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myOtaku.com: Chocobo Gene

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Got back, with presents
Has anyone noticed that MyO now has pop-ups, or is it just my crap comp, can someone answer this please?

Well, onto other things, I may be getting a new comp at chriustmas, and this piece 'o' junk can finally go bye-bye ^^, lolm be nice to have a new one

I am back from my bros now, and kicking, I went to some friends hoise when I came back, and we played BlackJack for a while, I lost of course XD, but, it was fun at least, I will be goiung back up there later

I got 2 new games today, curtosy of my bro, both for PS2, one is GhostHunter and THe Sims - Breakin' Out, so I am going to have fun playing them later, be cool, I have always liked the Sims games ^^

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