Chocobo Knight
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Monday, September 19, 2005
New Clips!
Sorry I couldn't visit much people yesterday, but I just had to complete LOTR: The Third Age. I did do just that last night. Although the last fight was kinda silly. I had to fight Sauron's Eye... -_-'
CuteKilala didn't watch Advent Children with me because it's in Japanese! DANG IT! Her stubbornness know no bounds... It's so lonely being the only one who watched it. Mum would watch it with me but I know I'll get asked questions on what's going on and who people are. That's the draw back when watching it with people who know nothing about FF7. Only CuteKilala knows the story apart from me...
Well at least Cutekilala will watch it when it comes out in English. I guess she thinks she'll like it better in English. Oh well, she's going to have to wait a LOOOOONG time before that happens . I haven't heard that it will come to Europe...
Now for the clips.
EDIT: I apoligize for the lack of quality the videos have. Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with the site that's hosting them. They were in perfect quality when I first uploaded them. I'll try and fix it...

In this scene, the Turks appear to fight that monster Kadaj summoned. There's a little slapstick humour here. ^^
As for the clip I posted in my last post, I redone that. I have subtitles in it now. Plus I extended it. You can all look at it if you want.

Now for one final one for today. Everyone knows what happens in the end of a battle in FF7, right? ^^

Now for a screenshot.
Well, well. What do we have here? It's Materia! Yup, it made it in the film too. This may sound strange, but I know what they feel like! I heard them bang together when they were picked up. They made the same noise marbles make. Therefore, they must feel like marbles. ^^

Okay. That's all for today. ^^
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
First of all, I want to apologize for not visiting anyone yesterday. I was distracted. Mum got me Lord of the Rings: The Third Age yesterday. I was on it constantly. I tried to visit people before I went to sleep last night. But Mum and CuteKilala were watching "Lost" AGAIN! D'OH!
I watched FF7: Advent Children! I'm glad I downloaded it. It had some humor in it too. Particularly around the Turks. ^^
I know what Rufus looks like and I have a screenshot. Does everyone want to know what he looks like? If so, I'll post it tomorrow. I don't want to ruin anything for anyone if you all don't want to see without watching the film itself.
It's hard making screenshots of the film. With anime, it's easy. With other things, it's hard. It's just like a camera, you see. Take a picture of something moving and it blurs. Same problem with the film. I have to make sure everything stays still.
I know this isn't much, but here's a screenshot of a photo stand with everyone on it.

I'll try and get better ones tomorrow, I promise.
And for those of you with Broadband, here's a video clip! Although, there's a problem... The subtitles won't show up. It's because the subtitle is separate. I'm very sorry about that...
This is a scene you all would like to see, I bet. It's a fight with Cloud and Sephiroth! ^^
NOTE: It's NOT the whole fight.

I've tried my best to make it perfect in quality but that's the best I could do. Anime is a lot easier to make clips of than other things. I wonder why??? Well, it's good enough I guess...
I'm probably going to get my head bitten off about this, but it's strange watching a film like this having the "Anime Laws of Physics". I mean everyone can jump really high. Remember when the had to climb up to the Shinra Tower in FF7? If they could do the same abilities in the game like they have in the film, a couple of jumps is all it would have took. lol. ^^
It's still a great film though, but it would only make sense to people who have watched it.
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Friday, September 16, 2005
Well I'm feeling good today. My Mum might take me to town today or tomorrow for the first time in months! YAY!
I'm going to be shopping for game. Games always brought me a lot of joy in life besides anime. ^^
You may have noticed that I changed the music on my site again. I think the song's called "Someday, The Dream Will End". It's one of my favourite songs from FF10. I hope you all like it too. ^^
Well I'm still not looking forward much to going to America. I'll start off with nothing. Does anyone know anything about playing imported games over there? I have so many and I don't want to give them up. Some are so rare, I'll never be able to find them again... If I have at least my games, I'll be happy. That and my penguin collection. ^^
I don't think I'll be getting over there too soon anyway but I'd like to know ahead of time. When I get over there, I will start saving money from my first ever job to take a trip to Japan. I WILL make my goal in life come true. ^^
But then I don't know if I'm ready for a job yet. I won't know what job to take. I know I can't apply for my game testing job right away... Maybe I'll take a job like stacking shelves in a super market.
Me, Mum and CuteKilala would all get to work so when we combine our money, we can get enough money to start our life there. My Mum was never the kind of person who saves money so me and CuteKilala will do the saving. lol. ^^
Although I think CuteKilala will get to work last. Maybe she should grow a little taller before going. I think her height is somewhere under 5 ft in size. They might treat her like a child at work.
Moving on. Well that's me started sending clips to the forum I go to too. They love them. ESPECIALLY the Admin. So that's great. Although I have only posted ones I have posted before on here so I have none ready at the moment. Sorry...
Now for a screenshot of Inuyasha. It's when he was saying to that tiny dragon, "I hope you're prepared to meet your maker..." It was from the episodes called "Shippo Gets an Angry Challenge". that was funny. lol. ^^

