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Friday, May 13, 2005
Sorry I haven't managed to visit everyone yesterday, my sister was online most of the day so I couldn't do anything. I hope to make up for it today. ^_^
I just found out last night that my big brother goes to my site and CuteKilala's. Imagine that....
Well I have another screenshot. Skuld is making sure Keiichi doesn't go near Belldandy. Very protective of her sister eh? lol. ^_^
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
I Have A New Button!
SuperGal16 made me a new button. Thank you very much. ^_^ I have two buttons now, YAY!
Well anyway, CuteKilala will be online today. I bet you all can't wait. ^_^
Also, I had recently managed to level up all the dresspheres for everyone in FFX-2. It took a heck of a long time but I have finally done it. ^_^
Here's some more screenshots. Strange though, I have looked up the wallpapers on the site yet they don't tell you it's a comedy. Oh well....
This is when Keiichi ate something that tastes REALLY bad. Must taste horrible. lol.

This is when Urd burst into Tamiya and Otaki's dorm. Tamiya looks terrified being lifted by a woman. lol. ^_^

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
More Screenshots
Here's some screenshots of the same show I have shown before. These two I think are funny. lol.

Well anyway. The internet got cut off the ENTIRE morning. I woke up 4 hours before everyone else to get on the internet and it was all for nothing..... ><
BTW, CuteKilala is very busy today doing things and MIGHT not be on today...
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
I don't know what to say today.....
I have just learned that Wales has it's own language. I learn something new everyday. It's one of the most complicated languages I have EVER heard. JAPANESE is easier IMO. Here's a link to a recording of what it sounds like. It's someone reading a part of the Bible I think....
Different topic. I have managed to beat all the dark aeons in FF10. Who else beat them?
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Some Screenshots
Here's some screenshot of the show I was talking about.
This is the bad guy. Mara. She is a first class demon. One of her weaknesses are lucky charms. As you can see. ^_^

These are screenshots of the main male character. Keiichi Morisato. He got turned small and got teleported to different places non stop. Funny what kind of places he ended up in. lol.

This is Skuld electricuting Megumi Morisato. Keiichi's sister. Skuld can be such a brat sometimes. lol. ^_^ The person beside Skuld is Belldandy, her older sister. She's also Keiichi girlfriend. Sort of...

Oh yes. Does everyone like my pet penguin? Penguins are my favourite animals. ^_^
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Another Subject
I have been having an okay day so far. Well my Mum finally woke up. She wants the royal treatment I think.
Well me and my sister are waiting for more Inuyasha episodes to come out. The high quality ones.
What's everyone's favourite Final Fantasy character?
From FF7, I like Cloud and Cid
From FF8, I like Irvine and Squall.
From FF9, I like Zidane and Vivi.
From FF10, I like Kimahri and Auron.
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Hello Everyone!
I'm delighted to be here. First time I have had my own site. Well I'm an Inuyasha fan like my sister. Although I don't write fan fics and stuff. Oh well.
Plus I love the show called "Aa! Megami-sama". Who else watches it? Unfortunately, I have been the only one watching it so far. Because you see, my sister only watches shows she finds herself and it's not in Japanese..... Not only that, it was never released in the UK so I know nobody who knows of the show. Only through the internet and that's it.
Well I like the TV series best. Much more humor in it. Maybe I'll post some screenshots a few times. I'll leave the Inuyasha ones to CuteKilala. ^_^
Speaking of "Aa! Megami-Sama", a new fansub is out in Anime Yuki. Go get it there if you want to see it. Be sure to thank the fan subbers. ^_^
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