have been taught that all humans want us dead, and so, I would have killed you, if I had not realized who you were, after that, I could not bring myself to it, and when I smelled the blood on your hands, I could not kill a creature that was wounded and powerless to me” she then returned to a smile, although slightly uneasy now, Richard looked to her, after hearing all this, it had all come to shape in his mind now, he understood her story, but said to her
“I understand, I am glad you recognized me, you must excuse me, I am still trying to get used to this, It is not everyday you encounter a walking, talking Lupine called Lorna, but thank you for saving me and patching me up” he smiled and then again tried to get up, Lorna still pushing him back, saying to him as she did
“Please, you need to rest, you will only injure yourself, and please, it is ok, you saved mine, and I saved yours, I am glad that you at least understand me” she then moved from her position and put her arms around him, and whispered to him “You are a brave man indeed, you have the spirit of the Lupine burning bright inside your soul” she then released him and walked towards the door, leaving him there, lying and looking to the roof of the tent, looking over to Lorna as she left the room she said one final thing to Richard “Please, promise me you shall rest” she looked to him concerned, and gave a concise tone as she said her words, Richard simply nodded, and she understood this as recognition, pushing the cloth away and exciting the tent.
Richard was now left inside, so many thoughts wondered through his head as he tried to piece everything together, he still had the feeling he was not safe at all here, and thought it would be best if he tried to leave as soon as he could, but for now he would do as Lorna asked, he got the general feeling from her that she wished him no malice at all, and in fact cared for him in some sense, a kind of ancient Lupine bond had been made, he had been accepted by her as an equal, this brought him some comfort, but instead of allowing these thoughts to just swell up inside him, and make him explode, he rested his head on the pillow and then drifted off to sleep, hearing bustling from outside the tent, they were not along here.
THere is Chapter 2, will post Chapter 3 soon
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Monday, December 27, 2004
I swear I am going to tape an alarm clock to my head, I keep getting up later, and I didn't even go to bed late, it is starting to get really annoying, so thats a plan for the next sleep, lol
Well, spent most of yesterday writting the story, I noticed as I have been writting it, I have excplored aspects of civilisation in it, lol, it is so weird, but, it is something I am enjoying writting, currently at Chapter 11, so I will postChapter 2 later today, hope you enjoyed the first one ^^
Well, we go shopping tommorow with all the money and vouchers we have, and 2 things are on my list. Yu-Gi-Oh the movie, and also 'The Last Samurai' I shall not leave without that film tommorow, it is one I have beeen trying to find for ages, it is so good ^^
Well, must run, so much to do, chow ^^
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Sunday, December 26, 2004
Story, Chapter 1
Ok, I have decided I will post my story, it is Furry related and the working title is 'A Furry Tail', but like I say it is working.
I hope you enjoy it, I am currecently on Chapter 9, and so, I will post them every so often, it is a short story, and I don't plan for it to go on for a long time
Well here you go, enjoy ^^
Chapter 1 – A Fated Encounter
The moon shone down on the canopies of the forest below, random beams of light could be seen peaking through the tops and creating pockets of light on the floor, showing the floor for its true substance, flora from the undergrowth, and moss growing from the remains of trees long since fallen. Through the trees, a shadow could be seen moving, it had no shape, it moved instantly and recognition was not to be known, it barely touched the ground, and it sneaked in the forest, lurking, looking and spying on the life which grew in it, suddenly it was startled though, by the sound of something it had learned long ago not to trust, A human.
The human walked through the path that had been made by various other travelers before him, the dusty track with roots of trees covering and outcropping, creating precious areas of flat land of which to find a footing, his shoes found there way through these soon, he looked above him, to the light shining through the roof of the forest, he looked to the sky, and could be heard then saying “Such serenity” he looked forward again, and then around, he stood silent for a moment, taking in the scenery all around him, he had known this forest for only a few days, but already, he found it was one of the most calm and beautiful places he could ever find, it had a feeling, an aura of something he could not tell. His name was Richard Rover, he had only recently come here, a student from another country still unaware of a lot of the United States, and learning what this place was about, he wanted to learn about it, but found getting back to nature like this was more to him than anything.
