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myOtaku.com: Chocobo Gene

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Morning, 3 day weekend ahead
Well, We have Monday off this week ^^, this is gnna be fun, at least I can catch up with my sleep which is good, and believe me, I am gonna use em, lol

I was going to go bowling today, as I told you all yesterday, but it seems that that plan is going to have to go on hold, iddn't get the money I expected I would :(, John is gonna kill me, but saying that, I did warm them this could happen, it is a real shame, I was looking forward to that

Well, I don't hat to do really now, prolly stay in all day, and look at the screen, lol, I found this quiz on Azu Gurls site, and I thought it would be fun

4)Hair color:
5)Eye color:
7)Fav color:
8)Fav anime:
9)Fav character in that anime:
10)When did we become friends?
11)Do u still want to be my friend?
12)What do u like & hate about me?
13)R u happy being my friend?

I hope you all havea good day, and see you later

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