EDIT: I AM DOWNLOADING FF7 ADVENT CHILDREN!!! I found it on the internet in Japanese with English subtitles. YAY!
Since it's in the rules, I can't say where I got it unless I say it in a PM. All I can say is, you need Bittorrent to download it.
I'll post clips eventually if you all want. ^^
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Thursday, September 15, 2005

I can't believe I won! I never win anything! YAY! Thank you everyone who voted for me. You guys are the best! A big thank you to Princess of Mer too. ^^
Although there was a mistake on my case. I thought it was a Cutest Theme contest but it wasn't. So you weren't wrong LordSesshomaru. lol. ^^
I thought it was a Cutest Theme contest because said in the title of the post, "Behold my cuteness" or something like that. My mistake! lol. ^^'
Well I have a lot more time now to visit everyone! FINALLY! I have been wanting to visit everyone for ages.
Well I completed that game Mum got me yesterday. It was too easy. Even though he looked ugly and powerful, the last boss was pathetic! 8 Magnum bullets killed him. For those of you who don't know what a Magnum is, it looks like this.

Oh well. At least it's done. ^^
I'm going to have to wait a whole day before I get my next £5 game. I'm going to get one every two weeks. ^^
I haven't been able to get new games games very much before because they were too high in price. Now that I found some place that sells them for £5 instead of £40, things will be MUCH easier. ^^
Although, every game is second hand. The shop keeper keeper checks to see if the discs are alright first, so I have nothing to worry about. ^^
Here's an Inuyasha screenshot. It's when Inuyasha was complaining about curry. lol. ^^

Okay. Remember I sent a complaint letter to my video hosting site? Well I never got a reply so I deleted the affected videos. I know how it could happen though. Here's my theory. All the videos that had more than 100 views, were the ones that had all those advertisments. There is a link to report the video as X-rated. So one of those veiwers was the one who reported it, just to be a jerk! So from now on, my videos are going to be set to private. That way, only MyOtaku users can see it and comment on it. I'm not putting my videos completely public, ever again...
Now for the video I prepered of Ah! My Goddess. In this scene, two people, Aoshima & Sayoko, are suspicious of Belldandy not being normal, and they are right. They try to get video evidence of this but something called the
"Ultimate Force" gets in the way. It's something that changes fate to keep things in order for someone's wish. Keiichi wished for Belldandy to stay with him forever so the "Ultimate Force" reacts to make sure that wish cannot be disrupted. If anyone found out that Belldandy is a goddess, she would have to go back to heaven. Oh yes, don't worry. Those advertisements aren't on this video's page so there's nothing to worry about. ^^