Richard looked towards the path ahead of him, and then sighed; walking forward yet again, deeper into the forest of what he had called ‘The Forest of Drake”, he continued forwards, breaches snapping underfoot until suddenly he heard, in the near distance a loud roar, his first reaction to this was to run and turn away, but his curiosity got the better of him, and he had his way towards where he heard the roar, his ears been his eyes. As he got closer the grunting got louder, and he could hear, whatever it was moving, and it seemed to be moving in the same area. He approached the area, and looked, it was in a clearing, and light was pouring into it, he saw a bear, large and brown, it seemed to be circling a young girl, she appeared to be young, around the same age as Richard, short, brown hair. Richard looked to her, even though he well knew the danger of a bear he could not stand by and watch as it tear her apart. Without even thinking on what to do, he picked up the nearest heavy object, which happened to be right next to an old, mossy tree stump, a large rock, which appeared to be just as old as the stump of which it rested. He quickly then looked towards the bear, and shouted out to the girl, “DUCK!”, to this he then threw the rock, it hitting on target to the bears lower leg, it looked towards him, and let out a loud roar. Richard then looked towards the girl again as the bar turned it’s attention to him “Get out of here, I will take care of the bear” he smiled and then turned tail, and looked around, he decided it would be best to try and outrun the bear in the undergrowth of the forest, and made his way through the forest.
Richard continued to run through the various vines that hung down from the trees, and past the broken stumps, rocks, outcroppings, and various other dangers which this uncharted. As he ran through all this foliage he though to himself ‘Why did I do this?’ and ‘Am I mad?’, but as he did this, he occasionally looked back to see the bear still catching up with him, no matter how fast he ran, or what ever moldy branch he snapped to hope to try and stop it, the bear continued forward like a towering beast, not relenting for a minute. As he looked back once more to see it approaching upon him, he continued to run, but unknowing to him a surprise lay in await, as he turned back, he ran directly into the outcropping of a higher rock face, banging into it, sending him into a small ravine, but also a dead end, he looked towards the end as it slowly seemed to just turn to a U-end, he ran there, but as he approached the end the bear must have found some kind of shortcut, as it leaped from the trees like a lion pouncing on it’s pray. It landed on him, and took a swipe, hitting his lower torso, creating a gash in his blue shirt, and turning the lower section to a deep crimson red, the wound gashing from the hit, Richard screamed out in agony as he put his right arm over the wound, looking at the redness of his hand, he attempted to hold the wound, so it would not bleed, and crawl away, making his way towards the dead-end.
He struggled to stand up, using the rocks and branches dangling from trees above him to help him stagger to his feet, he contemplated the usage of maybe climbing one of these roots, but knew in his current state that it would only be a futile endeavor, making his suffering even more prolonged and futile. He looked forward, turning slowly to see the bear ahead of him, he decided to just sit on the floor and look the beast in it’s eyes, the fury could be seen burning inside them, it was ready to strike, Richard took a few moments to just think how he got into this predicament, and then shook his head and said to himself, under his breath “It was worth a life” he then sat there, and watched the bear slowly approach, the blood still glistening on it’s claws.
Suddenly from above him, dust fell from above, and then ahead, a large thud could be heard, Richard looked forward to see a large, shaggy object, that looked liked a furry human stood in front of him, in the night he could only make out some features of whatever this ‘Lupine’ type creature was, it was grey fur, looked rather well looked after, and glistened in the moonlight from above, which could be seen through the roofs of the trees. Richard had no idea what to think at this point, he was suddenly overcome with a sense of fear and anxiety, would he be killed by this Lupine as well?, would it team up with the bear?, but also at the same time he sensed some hope, that maybe he may survive it, the vulpine would drive it away and leave him alone, he hoped. The Lupine did not even hesitate, after it had recovered it’s position it sprang forward, and jumped on top of the bear, digging it’s claws into it’s back, the blood spilling and staining the floor, gushing out and making the moon seem like it was turning another shade, a shade of deep crimson, but, the Lupine continued to attack, until, after several hits to the bear, it began to flee, the Vulpine unhooked from the back of the bear as it ran, wounded into the forest, its cries could be heard in the distance as it got further and further away.
