Chocobo Knight
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
We Have The Second Movie Of Inuyasha!
Well it's CuteKilala's day on the computer so I won't be online by the time it's 2pm over here. That's when she will go on the computer. However, she said we can watch the second movie of Inuyasha today. YAY! ^^
Well that's me killed a Daddy Long Legs today. GOD, I HATE THOSE THINGS!!!
In case you don't know what they are, here's what they look look. WARNING! If you can't stand the sight of bugs, don't click on the link.
Daddy Long Legs
Not only does that abomination look like that, but it can fly too. Plus the one on the picture isn't an adult. It was an adult that flew in the living room and it was bigger. I'm getting goosebumps while I type about it.
Well I used fly spray to knock it out of the air. It refused to die so I sprayed even more while it was down until it was all white with poison (Which was half the can. Yet flies usually die in one short burst. ^^') then it was twitching. I finished it off and pouring boiling water on it. It died after that. Although my Mum will have to get a new handbag since the Daddy Long Legs was on it. ^^'
Well CuteKilala and Mum were relieved that I killed it anyway. I'm getting a chocolate chip muffin and tea as a reward for killing it. I'm still to get it yet but I'll have it soon. Today for sure. ^^
There was one question I want to ask. Why do so many people hate FF9? I mean it's mine and CuteKilala's favourite PS1 game ever and I have played a lot. Don't tell me, "The characters sucked" or something like that. Is there a good reason for hating it? Although I must admit that Eiko is annoying but that's all.
Well, no clip today. I don't have one ready. Maybe tomorrow. That way, I can use that time to visit the people who updated this morning. ^^
Oh! Here's a quote from FF9 for people who are interested.
Main Character Cast:


Steiner: Pardon me! I must escort a person of high rank to the castle! When will the cargo ship arrive?
*Morrid didn't answer and went downstairs to his room. Steiner follows him.*
Morrid: The smell of coffee relaxes me. How about a cup?
Steiner: Oh, thank you.
Steiner drinks the coffee.
Steiner: I am not here to drink coffee! Tell me when the cargo ship
will arrive, or else the Alexandrian royal family will appropriate this properly.
Morrid: And then what?
Steiner: I order you to tell me when the cargo ship will arrive! Tell meeeee!!!
Morrid: You're not a very creative interrogator.
Steiner: I am just trying to do what is right!
Morrid: Who decides right or wrong? You?
Steiner: Anyone can tell right from wrong.
Morrid: Ha ha ha... Still as green as a pickle.
Steiner: When will the cargo ship arrive!?
Morrid: It's already here. They should be loading it now.
Steiner: Why couldn't you tell me sooner!? Thank you!
End Of Scene.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Hello Again!
Well there's been nothing new happening yesterday. Just the same old thing as always. All I was doing yesterday was visiting people and playing Soul Calibur 2.
Although there was one thing different yesterday. I got to talk to my brother on the phone from America. Although it was only for 1 minutes. Dang it.... I have been waiting AGES to talk to him but CuteKilala and Mum took up all the time. Well we all want to talk to him I guess. When he phones on Thursday, I swear I will get to that phone first! lol. ^^
Well I'm thinking of getting Soul Calibur 3 when it comes out. It should be very interesting to create your own character. Well I think I would have my character use either a Bo Staff, 2x Elbow Blades or a Katana. Either one of those. ^^
Well I hope you all enjoyed your "Labor Day". I'm sure some of you went to a barbeque or something. I hear from my Mum and see it on TV that it's one of the things you do. I'd love to go to one again. One that I am old enough to remember... I've only been to America for a couple of years at a very young age, you see.
Okay. Now for another Inuyasha screenshot. Sure, it's a familiar scene but if I take all the best screenshots, I'd be interfering with CuteKilala's posts. Oh well... It's still funny though. ^^

Now for an FF9 Quote. ^^
Main Character Cast:


Regent Cid (Frog Form):