I know what your thinking, "Ultimate Force sounds like a lame name ". I agree but that's it's just the English Dub name and I don't know the Japanese spelling so that's all I can say...
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Hi Everyone.
Well I haven't been doing much yesterday. I was trying to visit everyone yesterday but I couldn't. I visited a lot of people in the morning but when I tried to get on later at night, Mum and CuteKilala were watching "Lost" on the computer. I didn't have the heart to disturb them. They were enjoying themselves.
Well it looks like I'm in a "Cutest Site" contest Princess of Mer is holding on her site. I never even entered it either but I think it's cool. Thank you, LordSesshomaru for voting for me. lol. ^^
Well I'm almost finished the game I was playing. There are just too many puzzles! I want to see daylight again in a game! lol. ^^
Well I'm going to finish the game off today. To tell you the truth, I find it really easy. I just don't like being jumped by something...
Well that's CuteKilala going to be up shortly so I have to cut this post short so that I can visit as many people as possible. Sorry if I can't make it to your site... CuteKilala has a lot of work to do on the computer so I'll have to let her on. I really wonder why she never feels like updating much anymore? Oh well. I guess there isn't much to talk about.
EDIT: I AM FURIOUS!!! I just looked at my video hosting site where I post videos of Ah! My Goddess. It seems DISGUSTING porno advertisements are surrounding it. I just sent the site a very angry email to complain. I hope they remove them immediately. My videos and every show I watch are completely clean so those disgusting adverts don't belong there.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
I'm Back!
Well that's the games gone now. I managed to complete Metal Gear Solid 3 and unlocked nearly every character in Tekken 5 before they went back. YAY! ^^
A lot of the game was really funny. lol. ^^
You can talk to people over the radio. They say different thing depending on what your doing. Just like in Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2.
I also found out that Snake from MGS3 wasn't who I fought he was. I gathered clues together and I wasn't surprised. I'm not saying anything else about that because I might ruin that part for someone.
There was this really creepy boss in it called "The Sorrow". He's a ghost that calls forth every spirit of every person I have killed in the game (Which was almost 200 at the time). Plus they act differently depending on how I killed them. I slit some of their throats so some of the ghosts were walking with blood spraying out of there neck and screaming that their head is going to fall off. Some of them were moaning too like zombies. Then there was something that really hit me.
There was this guy who was over a 100 years old that I killed. He was trying to kill me so I had to kill him. He had a pet parrot who was with him all the time.
Well his spirit appeared too, floating in the water. The parrot was there over his body saying, "Grandpa, Grandpa!" Now the parrot is going to be all lonely... T_T
Seeing all those people I killed made me feel really guilty to tell you the truth... From now on, I'll only kill someone in the game when it's absolutely necessary!
Okay, some of you will say that I'm taking it way too seriously, which I probably am. Well the thing is, I play games seriously most of the time. I try to play what the character would act like. Snake has no problem killing but I did after seeing all those ghosts.
On to Tekken 5. I never got to play it for very long. The cut scenes I got to see were really funny. ^^
I know I said I was going to use Raven, and I did. He's just too hard to control comfortably. The characters I can control just fine are Hwoarang, Wang, Asuka and Julia. They are good fighters. ^^
Mum knew I was going to be really bored with the games gone, so she got me another one for £4.99. She got me, "Resident Evil Zero". I'm VERY surprised that she'll pick something like that for me to play! O_O
It has to be the goriest game I ever played. Hands down... My brother loves these games and craves the violence. I'm slightly different. The violence in games don't bother me. I guess I play these sort of games to see if I can survive. Some of the things in there are really horrible looking. As long as I have my trusty shotgun and grenade launcher, I'll feel safe. ^^
I saw the game everyone voted for that you all want to see a quote of so FF7 is getting done again.
I couldn't really think of what quote I should make but them I remembered that people found this scene was funny.
*Cloud's group went back to Cid's house after asking him for his "Tiny Bronco".*
Shera: "Excuse me... Cloud? Did the Captain say anything?"
Cloud: "Nope..."
Shera: "Oh...?"
*Cid came in.*
Cid: "#*$! Shera. What are you blind!? We got guest!! GET SOME TEA! @^@!"
Shera: "I...I'm sorry."
Cloud: "Really, don't mind us."
Cid: (stressed out and angry) "Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and drink you goddamn TEA! Arggggggh! DAMN, I'm pissed! Shera! I'll be in the backyard tunin' up Tiny Bronco! AN' make sure to serve them some tea! All right!?"
*Cid left.*
Barret: "...damn, man. Wassup with that guy's attitude?"
End Of Quote.
I have to agree with Barret. lol. ^^
Still no video today. I've been too busy with games. Plus I think this post is getting too long. I'll go and visit everyone now. ^^
EDIT: OH! I forgot something. Someone asked if I was going to America when I went offline. No. I was just staying in my room playing games. ^^
Also, it seems the music on my site stopped working so I've replaced it with Cid's Theme from FF7. I hope you all like it. ^^
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
I Will Be Away For A Few Days.
Looks like got me Metal Gear Solid 3 and Tekken 5. And I have to play them both in 2 days.
I can't waste any time so I can't post anything. Don't worry, I won't be gone for too long, after they go back, I can't rent them again for a week.
I would say that I'm doing really well in Metal Gear Solid 3. Plus it's really funny too. ^^
Well I'll see everyone when I am done or my time runs out with them. Whatever comes first. I promise. ^^
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
I'm very tired. I woke up very early so that I can beat CuteKilala to the computer to write this post. It's her day on the computer so I won't get very much time when she's up. We are both possessive of our days you see.
I just found out something. Look at the red writing on the Milk label, in this link.
Click here.
You would have to put it to normal size to see it. So it looks like it's not only America that does it after all. I mean, I think it's extremely obvious that milk is in it since it's MILK! Anyone who didn't know that is probably too stupid to even be able to read the warning anyway, so it's a waste of time putting it on the carton. lol. ^^
Another thing that happened yesterday. CuteKilala was using my coloured pencils and was complaining about them. They seem to be mislabeled. My "Royal Blue" seems to be Gold or Green! Also, one of the pencils had no name. It was chipped off so instead of writing the name back on, they just painted over the chipped part. The Rose Art company is getting too darn lazy! lol. ^^
I also saw something on TV about this guy who set himself on fire after being pulled over by the police! I was pulled over for drink driving and was resisting arrest while pouring petrol all over himself. He fell onto the ground and became a huge fireball! The policed who were arresting him backed off after the guy went up. Surprisingly, nobody was killed. The police must've put the guy out. This was in America, by the way. lol. ^^
I found out from Goddess Leviathan that new episodes of Sonic X were coming out to America! What rock was I living under? I thought only 52 were getting made! Looks like it's got bumped up to 78. I'll be looking on the internet for them. ^^
Here's a screenshot of Inuyasha. It's from the second movie.

