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Saturday, August 27, 2005
No Quotes Today...
I don't have quotes today. I kinda got carried away playing FF9 and forgot to write them down. >_<
There was one scene I was going to write down but I forgot to do so and saved. D'OH!!! >_<
Anyone who has played FF9, seen that wedding Zidane and Garnet had, right? It was hilarious how Zidane was all confused and asking himself, "How did I get myself into this?"
Then there's that part where Zidane wants to do the kiss and he goes to jump at her but Garnet walks away, causing Zidane to miss and he hit the ground. lol. ^^
Well at least he married someone he likes, even if it's temporary. It was all just to get past some checkpoint that only married couples are allowed through.
Well I haven't been doing much apart from that yesterday.
I haven't had screenshots made because I slept in... Well at least I feel refreshed. ^^
Maybe I'll mod my game today. I am trying to make new explosions in the game. Real-looking ones. (Okay they look real but some weapons have the wrong kind) If I come up with one, I'll send a screenshot of it. Okay? ^^
I'll go visit everyone now.
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
Final Fantasy Best and Worsts.
I found this site where people voted on different aspects of many Final Fantasy games. Best and Worst things basically.
Here's a link.
Well that's CuteKilala stepping outside of the house for the first time in ages! YAY! I get time to myself for a change! ^^
I don't have anything against CuteKilala but I can now play a game without headphones. It may not seem special but when you are constantly having to wear headphones, you start to get annoyed with them. Plus they hurt my ears...
Well she's getting a passport photo taken. Maybe if we get to see the photos, maybe I'll show you guys it. Shhh.... lol. ^^
Well in a couple of weeks, I'll get my photo taken. It will look bad I think since I never shaved once in my life. Oh well. Passport photos are normally bad anyway. lol. ^^
Now to tell the story of the next quote.
Steiner climbed up a mountain, out of the mist, carrying a huge sack to get up to Bohden gate, which is the border between Lindblum and Alexandria. He gets in and sees a worker doing something to a gate nearby. He goes to talk to the worker.
Worker: "This gate breaks down a lot, 'cause the hinges don't fit very well. This road leads to the bottom of the mist. No one uses it. There's no need to fix it, really. So I just polish up the gate and make it look all nice. That takes care of it for a couple of months. Hee hee."
*The worker gets back to work. Steiner whispers in an angry tone.*
Steiner: "You're the reason we couldn't come in through this gate!"
*Steiner gets ready to kill him and the bag he's carrying over his shoulder, kicks him.*
Steiner: "I almost lost control of myself!"
End of quote.
Yup. If that guy was working properly, Steiner wouldn't have had to climb a mountain. lol. ^^
In case you are wondering why the bag kicked him, Princess Garnet was in it. She needs to get across the border without anyone seeing her.
Now for more screenshots. Belldandy and Keiichi are working on the road to make money for the motor club they are in since it ran out of money.

If you ask me, I think she looks like she has no idea what a pick ax does. Too used to magic I guess. lol. ^^

It was Keiichi that said "What!?".

Innocence can be so funny. She has no idea what that guy was talking about. ^^
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I Watched Stargate Yesterday
Sorry I didn't get to visit everyone yesterday. CuteKilala was on the computer.
I got to watch Stargate SG-1 with CuteKilala. It was great. ^^
The enemy in that episode is unbelievably tough! Their barriers can survive a Mark.9, Weapons Grade Naquadria enhanced Nuclear warhead that destroys everything in a 100 mile radius! The most powerful nuclear weapon mankind has ever made. It made their barriers MUCH bigger since it absorbs energy. (Naquadria exists only in Stargate from different planets. Used as a power source or as a weapon. So if you haven't heard of it, that's why.)
Well I haven't been doing much lately. Just playing FF9, looking for quotes to post on my site. I'll tell you what's going on in this scene.
Garnet and Steiner are helping this band of thieves called "Tantalus" to get a remedy called "Supersoft". It's a remedy that cures all forms of petrifaction. They need it to help one of their friends, Blank, who got turned into stone in a forest. They found a man called "Dr. Tot" who will give them the Supersoft. It's Garnet's old teacher.
Although they are only with two member's of Tantalus at the moment. Baku, the boss and Marcus. They are waiting for him to get it in an inn.
Now for the quote.
Baku: "So, this Tootsie's gonna give us Supersoft?"
Marcus: "It's Tot."
Baku: "ACHOO!!! Whatever. I can't believe Tantalus is at the mercy of some old man. Hmph. I guess we gotta keep babysittin' the Princess."
Marcus: "Still?"
Baku: "He ain't gonna give you the Supersoft unless you're with the Princess. That's the deal, Princess. I'm asking you to take Marcus to this Toot."
Marcus: "...It's Tot."
Garnet: "Well I was going anyway."
Baku: "Well, get some rest before you go. I'm sure Ted needs time to prepare."
Marcus: "...It's Tot."
End of quote.
How can someone keep getting that name wrong? LOL! ^^
Okay. Now for more screenshots of Ah! My Goddess.
Belldandy had a barrier around Keiichi's room and she told him to stay there. She knew that Marller was coming and she wanted to protect him. Unfortunately for Keiichi, Marller was already in the room before Belldandy put the barrier up. She disguised herself as an Ornament. It looks like this.