*Zidane's group go to the Lindblum Castle Dock. There, they get on the
Blue Narciss, an Alexandrian boat. They are using the boat to go to Kuja's base.*
Zidane: "Man... I hope this thing can get us there."
???: "Finally, I find you!"
*It is Quina.*
Zidane: "Quina! What are you doing here?"
Quina: "Where you go, Zidane!? I travel everywhere, look all over for you!"
Blank: "Who's this? Your new girlfriend? Heh-heh-heh."
(Author's Note: Nobody knows Quina's Gender for sure.)
Quina: "I so tired. From Madain Sari, I climb mountains, cross ocean, fight monsters..."
Zidane: "Wow. You've been through one hell of a trip. So, Blank, you're coming, too?"
Blank: "Yeah, I was asked to."
Zidane: "By whom?"
Blank: "The boss, of course. But it wasn't his idea."
Regent Cid: "It was mine ."
Quina: "!?"
Regent Cid: "We need at least one person to look after the ship when we reach our destination."
Blank: "Plus, I still owe you guys one, so I volunteered."
Quina, talking to himself: "F-Frog..."
Zidane: "...You don't owe us anything."
Quina, talking to himself: "Is talking..."
Regent Cid: "Okay, anchors aweigh!"
Zidane: "Hey, Quina loves frog, so you'd better watch out."
Quina, talking to himself: "Maybe I eat it...?"
Regent Cid: "I'm not worried. I've had more enemies as an oglop. "
End of Scene.
I found that part pretty funny too. lol. ^^
Now for the video clip I couldn't upload yesterday. Here it is. It's when Urd and Belldandy try to turn Keiichi back into a human, after being turned into a scooter.
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Monday, September 5, 2005
Hello Everyone! It's My Day Again!
I love it when it's my day on the computer. No more getting rushed off! ^^
At least for today anyway... Well we got to watch a whole bunch of Inuyasha episodes yesterday. There were a lot of good ones. "Kirara Come Home" was great. So was "Jaken Falls Ill". I'm really happy that I got to watch Inuyasha again. I really missed it...
Oh! I forgot! It's Labour Day. I hope all you American readers enjoy yourselves. ^^
Well I took a screenshot of one of the episodes of Inuyasha. CuteKilala is gonna not be happy about it but I can't resist. She probably would've wanted to post it too. It's just so CUTE! ^^

BTW, I learned from one of the episodes of Inuyasha that Kilala is in fact, a "Nekomonta" demon cat. Or at least, I think that's how it's spelled.
It feels like a nice change to post Inuyasha screenshots. I've been posting screenshots of the same show for so long, I desperately wanted to post something else amongst them. Me and CuteKilala agreed that she will post FMA and Inuyasha screenshots and I'm allowed to post anything else. Only problem is, I really only have one other anime on the computer that I could take screenshots of. I'll try and get a mix from now on. It feels a lot more refreshing.
I still never got to watch Alexander yesterday. Mum was wanting to watch it with us but by the time she had free time, it was already late at night and she was tired. >_<
Well I can wait. I have other things to keep me occupied. I was playing Soul Calibur 2 last night. It's been months since I played it and it seems I haven't lost my touch on hard mode. I used to be able to do very hard mode but I need to get more practice before getting back to it. I play a lot of characters but I would say that I mastered Talim. I wish I got the Gamecube version though, I would've played Link all the time. Instead, I have the PS2 version with Heihachi...
Well, I was going to post another video today, but the video has a problem uploading on the hosting site. So there won't be any videos today. Sorry to people who want to see them...
However, I can still post a quote of FF9! YAY! This quote was when Cid got turned back into a human. Regent Cid is talking to his wife about Kuja (The bad guy in the game). ^^
Main Character Cast:
Regent Cid (Frog Form):

Regent Cid (Human Form):



