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Saturday, August 13, 2005
I Have New Music On My Site!
What do you guys think of it? Some of you knew about it from yesterday. It's an orchestrated version of one of the many songs in Final Fantasy 10. It's relaxing and doesn't distract you from reading. That's why I picked it. A Chocobo theme was too distracting so this will have to do.
I'm thinking of starting Final Fantasy 9 or 10 again. Which one should I play? ^^
Okay. Now for a screenshot. It's still Keiichi as a girl. He's dressed in a high school girl's uniform. Everyone is starting to get suspicious of him. Keiichi doesn't want anyone to know it was him. lol. ^^
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Soldier Found!
You know the soldier I told you guys about? I looked at his profile in the forum and it said he last visited yesterday. YAY!
I wonder why he stopped posting? Oh well. He will be very busy at the moment I guess since the violence is flaring up again...
Now for a screenshot. Since Keiichi lives with 3 girls, one of them were bound to dress him up at some point. lol. ^^
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Soldier Missing in Action
I just realised something. There was this person I knew in the forum I go to who's a soldier in Iraq. He was stationed in Baghdad. From the last suicide I heard from, quite a lot of soldiers got killed. I haven't heard from him since it happened. I hope he wasn't caught in the blasts....
Well I was so bored yesterday. I couldn't figure out what to do but then I saw a printer next to me. I printed out some of Lord Sesshomaru's wanted posters. I have them hanging on the walls of my house now. lol. ^^
I was watching live feed of Final Fantasy 11, I can watch other people playing the game without me needing to have it. ^^
Well there won't be any screenshots today. I don't feel like making any at the moment.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I Have A DVD Burner Again!
Although it's sort of free. I got a copy from my cousin. It's the exact same burner I had. ^^
Although, once again, it's a trial. So I won't be wasting time. I will get all the anime on my computer, put on DVD.
I can't put Inuyasha or Fruits Basket on DVD. Their video format isn't compatible...
So what have I done other than that today.... Oh that's right! Nothing! It's like this almost everyday. I do nothing at all. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not lazy, I just have no place to go to... Maybe I'll ask Mum to take me somewhere. Only thing is, everytime I ask, she says, "I don't have enough money." I might get told that again today...
Okay. This post may seem long but below this paragraph are screenshots of a scene in Ah! My Goddess that I found funny. ^^ Sorry I can't give a video clip... On a side note, doesn't that little boy look a LOT like Keiichi? It's not Keiichi, trust me. lol. ^^

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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Nobody Guessed Him Right!
Okay. Maybe it was a bit unfair but you see, that GUY (Some of you thought it was a woman) is Keiichi! ^^
If you ask me, it's a great disguise. Keiichi looked like that because he was possessed by a powerful demon called "The Lord of Terror". I wonder if that should be on the top of the list of things that tormented Keiichi. lol. ^^
Here's a picture of him when the demon left him. Recognise him now?

It looks like a site I go to was shutdown in respect of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. Sure it ended WW2 but so many lives have been lost and the long term damage is immense. People like terrorists buy nukes and every country would live in fear. Another thing is, Look at all the wars in the Middle East, a lot of it are over weapons of mass destruction. So in a way, nukes are still killing people today.
Sure it acts as a deterrent too but if you think about it, we are trusting people we don't know to be in charge of them. It is a weapon which should never have been in the hands of humans. The very creator of nuclear weapons said, "I have become the destroyer of worlds..."
Well there probably won't be any nuclear weapons used for a while.
Well I'll go visit everyone now. ^^
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
That's Japan remembering the Hiroshima bombing. It's the 60th Anniversary of when it happened. Looks like they want nuclear disarmament throughout the entire world. They were also saying things like "Mankind and Nuclear Weapons cannot co-exist." Which I agree with.
They also brought up the countries seeking to go nuclear. Iran was one of them. They said it would only lead to their own destruction.
They want nuclear disarmament throughout the world. They want every weapon abolished. They also said that war is not the answer for getting rid of them and that they must "open a dialogue".
Here's a quote from a news source.
"Akiba said in his Peace Declaration that the five established nuclear powers - the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China - as well as India, Pakistan and North Korea were jeopardising human survival."
I wish them the best of luck, it's not going to be easy.
Well anyway. To answer the question Mishotarup asked. "So out of Keiichi and Marller, who do you think gets more torment?" I would have to say Keiichi. ^^
Can anyone guess who this is? ^^
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Hi Everyone
Well I would say it's quite a normal day today. As usual....
For a few years now, I have had a thing called a "Floater" in my eye. It's like a tiny black spot that swims across your eye. I see it when ever I look at something bright. I just figured out how I got it. Back in a certain class in High School, we were working with plastic. The teacher says to everyone not to get plastic dust in your eyes. Because it would stay there for the rest of you life. Even when you are dead and buried. Some jerk threw the dust in my eyes. At the time, I thought I closed my eyes in time and I punched the guy in the back. AND HE HAS THE CHEEK TO ASK WHAT DID I PUNCH HIM FOR!? The teacher then looked in my eyes and found nothing. It was after that that I noticed a floater. The teacher must have found it too small to see. He says the only way to get that stuff out is to have a scalpel across your eye. I don't want to go through that so I'm stuck with it. So that guy who threw it knew what it would do. If I ever come across him again, I'll make him regret it! I will think of something that doesn't involve violence.
Right. Now for more screenshots. These are screenshots of Marller, the demon in Ah! My Goddess.
In case you are wondering why the animation is like this, it's her imagination. About how she keeps getting humiliated. I just found them funny looking. I think this imagination scene is suppose to make her look like the underdog. lol. ^^
In this one, she has lucky charms thrown at her.

