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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Sorry Guys...
Sorry I never updated early. I found trailers of Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children and I was planning to post screenshots. The problem was that the quality was low and I wanted high quality screenshots. I tried recoding the low quality video so that it can be in higher quality. The quality isn't 100% perfect so I won't post screenshots. Only the best quality screenshots are to be posted on my site.
Well from the looks of the trailer, the Highwind, which was the airship in FF7, is in it. And here I thought it was destroyed too. Did it get repaired???
You can see the trailer in better quality in this site.
WARNING!!! Turn the sound WAY down before going in it. There's an explosion noise in the site that's kind of startling.
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Don't Send Me Chain Letters!
My finger is feeling a lot better now I think. It's starting to heal quite nicely although it's still a bit red yet.
My tooth doesn't feel as sore now. Besides, I don't plan on going to the dentist to get it fixed. I'm scared of the dentist because I have had a bad experience with them when I was 7 years old.
For this tooth to be pulled out, I would need surgery to get it pulled out. I remember having a surgery to have 11 baby teeth pulled out all at once.
I'm the kind of person who's terrified of needles. They were injecting it on my wrist. When I saw that needle coming at me, I never felt so terrified before in my life. They tied me down by forces and used wooden splints to keep my arm still. It knocked me out and when I woke up, the needle was still in my arm and it was sore having it pulled out too. I wish they numbed my wrist first before all that...
I never got anymore satellite photos yet. I was busy doing other things. I'm still making DVDs yet.
Oh yes. I got my first chain letter from someone. Don't send me any chain letters. They are useless. I have no crush so I'm not going to send them to other people. Stuff like that don't interest me at the least. The chain breaks here and I don't care about consequences. I don't believe in the superstition of chain letters.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Okay. Here's one satellite photo above a part of Fallujah. I'll try and take more later.

I just hurt my finger two nights ago. I got it caught on a door lock and it ripped two layers of skin off. Not a very big part though but it was bleeding. Not for long anyway. I took my bandade off and it seems to be healing fine. Sometimes oxygen is needed to make a cut heal faster. Although it's the least of my problems.
I have a tooth that crumbled a few years ago at the back of my jaw. It's level with my gum line. I eat something hard and bit it with that tooth which really hurt. I took a pain killer last night and I woke up to find that my tooth sank into my gum. It feels like it's jammed into my jaw. My gum is growing over it now. Well this isn't the first time it happened. It will come back up eventually. ^^
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Sorry For Updating A Bit Late....
I have a program called "Google Earth" that allows me access to satellite photos of nearly anywhere in the world.
I looked at Baghdad and Fallujah in Iraq. I saw scorch marks and destroyed buildings in several places. It's all photos taken this year.
I'll send in screenshots of the photos in my next post if you all want. ^^
Well I'm still writing DVDs. It's taking me FOREVER!!! I'm recoding every episode of Ah! My Goddess and it looks like it took me an entire day, non-stop just for 3 episodes. Well the quality is amazing so I guess it's worth it. ^^
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
I Have Been Busy
Sorry I have been on here as often as I should. I finally have a work DVD Burner. I got it from my cousin. Plus I can recode my videos to be bigger and in higher quality. Meaning no more blocks. ^^
I have 25 episodes of Ah! My Goddess to code. Might take me a whole week. It takes at least 2 hours to recode each episode. 0_0
I'm putting them on DVD anyway. Only problem is, each DVD can only hold 2 episodes...
Since I'm coding episodes, I can't make screenshots right now. And I was wanting to post more too...
It's CuteKilala's day again. Meaning I can never get on today. I was writing this when she was asleep. I will see as many people as I can before she wakes up.
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Keiichi's Many Emotions
Well there's not much to say today except that my Mum is much happier after me cleaning the kitchen floor. Nobody had the courage to clean the kitchen floor be me. Everyone was afraid of bug being there but I didn't come across any. Well that's good. ^^
Well here's bunch of screenshots. My Mum finds all of Keiichi's faces funny. Sure well are are anime lovers and have seen crazier faces but I think I'll just post them anyway.
Keiichi knew the people in charge of the dorm are coming to his room and Belldandy is not meant to be there. Keiichi panics and ends up falling on top of Belldandy and his "Senpais" come in to this. lol. ^^

This one is when Keiichi was terrified of what might happen to him. He broke Dorm rules by having a girl in his room. (Which was an accident). Belldandy doesn't seem to know that they are in trouble. lol. ^^

This is Keiichi and Belldandy forced out of the dorm by a bunch of guys carrying them.