*In Lindblum's throne room, where Regent Cid resides.*
Regent Cid: " Kuja didn't touch you, did he?"
Hilda: "His soul was filled with hate, but he was polite to me. He just talked an awful lot."
Regent Cid: "What about? "
Hilda: "Well, he divulged his master plan to me. I didn't even have to ask. It was tiresome. But, what he spoke of... It was truly a scene from a nightmare."
Regent Cid: "What did he say?"
Hilda: "That he was not of this world. He said his aim was to use this world to acquire an even more destructive power... The taking of Hilda Garde 1 was a part of this process."
Regent Cid: "We must tell Zidane about this! You have valuable information!"
Hilda: "Which lead me to believe that my abduction wasn't a part of his plan. He was a hopeless narcissist, but... But at least he wasn't a skirt-chaser, like you."
Regent Cid: "...Ugh! You just hit me where it hurts most. I'm sorry about that! That's why I risked my life to rescue you!"
Hilda: "Oh, really? Are you sure you weren't there to take back Hilda Garde 1?"
Regent Cid: "I'm not lying! I apologize! So please turn me back! I'm sick of being an oglop or a frog! I'll never cheat on you ever again! I promise!"
Hilda: "...Can your words be trusted?"
Regent Cid: "I don't' lie! I swear on my father's name!"
Hilda: "Alright. I'll turn you back. But it's going to be much worse if you ever cheat on me again!"
Regent Cid: "I...I understand! Now turn me back!"
Hilda: "Maybe I'll turn you into a hedgehog pie."
Regent Cid: "Erk... P-Please, no! Now turn me back!"
Hilda: "Alright, alright."
*Hilda kisses Regent Cid on the head and suddenly, Regent Cid is turned back to a human being.*
Regent Cid: "Finally... Ribbit! I'm human again! Gwok! I can concentrate on building Hilda Garde 3! ......"
Hilda: "......"
Regent Cid: "...D-Darn it! I must stop that."
*Later on in Lindlum's Conference Room, Zidane walks into the room and sees Cid standing there.*
Zidane: "Who's that guy?"
Freya: "...It's Regent Cid."
Zidane: "WHAAAT!?"
Regent Cid: "...Still hasn't got any manners. Ribb- ...... Ahem! Still haven't learned your manners!"
Zidane: "You can stop the frog-talk now."
Regent Cid: "S-Silence! Ribbit!"
Zidane: "...Oh well."
End of Scene.
Regent Cid was talking weird because he was turned into two different things. An Oglop and a Frog. Zidane never saw him as a human before. lol. ^^
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Sorry About Yesterday...
It was my Mum's day on the computer yesterday so I was only able to get on in the morning and she wouldn't let me visit anyone since I took so long to write my post. Looks like she doesn't give away her day much anymore... -_-'
Let's see... What to talk about... Well we never get to watch Inuyasha much because CuteKilala doesn't want to watch it with Mum around. She waits until Mum goes out...
Never got to watch "Alexander" yesterday so I'll watch it today for sure. ^^
Well I was reading the AOL chat Cutekilala and my brother. Here's what they brought up.
*Insert Name Here*: did robert get his hair cut
CuteKilala: O. No, not yet.
CuteKilala: *Bangs head off desk*
That's right, my real name is Robert. I seriously want to know what they have against my hair. So what if it's shoulder length and really thick? I still like it. It looks a lot better after it's combed anyway. ^^
I'm supposed to get a passport photo soon so that's why they want my haircut. My brother hasn't even SEEN my hair yet he says it should get cut first???
Well that's another video made. Along with two others that I want to post. One each day and from the same show. I would make Inuyasha ones if I could, but it's video format isn't compatible for making clips... So that's why I have only been doing clips of this show. Maybe after I'm done with this show, I'll do some FMA ones. ^^
This one is another scene I took screenshots of. Here it is in video form. It's when Keiichi was turned into a motorized scooter. ^^

It's likely I can't get online much today either since it's CuteKilala's day on the computer... I'll visit as much people as I can, even if you only updated yesterday.
No quotes from FF9 today since I haven't got time to write it down.
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
The Video Hosting Site Changed!
I can't directly link my videos to my site anymore. They just disabled hot-linking so I have to post a link to the site itself. I hope this isn't too much of a inconvenience...
Just click on links like this to see the videos from now on...