Sango: "What happened to your sleeve? I've never seen you dressed as a slob before..."
Inuyasha: "GRRRRR!"
*He hits Miroku*
Inuyasha: Huh! Well, why not?
LOL! That was a great part! ^^
Now I asked a question yesterday about which Final Fantasy quote was wanted. It's a tie between FF7 and FF8. So I'll write them BOTH down. ^^
Final Fantasy 7: This part was everyone just arrived at the Costa Del Sol Resort.
Barret: "Damn! Sure is hot here! But I feel better now that I can say goodbye to this sailor suit. Yo listen up!! Y'all be sure to mingle like regular folks here."
Aeris: "Oh, too bad. I liked Barret's sailor suit. He looked so cute."
Barret: "...What'ya mean 'cute'?"
Tifa: "Right... well, uh... Barret, why don't you use that sailor suit for pajamas. Right, Cloud?"
Cloud: "Ahhh... You look like a bear wearing a marshmallow."
Barret: "The hell's that supposed to mean!? This happens to be the most comfortable, so shu'up!"
Red XIII: "...puff...puff... Would you kindly hurry? The heat here is drying out my nose."
Yuffie: "Yeah, mine too!!"
Cloud: "All right. We'll take a break and then head off. Don't wander too far off."
Barret: "I'll wander wherever I damn well want! Who made him the leader?"
End Of Quote.
Final Fantasy 8: This part was from the Dollet Communication Tower mission. You know, the first Seed Mission or Final Test. Whatever you prefer...
*Suddenly, Squall's group saw Seifer.*
Seifer: "One of these days, I'm gonna tell ya 'bout my ROMANTIC dream!"
Selphie: (sigh) "This sure is tough... Captain! Wait up...!!! (jumped off the cliff next to the Communication Tower) What are you waiting for!? Come on! Come on!"
*Squall and Zell decide not to jump down the cliff. Instead they cross the path to the Tower.*
Selphie: "What took you so long? It would've been much quicker if you'd just jumped."
Zell: "...Much quicker? Pu-lease... You wouldn't normally jump off a cliff, OK!? Ain't that right, Squall?"
Squall: "...I don't know about that. Perhaps anyone but the Chicken-wuss can make it."
Selphie: "...Hm? Since you're angry, I guess you're the Chicken-wuss."
Zell: "What the...!!! WHY IS EVERYONE...? I am not a CHICKEN!!!"
Selphie: "Well... If you don't like CHICKEN, how 'bout...a PIG! Oh, but you
look more like a CHICKEN, anyway."
Zell: "Chicken, pig, whatever... Call me whatever you want!!! I don't care
Squall: "Don't take it so personally, Zell."
Zell: "Tch..."
End Of Quote
Well that's all the quotes. I hope you all like them. ^^
So, what game would you want me to quote from, tomorrow? ^^
No clip today. Something's wrong with the program that I use to make them. I'll try and post it tomorrow. Sorry.
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Friday, September 9, 2005
Tekken 5
Hello everyone. Sorry for updating late. I was busy.
I was thinking of renting "Tekken 5" from Blockbuster. I was looking it up and I find the new characters interesting. That "Raven" character looks like Wesley Snipes. lol. Plus it's said that Heihachi is dead. I don't believe that for a second. They said on the official site that he enters the Iron Fist Tournament 5 to win back his company. There goes that surprise... -_-'
Me and CuteKilala got to watch a couple of "Lost" episodes. They were good. Sayid (The Ex-Republican Guard) went and took off after almost killing someone. Although I think the guy deserved it. Sayid is a great character, in fact one of my favourites. Just because he was part of the Iraqi Republican Guard, doesn't mean he's a bad person. ^^
He makes me understand why the Republican Guard had to do horrible things. If they refuse to do as they are told or run away, their entire family gets executed. That must be horrible... The price of doing the right thing was way too high for anyone...
Thanks to school being back on, people have found it hard to visit with homework and stuff... I should stop sitting in front of the computer, checking every five minutes to see if anyone updated or visited. It will drive me NUTS! lol.
Well I hope all of you are enjoying school. My day will just be like a summer holiday day. Since I finished school and haven't started looking for a job. I will do so after going to America, next year at the latest. I need a job to save up money to visit Japan. I'd be doing so right away. ^^
I might as well post another screenshots of Inuyasha the 2nd movie. I found this part funny when Inuyasha was shaking himself dry like a dog. lol. ^^