When Keiichi got kicked out, he was thrown to the pavement with Belldandy. I don't think it quite hit Belldandy yet that Keiichi was kicked out yet. lol. ^^

Now for some random images. Here's a screenshot of him getting mad at his sister. Brothers and sister can't every get along eh? lol.

This is Keiichi after Skuld tried an invention out on him. He now thinks he's the best race car driver in the world and called himself the "Emperor of Nekomi Ridge".. He's seeing things and thinks he's on a race track and starts running around on the streets. lol. ^^

Here's one last one. This is Keiichi Jet Skiing on the beach. He may not look like he's enjoying himself but I hope you guys are this summer. ^^

Well that's all for today. It's CuteKilala's day on the computer so I might not be able to visit you all today. Sorry....
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Okay. I'm Back!
Normally, birthdays are fun. But cleaning the kitchen is the WORST. Well, the floor anyway.
Apart from that, things were actually pretty normal.
I got an email from the leader of the mod I was working for. Remember I got in trouble for not using a ftp account properly? Well the leader of the mod I worked for wasn't told about me being let go. It was the person in charge of hosting the mod that kicked me out.
To tell you the truth, I don't want back. I have enjoyed myself more not working for a mod. So I told him I'm not going back.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
It's My Mum's Birthday
Sorry I haven't visited anyone yesterday. It was CuteKilala's day on the computer. I thought I was going to be able to visit today but I can't. Since it's my Mum's birthday, I have to give her special treatment.
I can't go out to buy anything. So the only thing I can do is give Mum a whole day on the computer. That and doing some cleaning in the Kitchen....
Oh well... It's only one day isn't it? See you all tomorrow. I promise. ^^
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Nothing To Say Today...
Well there is nothing much to do today. CuteKilala wants me to look for DNAngel but it's very hard. She wants it in English but all the ones I found were in Japanese. Sigh... If only she wasn't so bothered about subtitles....
Is DNAngel even in English???
Since I have nothing to post. I'll show you guys a banner that someone in my forum wanted me to make for his club.

But the thing is, he isn't using it. After all the work I put into it too. That's the last time I do anything for him....
For those of you thinking it's too small. It's not a site banner. It's a banner that you use for forum signatures.
That same guy had the nerve to say I was stealing anime because I download them from the internet. Not everyone can get a job you know! I mean he seems to forget I'm only 17 years old. He's in his 20s so he can get a job and buy whatever he wants.
I mean when you live here in Britain, it's very hard to find any decent anime. Downloading anime is the only way I can see decent animes.
Not only that, I will only buy animes I like a lot. I mean if I wasn't allowed to download animes from the internet, I would actually have to buy an anime first on DVD before I could watch it to see what it's like. I mean you could end up buying an anime you don't like and regret buying it. I mean it's too much of a risk for me.
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
I'm A Disaster With Electronics...
Boy has my day been rotten yesterday... Well at least the final part anyway. I was in my bed and I heard a crashing noise and it woke me up. Looks like it was my DVD player...It was on top of a 19 inch tv which was on top of a stand which was to the left of my bed. Now the lights aren't working on it and the DVD tray won't shut. Plus there is a big crack on it and a CD got stuck inside, rattling around the machine.
HOW THE HECK DID IT FALL OFF THE TV?! I mean it's like someone shoved it off while I was asleep but everyone was downstairs. It was a DVD player that could play DVDs from all over the world too... I suspect that my room is slanted.
A week before, the PS2 controller stopped working. I have to use CuteKilala's controller now. And there was that time when I fell on my Gamecube and broke a cheat cartridge my Mum uses for playing Mario games.
There was yet another time when a portable TV fell on my head when I was asleep.
The strange thing is, it ALL happened when I was lying on the left side of my bed. Is my bed cursed?
I was thinking of posting screenshots yesterday but I'm no longer in the mood after what happened...
Sorry I wasn't online much yesterday. It was CuteKilala's day on the computer. I'll visit everyone now.
Here's official artwork of a Chocobo Knight. ^^
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