Marller took the opportunity to turn Keiichi into an electric scooter when Belldandy left the room to answer the front door.
Well anyway. On with the scene! ^^

That had to be very embarrassing. Wouldn't you agree? lol. ^^
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Monday, August 22, 2005
I Watched A Movie!
I forgot to mention that I watched "King Arthur" two days ago. It was a good film. It had lots of action! I love sword fights. It takes more skill to use swords than guns. ^^
It had no magic in the film since the makers of the film wanted Arthur to be a powerful fighter rather than his sword being magic.
Great battle sequences too. ^^
I'm proud being Scottish because it was the only country the Romans couldn't take over so they had built a wall to keep us out of England. lol. ^^
They were in the film too. They pulled out before the Saxon invaders came.
Now for some quotes from another scene in Final Fantasy 9.
This scene takes place with Zidane, Princess Garnet, Vivi, Steiner, Freya and Regent Cid in the throne room.
Everyone was gathered round a large table eating with their hands. Everyone was enjoying it. Especially Steiner. Until...
Vivi: "Oh, I'm so full. I'm getting sleepy now..."
*Everyone except Steiner and Garnet fall asleep and land on the floor. Steiner is confused and backs away from his dish.*
Steiner: "What the - THE FOOD IS POISONED! *He said while holding his neck panicking.*
*Then he lays his head on the table.*
Steiner: "How could I be so careless!!!? Ugh... I'm starting to feel sick... F-Forgive me, Princess. I should have tasted it for poison..."
*Garnet turns to Steiner*
Garnet: "That's impossible. There shouldn't be any in your dish."
*Steiner quickly gets up.*
Steiner: "What...? Now that you mention it, I feel fine."
*He turns to Garnet in shock.*
Steiner: "!!! How did you know!? Princess! You didn't!"
End of Quote.
Garnet explains that it wasn't poison, but sleeping weed she put in the food to make them sleep. She wanted to get away from the castle. She never put any in her dish nor in Steiner's because she needed a bodyguard to get from Lindblum to Alexandria.
Funny how the mind works huh? Steiner was feeling ill because he thought he was poisoned. lol. ^^
Okay. Now for screenshots again.
Skuld went and messed with Urd's potions and she's not allowed to touch them at all. Urd planned on giving to Keiichi so that he can gain the courage to make his move on Belldandy but he didn't want to take it. Instead, Urd made Belldandy take it. Making Belldandy constantly hit on Keiichi. Which made Keiichi feel uncomfortable of course. The modification by Skuld made the potion a lot stronger and they had to follow Keiichi and Belldandy everywhere. Making sure things don't get too far. They had a rough time in the cinema. Skuld overreacted and blew it up. lol. ^^

All those toy-like machines are moving and making noises. Skuld was shouting with an upset tone the whole time.

To think that's a punishment eh? lol. ^^
Skuld is a perfectionist when it comes to building machines. Urd is making Skuld make those useless devices. Skuld only wants to make things that are of use. She really HATES useless machinery. lol. ^^
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
I Can't Write DVDs Anymore!
My Decoder stopped working for the DVD writer. Meaning that all my high quality videos can't be put on DVD anymore... T_T
Well At least I got all the episodes of Ah! My Goddess on DVD. Although I was planning on making Full Metal Alchemist DVDs... CuteKilala isn't going to be pleased... She wanted them the most.
Well I'm glad I stepped up my DVD writing or else I wouldn't have all my shows on DVD.
Okay. Now for a Final Fantasy 9 quote. But first, for anyone who doesn't know what Steiner looks like, here's a picture of him.