Well now for a couple of video clips. Someone asked what happened next after yesterday's clip. Rather than say, I'll just show it. ^^
BTW, I couldn't make it all in one clip thanks to hosting restrictions so I had to put it in 2 parts.
Marller broke out of her seal. Believe it or not, she was sealed in a CD. Who could've thought of looking there? lol.
Well anyway, in this clip, you will see that Urd is getting a CD from a second hand shop. That was the CD that Marller was sealed in. Apart from that, Marller and Belldandy are having a conversation. Then start fighting. Belldandy wants the password from Marller to change Keiichi back into a human again. This is the episode when Keiichi was turned into a scooter just to tell you.

In this clip, the fight continues. Then there is this humorous part with Keiichi in the end of it. lol. ^^

Well that's all for today. I haven't got any quotes yet. Would everyone want a quote FF7, FF8 or FF9? Please let me know and I'll post it tomorrow. ^^
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
My Thoughts On Final Fantasy Games, Plus Inuyasha Screenshots.
Thanks to all those who answered my question yesterday. Although I still don't understand why not many people like FF9 at all. Oh well. I would like to say sorry about yesterday if I sounded rude asking the question. I didn't mean to sound that way.
I'll just say my opinion about all the Final Fantasy games I played.
FF1: The worst one out of all of them I played. None of the main characters talk, Item prices are sky high and battles are dull looking.
FF2: It was much better than FF1. The characters talked and the storyline was more interesting. Although I never got to finish it because something was wrong with the disc. Stupid second hand games...
FF6: This was a great game. I liked the characters and it felt like the story went on forever. A good one at that. ^^
FF7: The characters were great in FF7 and so was the story. Although, Aeris dying was really sad. I found it funny when she made Cloud dress up as a woman. lol. But I pretty much liked all the male characters too. Cid and Barret most of all. The thing that let it down though was the graphics. They could have been better... I hope the remake gets made.
FF8: Great storyline and great characters. Plus the cut scenes were amazing for a PS1 game. It's great how someone who used to have a cold hearted personality, could change when he works with his fellow Seeds and became good friends. He really opened up a lot. In case you don't know, I'm talking about Squall. ^^
FF9: I really like this game. There's a lot of humor in the first half of the game. Things then get a little more serious in the second half but that's okay with me. I found Zidane to be an interesting character to watch. He's funny when he picks on Steiner. lol. ^^
It's just unfortunate that Eiko is so annoying and being the only one able to use my favourite Eidolon, "Phoenix"... >_<
I loved all the FMVs. The Eidolons being in them was great. Plus I also liked the cut scene with all the silver dragons attacking and Lindblum's Airship Fleet comes to the rescue. ^^
FF10: Another great Final Fantasy. It's one I will remember for years to come. I liked the characters and the storyline was amazing. ^^
Although Blitzball was something I found tedious. It just annoyed me a lot.
The hardest boss I ever fought was in this game too. I eventually bet him but just barely. It makes me wonder why Penance doesn't hold that reward for being the best fighter, yet Nemesis does??? I bet Nemesis on my first try. The Dark Aeons make that thing look like nothing too.
FFX-2: It was good. Although I would have to say that I liked FF10 better. It was good to see what happens in Spira during the eternal calm, yet, Yuna trying to copy almost everything Rikku was just didn't suit her. Oh well...
The bosses were much easier in this game. Although for some reason, I have always had trouble with a monster called "Mega Tonberry". I HATE THAT MONSTER! lol. ^^
That's all the ones I played. I sure played a lot of them.
Oh yes! I almost forgot. Me and CuteKilala watched the second movie of Inuyasha. I was really funny on some parts. I can't believe Naraku managed to seem dead for a while. How he returned was disgusting. CuteKilala couldn't bare to watch. If I looked like that, I would WANT to be dead. lol. ^^
Here's some screenshots I took of the movie. The movies in wide screen so that's why the picture size is like that.
I seriously wouldn't want to be in Inuyasha's shoes.