Richard had just sat there in amazement as he bear began to retreat, he could not believe it, a warmth filled him, he had been saved by a total unknown creature to him, a large Lupine, he felt a strange happiness, he had done something to save a life, and also had his own saved, this feeling soon dissipated thought as the Lupine, who had been stretching then turned it’s attention to him, this was the first look of it’s face he had seen, it had a large muzzle, and the teeth glistened red, like the claws of the Lupine, it stared straight at him and snarled, Richard suddenly began to feel less hopeful, and began to fear, a coldness swept over him and he began to feel cold, a shiver of fear shocked his body as he sat there, the Lupine slowly moving towards him, its paws making a gentle sound as they walked over the dirt that covered the clearing. It had come as close as to now tower over him, he dared not look up straight at it, but he could hear from where he sat that it was still snarling, and that it was looking straight at him, he clenched his wound in an attempt to try and think this was only a dream, but the pain only made him winch, he began to breath heavily, and saw as he looked slightly upwards the right hand, or paw, or whatever of the Lupine begin to raise, he looked downwards as he closed his eyes shut and thought to himself ‘I am going to die’ and ‘This is it’.
Several seconds passed and then suddenly, nothing, only the wind in the air, Richard paused for a few seconds and then opened his eyes, slowly, after he had done this he allowed a few seconds for his sight to focus, and slowly, looked upwards. At this point as he looked, the Lupine creature was now actually bobbed down, and as Richard looked upwards he came in straight eye-to-eye contact, he saw the deep brown colour of it’s iris, and the large muzzle, he looked back down quickly, he had no wish to aggravate it, at that point however he realized he still had his wound and he could see blood trickling from his fingers, he clenched his wound harder attempting to stop the bleeding. Richard then suddenly felt the paw of the creature touch his hand that was holding the wound, he looked slightly at the Lupine, only looking at it through the corner of his eye, but he saw as it looked at his wound. The Lupine slowly moved his hand and looked at the wound, it seemed to be trying to inspect the wound, and see what had happened. Suddenly it then looked at him, and then it appeared to have a change of expression, it’s teeth were no longer bore and the snarl that it had worn seemed to disappear to a more ‘stoic’ expression, it was at this point Richard felt something, he had no idea what it was, but, he knew whatever was going to happen next, he felt that at least he had built some kind of repour with this creature, and did not fight it as it put its paw on his wound and pressed, he called out in pain but then felt the other paw touch his shoulder, he looked to it and it seemed to be smiling.
Richard suddenly began to feel lightheaded, this had all been too much for him, physically and visually, as it was not everyday you would encounter this kind of creature, in fact it was more like never, but, as he began to lose all vision he felt himself been picked up and then a kind of ‘flying’ sensation as the woods began to blur around him, he felt as if he was been carried, towards where he did not know, but he thought ‘What is going on?’ and then, blacked out
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Boxing Day Morning
Well, here we are, day after Christmas, I have to say it wasn't too bad, and I did enjoy the night.
My dad put his CSI DVD's on that he got for Christmas, it is quite amazing that show, really good, and the way things are done in it are really quite well thought out, I wonder if that is really how they do it? But I can see why they are America's finest.
Last night I actually got round to qriting a sotry, I don't know how many would be intresteed in prephaps giving it a read, or at least the first cvhapter, I have already done 6 pagesd of it, it is a 'Furry' baseds tale, I know some people will think I am a weirdo for it, but, It is a recurring dream I keep having, anf if I writie it down, maybe I couold do something good with it?
Well, I must run, I have to go up to the shop, I am late riser, lol, so talk to you later ^^
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Stuffed as a Turkey
Well, today has been good, to say it was actually pretty ordinary.
I would like to thank everyone who has wished everyone a happy Christmas, the only time of the year where everyone is nice to everyone, I wish it would be more like this where I am everyday
Wel, had dinner, and that was good, and just really hanged about on the net, a normal day reallly, wqhich is a real shame, my friend Adam is not well, I hope he gets well soon

THis is the view from my back window, that is ours, and next doors garden, as you can see, we had a bit of a whilte Christmas


And those were just some more random from the day, have a good one ^^
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Happy Christmas
Merry Christmas to all, and I hope you are having a good one, mine has been normalistic at the moment woke up anmd opened a couple of presents I had, got a Toblerone ^^, the rest are voucers for WHSmiths, so after Christmas we must go there and spend them ^^
I hope everyone elses has been good, and I hope they enjoy it and get what they want ^^, good dsinners will all be on the way
I went to a Christmas party last night, and I met a person who I never thought I would, a Furry artist, it was so cool, I love Furry art and to meet someone who draws it ^^, all in all the party was cool, Lucy, me, Michael and Owen, lol, too bad it will be a long time before all four of us will be together again :(
Well, gotta run, the dinner calls, talk to you all later
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