Okay. Now for the quote.
Steiner is wandering around Lindblum.
Steiner: "What a huge town! I'm completely lost."
*A woman passes by*
Steiner: "Pardon me..."
Woman: "Geez... You're dressed awful funny."
Steiner: "...I am Captain Adelbert Steiner of Alexandria, and I humbly request your assistance to get back to the castle."
Woman: "Ha-ha-ha! That's a new one! Nice try, but I don't date bums. You should really scrape that rust off. It's disgusting."
*The woman walks away*
Steiner: "Wha...?"
End of quote.
The poor guy was only asking for directions. lol. Remember him? It's the same guy who punched the regent. ^^
Okay. Now for some screenshots. Sayoko, (The one with the dark brown hair) told Belldandy to go see on eof the teachers. Sayoko was just trying to get her distracted so she can make her move on Keiichi. She's jeolous because Keiichi is dating Belldandy and everyone else in the school fancies Belldandy. So Sayoko wants to take Keiichi away from Belldandy to humiliate her.

Sayoko has the title, "Queen of the Campus".

That must have hurt her ego. lol. Imagine her having to say she's the Queen of no country. lol. ^^

The "bum" she was talking about was Keiichi. Which proves she doesn't really love him.

Sayoko thinks Belldandy is fake but Belldandy is just being herself. lol. ^^
Sayoko just wants to take something from Belldandy's life away from her to make her leave the school. Making Sayoko the most popular girl in school again. She never got her way of course. ^^
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Friday, August 19, 2005
On no! I got 666 visits! >_<
I hate anything that symbolises evil so those of you visited my site, you have helped get rid of it. Thank you. ^^
EDIT: YAY! It's gone. Thank you to whoever it was that visited. Okay, I may be making a big deal but I'm just bored. lol. ^^
I got a lot of DVDs made yesterday. I'm on the last one. After that, I have every episode of Ah! My Goddess on DVD. YAY! ^^
Now I would get Mum off my back with her "You better hurry up and delete those shows". We are running out of space you see and I haven't deleted the episodes off the computer yet.
Okay. Here's a quote from FF9. This scene made my jaw drop when I first saw it. lol. ^^
(Just to let you know, a regent is the same as a king.)
*Princess Garnet, Steiner, Vivi and Zidane wait for the Regent in the throne room of Lindblum.*
*Steiner approaches the throne and sees an oglop sitting on it.*
Oglop: "Greetings!"
Steiner: "OG....!"
*The oglop approaches him*
Steiner: "OGLOP!!!" *He punches it and knocks it back on the throne*
Oglop: "What!?"
Minister Artania: "Sire!"
Steiner: "What is the meaning of this!? How dare you greet the princess like this!? Get that repulsive bug off the throne immediately and call the Regent!"
*Steiner goes to grab it*
Minister Artania: "Please, settle down! You ARE before the Regent!"
Steiner: "What!? Enough of your nonsense!"
Garnet: "Steiner! Stand down!"
End of scene. ^^
Steiner hates oglops you see. lol. ^^
Okay. Now for some screenshots. Again.
Aoshima, took Belldandy to a hotel and tries to throw himself on Belldandy basically. (That nasty pervert!) Little does he know what would happen to him. BWAHAHAHA!!! His "first" unsuccessful "date". (At least, Aoshima thought it was anyway). He tried to take advantage of her and this is what he gets.

BTW. The blue writing in the subtitles is coming from off screen. Which means it's still Belldandy talking.

This screenshot is outside the hotel. That head you see is Keiichi.

Just to let you know, the bed is spinning fast in this scene. lol. Suffer, Aoshima! Suffer! HAHAHA!!!

He's screaming the entire time of his ordeal. ^^

Belldandy falls asleep whenever she uses powerful magic.

Good thing Keiichi bursts in before Aoshima recovers. ^^

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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Normal Day Again....
I got constant interruptions yesterday so there is no way I can get Excalibur 2 now. For anyone who didn't read previous posts, I'm talking about Final Fantasy 9.
My throat is also sore too. I forgot how much Steiner shouts. lol. ^^
I forgot how much humor was in Final Fantasy 9. It brings back so many memories.
Steiner: "If you didn't look like such a filthy oaf, they wouldn't have been suspicious of us!"
Zidane: "Hey, I'm not the one with the load mouth and the dirty, rusty armour!"
Steiner: "WHAT!?"
LOL. That was great that part. Maybe I'll post quotes in from now on as I go through the game again. ^^
Hmmm.... What else? Ozma is NOT a she! The Final Fantasy one anyway. It's a BALL! It looks like a bouncy ball you see at the toy shops sometimes.
Now that I got that out of my system, here's a picture of Ozma. There's your proof.