Here's them surprised at Miroku saying that Kaguya was beautiful. I was surprised too. You would think he would be put off since she tried to kill him. lol. ^^

Here's when Miroku mentioned Kagome and Inuyasha kissing. lol. ^^

On to other topics. I have another video clip to post of Ah! My Goddess today for people who are interested. Here it is. It's when Marller was picking on some kids. I posted screenshots before but it's better seeing it in video of course. ^^

Just to let you all know, when I'm done making FF9 quotes, I'll move on to make FF7 + FF8 quotes too. Is that okay with all of you? ^^
Now for a couple of FF9 quotes.
Main Character Cast:


Quote 1: This was when Zidane and his friends were captured by Kuja.
Voice of Kuja: "So you're finally awake..."
Zidane: "That voice... It's Kuja!"
Voice of Kuja: "I'm so happy to see you again."
Zidane: "You rat bastard! Where are my friends?"
Voice of Kuja: "My, my... Aren't we feisty today? No need to worry about them. They're in rooms not unlike yours. Oh, yes... By the way, I should probably enlighten you as to your current situation."
*The ground opened and there's lava at the bottom.*
Zidane: "Yikes!"
Voice of Kuja: "I'm sure that even your feeble mind can grasp what would happen if you were to take that plunge. Ahahahahahahaha!"
Zidane: "Kuja! You're dead!!!"
Voice of Kuja: "Oh, dear. Was it something I said? Either way, now that you're aware of your predicament, I'd like you to do a tiny little
favor for me. I'll let your friends live if you say yes."
Zidane: "Dammit, I don't have a choice!"
Quote 2: This is when Zidane was called to Kuja's room.
Kuja: "Welcome to my humble abode."
Zidane: "Just cut the chase and tell me what the hell you want!"
Kuja: "My, we're upset, aren't we? Well, this is your errand... I want you to go somewhere and bring something back for me."
Zidane: "So, tell me what it is already, you demon!"
Kuja: "I'd watch my mouth if I were you. Surely, you haven't forgotten that I hold your friends' lives in my hands."
Zidane: "Grr!"
Quote 3: After quote 2, Zidane was to go to Oeilvert to get something called a "Gulug Stone". He just came back from that journey.
Voice of Kuja: "Come inside..."
*Zidane goes inside the area where Kuja awaits.*
Kuja: "I'm so happy to see you again, Zidane."
Zidane: "My friends better be alright!"
Kuja: "Oh my! Blunt as always, I see..."
Quote 4: After a few more minutes of conversation.
Kuja: "Now, give me the Gulug Stone..."
Zidane: "You bastard! You're the worst scum alive!"
Kuja: *Yawns* "I grow weary of your tantrums. Well, will you hand it over or not?"
End of Quotes.
He sure gets insulted a lot. lol. ^^
Sorry that the post was a bit long but if you read it all, have a cookie. ^^
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