I posted screenshots of this scene too but here it is in video form.
Well it's been difficult watching much Inuyasha episodes. CuteKilala prefers watching it when Mum is out. Yet I don't mind what time I watch it. It just depends on the Episode. Like how Naraku can look really disgust and Mum will wonder why we watch that stuff.
Well, we might watch the movie, "Alexander" either today or tomorrow. Anyone seen it? What is it like? Any good?
Okay. Here's a scene from FF9. It's rather long so that's why I left it until last. You don't have to read it if you don't feel like it. ^^
Zidane: "Hey, mister... Are you the holy guy?"
David Heavenguard: "Aye. Ah'm Father David."
Zidane: "What are you doing hanging around this hallway?"
David Heavenguard: "Well...a priest has much tae worry aboot, ye see?"
Zidane: "Yeah...whatever. Look, we wanna get past this village."
David Heavenguard: "Hmph! Tradition states that only those who undergo the ceremony kin approach the Sanctuary."
Zidane: "So, what the heck is that ceremony about, anyway?"
David Heavenguard: "Well, after a man an' a woman are blessed in holy
union, they leave oan holy pilgrimage tae the Sanctuary."
Zidane: "So...basically it's a wedding...and a honeymoon, right?"
David Heavenguard: "Ah dinnae ken yir words, lad, but methinks ye
Dagger: "So we can go to the Sanctuary if we undergo that ceremony, right?"
Zidane: "Oh, hey, Dagger! So yeah, that's the deal. Whaddya think? We
can go if we get hitched. But there's no way we'd actually-"
Dagger: "Let's do it."
Zidane: "What!?"
David Heavenguard: "Sae ye wantae be joined, eh? The ceremony's only fer dwarves, see... ...But we have sae few young folk nooadays. We're doon tae ninety-nine couples. Ah was worryin' aboot that very thin'... But that's the hairm? Bow we can have oor hundredth ceremony!"
Zidane: "... Uhh... Dagger? Wh-What's going on?"
*The ceremony starts...*
David Heavenguard: "Speerits o' the moontain, Speerits o' the wood..."
Zidane: "Uh... Now, how did I get into this?"
David Heavenguard: "Watch ower this man 'an woman as they begin their journey..."
Zidane: "We gotta do this ceremony to get past this village... And only a guy and girl can have the ceremony..."
*Earlier, at the church alter...*
Zidane: "Now, hold on a sec, Dagger! Don't you get it? This is marriage, m-a-r-r-i-a-g-e!"
Dagger: "No kidding... But we have to do it to go on, right?"
Zidane: "Yeah, but... But that's not reason enough!"
Dagger: "Oh, come on."
*Back at the ceremony.*
Zidane, thinking: "What is she thinking?She's supposed to get angry and say no way!"
David Heavenguard: "...In sickness an' in health..."
Zidane, thinking: "Of course we're just trying to get past this village..."
David Heavenguard: "...Have the strength to cairry ye through the trials..."
Zidane, thinking: "Could it be that she... likes me?"
David Heavenguard: "...An' the wisdom tae follow the path..."
Zidane, thinking: "Gotta admit, I was pretty deep that night in the Black Mage Village. Maybe that's when she fell for me? I'm such a stud!"
David Heavenguard: "May the blessin's o' heaven be upon this man an' woman!"
Zidane: "Dagger! Now we're man and wife! Time for a kiss..."
*Zidane attempted to kiss Dagger, but Dagger ran away and Zidane fell to the ground. While rubbing his head, he says...*
Zidane: "Playing hard to get, eh?"
End of Scene
You know, when I saw this scene, I found it hard to understand the people in that village, I think it's been sort of overdone. lol. ^^
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Haven't Been Online Much
Sorry for not being able to visit everyone for the past few day. Neither my Mum or CuteKilala would let me have a shot of the computer. They really wanted to get on the computer those days...
That News Orleans disaster is much worse than I thought. It's now a war zone for gangs... Yet the Tsunami disaster never had much trouble like that...
Then there's that massive explosion in a chemical plant. Maybe terrorists aiming to kill as many people as possible, took advantage of the opportunity? The chemicals will make the water even more poisonous. The military is on a "shoot-to-kill" policy now.
The people that are getting put on buses to get out of the area, were forced to leave their pets there! There was this family who had their dog for 9 years and they were told that the dog isn't allowed on the bus. Hasn't the family lost enough!? Now they have to lose their faithful pet too!?
The Major of New Orleans is FURIOUS that the disaster happened. From what he said, the government cut 8 billion dollars the funding for preventing a disaster like that, to use in Iraq. He also said that he was probably going to get in a lot of trouble for saying those things but he doesn't care what happens to him anymore. He's calling out for people to help. He wants people to write to the government for help. He said something like "Flood their gone dong offices with letters." I'm not sure if those are the exact words but it was something like that. This was all in a radio interview. He broke down in tears after the interview was over. God help all those people...
Well I have no quotes today because I was too busy watching news on the disaster, taking naps and playing side quests in FF9. ^^'
Well I now have an ENTIRE day to myself. Meaning I can visit all of your sites! YAY! I know I can't get pushed off the computer this time. ^^
Okay, now for a funny video clip of Ah! My Goddess. I posted one screenshot of this scene in the past but now that I have video making capabilities, I'll post it in video form. ^^
Keiichi is complaining about being turned into a woman. Belldandy tries to help him.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Surprise Trailer!
Well that's me got another scene written down. It's the next part of yesterday's scene. ^^
Main Character Cast:



Marcus: (Sorry for the bad pic)



Here it is.
*During the night, Eiko is outside on the Alexandrian Harbour looking at the water.*
"Eiko: So, there's only room for Dagger in Zidane's heart... I wish I hadn't written that stupid letter. Zidane looked so sad... Isn't there anything I can do for him? Aaahhhhhh! Zidane!!! I hate you!!! You insensitive fool!!! You don't even know how I feel... I feel bad about ditching him, but I really don't feel like seeing him tonight. I gotta hide before he shows up! (saw someone) Shoot! Someone's coming! Could it be Zidane!?"
*Blank and Marcus appeared while Eiko takes her hiding spot.*
Marcus: "There's no one here, Bro."
Blank: "I guess I'm early..."
Marcus: "...Maybe. I wonder who wrote you that love letter?"
Blank: "Well... Just read the letter. I bet she's beautiful!"
Marcus: "Really? Are you sure you didn't write it yourself? I mean, you caught the letter falling from the floor above you, right?"
Blank: "I'm telling you, she was too shy to hand me the letter herself! And if you don't think I'm a ladies' man, you're wrong. Chicks are intimidated by good-looking guys. That's why..."
Marcus: "Someone's coming!"
Blank: "Marcus! Don't interrupt me while I'm talking!"
Marcus: "Let's hide, Bro!"
Blank: "Alright, alright."
*Blank dropped the letter without noticing. Marcus and Blank take their hiding place. Steiner appeared.*
Steiner: "I must tighten up security around the castle from now on! Dusk to dawn, rain or shine, I must patrol the castle! Right, clear! Left, clear!"
*Something catches his eye*
Steiner: "Huh? It's a piece of paper... This looks like a letter. Let's see..."
*Steiner read the letter.*
Steiner: "M-M-My goodness! Th-This is a love letter! Who wrote it to whom!? Hmm... No address or addressee... Did someone drop it here, knowing that I would pass by? Who could it have been...?"
*Beatrix appeared.*
Beatrix: "Steiner..."
Steiner: "Beatrix... Was it you...?"
Eiko: *Her heart is thumping* "A-Are they in love?"
Marcus, whispering: "B-Bro..."
Blank, whispering: "Shh! Quiet!"
Beatrix: "Steiner..."
Steiner: "Beatrix..."
Eiko, whispering: "Ooo! What's gonna happen?"
Marcus, whispering: "M-My nose is bleeding..."
Blank, whispering: "Then stick your thumb up it!"
*Steiner and Beatrix were getting closer and closer to each other... Getting ready for a kiss... Suddenly, a very load sneeze comes from nowhere *
????: "AAA-CHOO!"
*Steiner and Beatrix were startled and turned away from each other. Baku shows himself*
Baku: "AAA-CHOO!"
*Everyone jumps out from their hiding place*
Blank: "Boss!?"
Eiko: "Oh, you totally ruined the scene!"
End of scene.
Lesson of the story: When you write a love letter for someone, you never know whose live you could impact. lol. ^^
Funny thing is, Steiner really hated Beatrix before that love letter. I guess something had to set it off. lol. ^^
Okay. Now for the main part of the topic. I just wanted to safe it for last. Look at this trailer I found. A very famous game COULD be getting remade for the PS3. ^^
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
I Finally Wrote Down A Scene From FF9!
Well, I've been busy on FF9 yesterday. I stayed upstairs ALL DAY! It was too boring down in the living room since I couldn't get on the computer... Oh well. At least it gave me time to find scenes to write down. ^^
I came to a very memorable scene in it. There's a love letter that a little girl called, Eiko, wanted to give Zidane. There was an accident that made her unable to give the letter. So she asked Baku to give the letter to Zidane.
Main Character Cast:



Okay. Part 1 of "The Love Letter Mixup"
*This scene takes place at the Alexandrian Harbour*
"Baku: Hey, the boat ain't here!"
*Steiner and his pluto knights run on the scene.*
Steiner: "Castle patrol, completed! Huh? Why, if it isn't Baku, the
leader of Tantalus!"
Baku: "Who just called my name? Oh, it's you."
Pluto Knight, Laudo: "Should we capture him?"
Steiner: "No, he saved my life. You may go. I will handle this."
Both Pluto Knights: "Yes, sir!"
Baku: "Ain't such a knucklehead anymore, huh?"
Steiner: "Silence! This is no place for thieves! You must leave, now."
Baku: "So that's how it is, huh? Do I gotta remind you that one of my
boys saved your kingdom? But I bet you ain't got no ears for listenin'
to a lowlife like me."
Steiner: "Are you talking about Zidane? Yes, he did protect the princess
and her kingdom... But that doesn't change the fact that you are all
thieves! I cannot let your kind roam about the castle!"
Baku: "No appreciation whatsoever, eh? Well, I don't got any reason to
stay here, anyway. Hey, you know where Zidane might be?"
Steiner: "He hasn't visited the castle since we returned. Maybe he can
teach you a thing or two about proper manners!"
Baku: "Okay, I get yer point! (he accidentally dropped the letter without
noticing) I've had enough of yer self-righteousness!"
*The boat appeared*
Baku: "Gwahahaha! Perfect timing! (to the soldier on the boat) Take me into town!"
*He drifts off. Steiner got angered and left. Beatrix walked on the scene.*
Beatrix: "Ah, so it was Steiner... I thought I heard him yelling. Sigh...
Alexandria is at peace again...yet my heart is full of sorrow. Why...?
Hmm...? (saw a letter) Steiner must've dropped this. Let's see..."
The letter reads as follows: "When the night sky wears the moon as its pendant, I shall await you at
the dock."
Beatrix: "Wh-What is this letter!? Did Steiner... ...write me a love letter?"
*Takes another look at the letter*
Beatrix: "Steiner..."
End of Scene.
Another part will posted tomorrow. ^^
Now for the video clip. I have posted this scene in screenshots before but I thought maybe you guys would want to see it in full motion.
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Thank You Sesslover18!
Sorry that I can't post much today. It's CuteKilala's day on the computer today.
I fixed the music on my site, finally. I have Sesslover18 to thank for that. I couldn't have done it if it weren't for her. ^^
Now the music player bar thingy is under my avatar. When I post videos, you can just pause it before you listen to them.
One rule about my videos. After clicking play on the player, wait for 10 minutes while it loads. Click play again after 10 minutes are up to see the video. I apologize to the dial up users...
So for people who didn't see the video yesterday, they could try it now but you don't have to.
Since I can't be on the computer all day, today, I'll be playing FF9. I'll have plenty of time to look for quotes. YAY! ^^
I'm sorry that I can't visit you all today. I really want to do so too...
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
The Curse Continues To Haunt Me...
My C&C Generals Zero Hour disc broke! That's the second and last one. T_T
You know that explosion I was saying I'd make? I can't anymore since the disc broke. I was extremely FURIOUS when it broke. The slightest things set me off after that happened.
Losing that disc was like losing a car to me since I have the lowest wage ever. Like £1 for cleaning the kitchen floor, another for the counters. Believe me when I say that takes ages....
The DVD player on the computer isn't working right anymore. I really don't know what happened. Maybe when my decoder expired? Well the things I do take screenshots of, still works fine since it's on the hard drive. ^^
Well as you may have noticed, I changed the music on my site. It's the Chocobo Theme from FF9. This is the least catchy one but it sounds really nice. I prefer this one in fact. I have put it where you put a Midi. This is temporary until I find a better way. ^^
Catchy music makes it hard for me to read or pay attention to the post so I'm thinking of my readers when I posted this. ^^
Oh! There is very good news for me and CuteKilala! More Inuyasha episodes are there to download. Dual audio ones. You know, the kind that are both English and Japanese? This is great! I missed it so much. Me and CuteKilala are over the moon. The moment she's awake, I'm watching it right away! ^^
Also, I can finally post videos again!!! No more screenshots but videos are much better! Video clips I make myself and they get hosted for free! The hosting site is called "" You guys should check it out if you want to post your own videos as long as they are under 20mbs in size. ^^
Here's a video clip I just uploaded. It's over 8mb in size so you would have to wait for it to load up. Well it's much better to HEAR the characters talking, don't you think? Oh yes, I made sure it's at it's best quality too as you may notice. ^^
While you wait for the video to load, feel free to visit other people while waiting. I really would love to hear your comments. I think the video starts loading after you click the play button. Just give it 10 minutes to load after pressing play then click play again to see it.
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