Okay. Now for more screenshots of Ah! My Goddess. Although I think I'll run out of scenes that work well with screenshots.
Keiichi is getting told by Belldandy about what he can wish for. Then Keiichi imagination kicks in.

Well it's good he would have never wished for that anyway. lol. ^^
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I'm Playing Final Fantasy 9
I've decided to play FF9 because of Ozma. I will defeat it. I won't give up until I do.
For those who didn't know Ozma, it's in the back of the Chocobo Air Garden. He's one tough boss I tell you. Although I think I should level up more before I face it again...
Although I have beaten the book monster in the Alexandria Library. I think I'll do it again. ^^
Although I can never hope to get Excalibur 2. I can't beat the game in 12 hours! Well, I might be able to but that would mean missing a LOT of stuff to get there. It goes completely against my nature to miss things out, even if I had done them before...
I know it exists. I have seen a card of it in FF9's Tetra Master Card Game.
Oh yes. I also know Garnet's/Dagger's real name. I won't say unless I spoil it for everyone. I found out from Madain Sari. This site would tell you how to do it. Look at "Secret of the Eidolon Wall".
Final Fantasy 9 Sidequest Walkthrough.
Me and CuteKilala watched "Looney Tunes: Back in Action" last night. It was really funny. Road Runner is me and CuteKilala's favourite character. ^^
Since Mishotarup says that Lind seems like a cool character, here's another picture from the front.

Here's a screenshot of Keiichi and Belldandy. Keiichi is terrified and Belldandy seems to be enjoying herself. They are flying on a broom although this is in Keiichi's imagination. Normally, you wouldn't think a guy would be so terrified and hang on to a girl. lol. ^^

I would say that I would be terrified too. I hate heights.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
I Changed My Site A Little Bit.
As some of you have noticed yesterday, there's a new table thingy for my posts now. Now my site looks much more interesting. I have to thank CuteKilala for it. I came up with the design but CuteKilala made it work. I'm an amateur when it comes to HTML coding. lol. ^^
Oh. It's Sesslover18's 1st MyOtaku anniversary today. Congratulations to her. ^^
I also got an award from Sesslover18. Thank you very much. I love it a lot. I have it in my introduction but I'm sure everyone noticed. ^^
Although I feel a little guilty for not bringing up LordSesshomaru's anniversary when it happened. I forgot to post it. Although I comment on his site that day. I hope that makes up for it. I'm very sorry about that.
I was a bit busy so I couldn't play much of Final Fantasy yesterday. I might be able to today. Although when I think about it, I have already COMPLETELY finished FF10. Defeating all the Dark Aeons and Penance. Yet I haven't beaten Ozma in FF9. Maybe I should try and beat him? Sure, he's optional but I like to beat everything anyway...
I was pleasantly surprised to find out that me and CuteKilala aren't the only ones who voice act when playing Final Fantasy. I guess it's not all that weird after all. lol. ^^
Okay. Now for screenshots. Normally, I post in humorous screenshots. Now for some action ones for a change. Or at least show people fighting. It's got action in Ah! My Goddess too. Believe it or not. Although Inuyasha has more. Still good though. ^^
Normally, Belldandy (The character on the left of the screenshots) never is the type of person who fights people considering how she felt guilty after hitting a bug with a hammer. lol. She was trying to protect Keiichi so that's why she's fighting. Or at least blocking blows from an axe anyway. She couldn't keep it up forever.
The character with the axe is called Lind. She's a Valkyrie. Basically part of Heaven's Fighting Squad.

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Monday, August 15, 2005
Sorry For Updating So Late...
I was quite busy. I'm still deciding on which Final Fantasy I should play. I'm switching between FF9 & FF10. Oh well.
You know, Me and CuteKilala used to voice act for the characters whenever I played FF8 and FF9. She doesn't want to do it anymore... T_T
Well my throat usually hurts after a couple of hours of constantly changing my voice. In FF9, I done all the male voices and Eiko because CuteKilala refused to do it. She done the rest of the female characters. She got it easy. There's more male characters than there are female ones.
I am still making DVDs. It's taking a heck of a long time. I guess it's because I'm a perfectionist. lol. ^^
I wish more Inuyasha episodes would hurry up and come out. I'm really missing it...
No screenshot today because I have no time. I would have preferred to post one in the morning...
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