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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Yesterday Was Sad For Me....
The last episode of Ah! My Goddess had shown in Japan. I loved the show too... Well I'll be buying the DVDs when they come to America. The makers are rumored to have said that there would be more shows if the DVD sales go well. They would be coming out on the 27th of September 2005. I am contributing to the show to make more releases appear. I'm buying the one with the artbox. Which is going to cost $44.95 I think. Which means I only need to save up to just somewhere over £20.
I found Dark Cloud 2 again. YAY! My Mum said I would have had to be the one to pay for it. Thank god I don't have to anymore. I be playing with it in it's last few days. This is the last time I'm renting it since my brother got me it.
Here's a screenshot of Skuld looking like she's doing something evil with a floppy disk. lol. ^^

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Sorry that I wasn't online yesterday. I was busy. That rental copy of Dark Cloud 2 went missing so I'm trying to find it before it goes back.
Oh! Remember that I told everyone about the part I found so easy to beat? Now I found a truely challenging place on some other island in Wind Waker. It was so much fun having half a dozen enemies attacking me at once. Shark Island. I kicked all of their butts without dying or recovering health. They just kept coming. I'm confident in my fighting abilities.
I'll visit as many sites as I can now before CuteKilala wakes up. If I don't make it to your site, I'm very sorry.
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
13 Comments! A New Record!
Well I got 13 comments in the last post and that's a new record for me. YAY! ^^
Well that's me wanting to play, Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth before CuteKilala wakes up. I have to modify it first though. Normally, it won't let me make big armies and the enemy doesn't make big ones either. I will change that to make things more challenging. I may have USED to work for a mod team but that doesn't mean that I can do things for myself. lol. ^^
My Brother told me of this part in The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker. He said it was "hard". He told me to bring Blue Potions with me before I go there. It was some hole in Outset Island that packed with monsters. It wasn't as hard as my Brother made out. In fact, it was a lot of fun. I only lost 3 hearts in there WITHOUT using any potions on my first try.
My Brother said he was defeated in there a couple of times. My Brother is normally great at games. The only reason I can think of is that he was playing while he was distracted or tired. I know he would have normally did that,no problem. ^^
About people wanting me to draw. I still don't feel inspired although if I find any of my old drawings and have a scanner, I'll submit it. Although I doubt I will find them since they got lost after we moved house last time.
Well I'll go and visit people now. ^^
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
I Got Dark Cloud 2!
My Brother bought me Dark Cloud 2 ! YAY! I have enough money to make up for it. I'm supposed to give it to my Mum because it's coming out of her money. All my hard work paid off. Although I still have Dark Cloud 2 rented out for yet ANOTHER week. Although I have to wait for it to get sent from America so the rental wasn't a waste of money. We had it rented before we heard the news of him getting it. ^^'
I was supposed to talk to my Brother last night on AIM but I got tired and fell asleep while my Mum was talking to him. Sorry Michael! (It's my Brother's name)
Well anyway. Everyone else talked to him though. They left the computer on all night and I saw what was said in the conversation.
CuteKilala and my brother were talking to each other about why I don't draw much despite me being good at it. I'll tell you all why. My back and my neck gets sore when I draw too long. I usually take my time drawing to make it perfect and I end up all sore in the end.
Then my brother made a comment about me being able to play games all day. It's because I can sit up or lie down in my bed when I play them. I don't get all sore that way.
Okay well I'll visit people's sites whenb I can but it's CuteKilala's day on the computer so please forgive me if I don't make it to your site.
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Friday, July 8, 2005
More News About The Attack
I saw LordSesshomaru's post honoring the people who dies in the terror attack. That's very nice of you. ^^
Although LordSesshomaru's right. We should not blame our leaders for it. These people attacked innocent people without feeling any remorse....
I saw this story on the Sky News site. It's about the Bus bomb. Looks like it was a suicide bomber that blew it up. Someone saw him come on the bus. He said the guy looked nervous and kept checking the inside of his bag. The guy who saw him got off at the next stop. A few seconds later, the back of the bus blew up. By some strange miracle, not everyone was killed in the bus. Someone else saw the guy blow himself up. Plus there were people still sitting down with arms missing and lumps of flesh lying all over the floor and a torso landed outside the bus in front of someone. It must have been horrible....
Then I also think back to the attacks that happen in Iraq. These people go through this everyday. They must be suffering a lot. I think I have an even deeper understanding to how they feel now...
Right. Well time to talk about something slightly happier. I made enough money to buy Dark Cloud 2 now. I just need to buy it now. Although it the matter of finding somewhere that sells it.
I am still doing some more work for my Mum while I wait. She said she feels happier now that the house is looking cleaner. Bad thing is, the dust is flying and making my allergies act up...
Now for my stats.
Total Visits - 405
Popularity Ranking - # 1999
Guestbook - 45
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Another Normal Day... Or Maybe Not.
Well nothing has been happening today. Well I went and put 13 episodes of Fruits Basket on to DVD. Ended up watching it with CuteKilala. Which explains why she suddenly posted Fruits Basket pictures.