About this one, that robot at the left of Skuld is a robot Skuld made to keep Marller away.

And then she thinks about how happy they are and cursing them for it. ^^

In case you are wondering why lucky charms get thrown at her, it's her weakness. Here's what happens to her when she gets in contact with them. ^^

She also cried a couple of times because she's so happy when she thinks she has won. Though it ends up she didn't. She must be so desperate. lol. ^^

Here's a fact about her. Did you know she used to be good friends with Urd in their childhood? Thanks to what their jobs, they have to fight each other whether they like it or not. Which is how Urd knows her weaknesses. ^^
Urd is the character with the white hair just to make sure you guys know who she is.
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Another Screenshot
Well I think I wasted my day on the computer yesterday. I was modifying the mod I used to work for because it's so messed up since I left. I have spent the entire day making a tank fire it's machine gun.... -_-'
It's a military RTS based in the near future just to let you know. In 2007.
I nevver seem to run out of screenshot ideas. Here's another one of Keiichi. A monk made him work in a temple for him to have a place to sleep since he got kicked out his dorm. The monk is working him very hard. Keiichi was cleaning the floor as fast as but then he fell. The monk then hit him hard with a stick across the shoulders. Talk about hard labour. lol. ^^

You guys are right though, he gets tormented a lot! lol. ^^
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Hello Again!
Well my day has been pretty boring yesterday because I wasn't on the computer long. It was CuteKilala's day on the computer again. Sigh....
Well I think I'll modify one of my games on the computer again. You can always make a game more interesting by modifying it. ^^
I have seen this video on TV of some polar bear being rescued from the side of a cliff. It was sort of stuck there. Then some rescue workers with helicopters and climbing gear tried to help it. A tranquilizer was fired from the helicopter to put it to sleep. The the rescue workers moved in so that they could tie rope round it. This is so they could lift it from the cliff. Suddenly, while the bear was being lifted, the ropes were coming loose. The bear was then dangling by one foot. Eventually it fell down the cliff, falling of parts of the cliff that were sticking. It then hit the freezing water below. Surprisingly, this never woke the bear up! O_O
Well eventually it got pulled out of the water and it was still alive. It got released back into the wild after a week of care. ^^
Now for some screenshots. ^^
Keiichi and Skuld are helping each other make a machine. You will notice that Keiichi is standing in front of an exhaust port.

Skuld them puts two wires together in the machine. She then hears a small explosion.

Skuld then brings her head out of the machine and looks at Keiichi. Looks like the exhaust from the port blew in his face. lol. ^^

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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Hello Guys!
That's my DVD burner no longer working now. The trial version of it is finished. Now I have to pay almost £40 told have it for good. I was avoiding switching it off so that I can finish off what I had to do with it. But the computer starting messing up and the program became unreadable. I had no choice but to switch it off... I was FURIOUS!!!
Oh well... at least the recoder still works fine. I can still make all my shows into the highest quality possible. ^^
Here's a screenshot I made of a scene I found funny. The teacher is wondering why Belldandy is there. You see, she's not registered in the university. She only walked in with Keiichi. Keiichi lies to the teacher and says that she's an exchange student. Then he tries to get everyone to agree with him.

Everyone agrees because all the guys in the class fancy her and don't want her to go. lol. ^^
You know one thing that I was wondering lately? Why isn't CuteKilala writing fanfics anyway. I asked her and she said she was too busy. Sigh...
Sure I was writing a fanfic but I got distracted and forgot about it. Maybe I'll someday, start writing it again. Or maybe not. We'll see. I need ideas first. For those of you who don't remember, it was a Zelda fanfic. Based on Majora's Mask...
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