Although the DVD is only a data DVD so it won't play on a DVD player. It will play on the computer though. ^^
I found out that George Bush is in Scotland right now for a G8 summit. He went out for a bike ride in the countryside and crashed into a Policeman. The Policeman is now in hospital. Now if anyone asked the policeman what happened, nobody is going to believe him. "President Bush crashed into me on his bike." Poor guy. lol. ^^
For anyone who cares, Bush is fine but he's laughing about it. He visited the policeman in hospital and he said the policeman was doing fine.
In other news. There was an explosion in London at some train station. Bush seems to bring trouble where ever he goes. Not many people like him here in Britain.
I don't normally post news like this but I have nothing to say at the moment. If I have something to say, I'll post it.
UPDATE: There are reports that it could be an explosive device that expoded in the Underground Subway and there are walking wounded. Plus a bus exploded. I'm convinced now that Bush being in this country has something to do with it.
At first they were saying that it was a power surge but that doesn't explain why a bus exploded. Looks to me that public tranport is the target. Many are injured. Some killed.
I think this happened because a lot of the security over here were protecting Bush and other world leaders at the time against violent protesters. If they weren't here, it might have been avoided.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
I Hate Being Busy....
Well sorry I couldn't update yesterday... I have been busy with some work around the house. I am getting money from my Mum. I get about £2.00 for each job. Like cleaning the bathroom. I know it doesn't sound like a lot but my Mum isn't exactly rich so I undertstand. ^^
One fun job was when Mum wanted me to get rid of a desk. It's pretty big so Mum yet me break it apart. Kicking apart was so FUN!!! ^^
Also that desk was what the computer was on. This new desk is much cleaner. Plus it matches the height of the seat. The other one was too tall so I had to sit at the edge of my seat... This desk is so much more comfortable. ^^
My Mum also found me my £10 note while cleaning. YAY! I lost thaT MONTHS ago! It's great Mum is so honest and didn't take it for myself. I'm just a few more steps from buying Dark Cloud 2. ^^
Oh yes! CloudStrife7777 coded in a new cursor for my site. It's a Chocobo! Thank you very much CloudStrife7777! I love it! ^^
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Monday, July 4, 2005
I think I'm Getting Back To Updating Everyday.
Well my games are starting to loosen their grip on me but I still enjoy them. I just have more self control now. ^^
Here's something that I sometimes wonder about. Why is it that most people or parents call anime crap? Okay I must admit that it has a bad reputation of being too violent among other things but that doesn't mean all animes are like that.
My Mum likes the animes I watch. She sometimes sits down and watches Inuyasha with me and CuteKilala. I wish more people were like that... Giving a show a chance before passing judgement...
It's sad how some people don't give anime shows a chance and paint every anime with the same brush. I'm sorry if any of you know people like that...
I made this screenshot too. You know that "Jack Daniel's Whiskey"? Looks like it made an appearance in an episode of Ah! My Goddess under the name "Dack Daniel's". Okay maybe not all of you will recognise it but I did. ^^

Oh yes. For anyone who's American, have a great Independence Day! ^^
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
I'm Going To America Someday
It's not very soon though as it's still in the planning stages. Well my Mum wants to go back to America to live. Somewhere in Roseville anyway. This winter at the soonest.
I have some mixed feelings myself about going there. I was talking to my brother on the phone and he says I have to live with my Dad...
It's not that I don't like my Dad or anything, it's just that I don't know him too well and I'm a little scared of him to be honest. My brother said he's changed. I really hope so.
Although there are other problems. I'm afraid he'll try to hook me up with someone.
The problem is that I don't want a relationship.
Another problem is that I hate being around cigerette smoke and my Dad smokes a LOT along with the other person he lives with.
Although my Dad is a good person. He cares about us a lot and helps us out financially. Plus he has a sense of humour and can be fun.
Well if things turn out as I fear, me and my Dad might fight a lot and we both have a bad temper. I lose my temper easily but I hate it when I do...
Well if he doesn't try to hook me up with someone and doesn't tease me, I could live with him without much of a problem. It's only until my Mum finds a house. CuteKilala will be living there too. At least I will live with SOMEONE I know very well. ^^
Well I hope I'm only being paranoid and I hope he'll respect my wishes of not getting hooked up or for him not to tease me for not being interested in getting a relationship.
Anyway. I had shown this pic to CuteKilala and she asked, "Are they human?". That made me laugh. They just got punched in the face. ^^
What are your thoughts?
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
I wake up at the right times now!
Well almost... I used to be up all night but now I wake up at 5:50am now. YAY! I recovered from what my games did to me. ^^
I stayed up until after 8pm waiting for a show to came on but I never made it. I was up almost 24 hours...
Well there's not much to say today... Nothing much of interest happened.
Except that I have finished some work for my mum so that she can rent out Dark Cloud 2 again.
Well here's something strange. I took this screenshot. Sometimes I wonder if she feels the slightest bit of fear when she talks to Bumble Bees. Doesn't look like it. lol. ^^
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