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Monday, May 29, 2006
I Was Busy For Once!
Hey everyone. Sorry for the delay on updating. I was quite busy for the past few days, doing a favour for someone. I was making DVDs of "Lost" for my cousin Catrina's son. He missed the last four episodes of "Lost", so my Mum offered that she'll ask me to make them. I never got told before hand but I made them anyway. It made the computer unavailable to me while I was burning the DVD. Although I hit a few bumps along the way.
The DVD kept writing the episodes out-of-sync. I tried THREE times to get the first two episodes to get written properly! But all my attempts failed and the whole day of trying went to waste... I was really furious! Well Catrina's son was grateful anyway. He said the out-of-sync problem wasn't too bad. What a relief! I don't like giving defective things to people but at least they are happy.
You know, I've never seen her son before. But I do know one thing, he's black! Imagine that, I'm related to someone who's black. lol. I think that's pretty cool. ^_^
Well I enjoyed those episodes of "Lost". The season finale was quite exciting! Although I'm not going to say what it was in case I ruin something for someone. Over here, the second season of "Lost" is just starting. But I saw the end of the season before most people in the rest of Britain. Thank God for Bittorrent! lol! ^_^
Well I finally got to watch an episode of Tsubasa Chronicle with CuteKilala. The villain in that episode was just so incompetent! He was in his little control room, ready to press a button to make a laser fire and kill Sakura. But Syaoran came in the room to try and stop him. The villain then presses some button to make a ceiling gun fire at Syaoran to stop him in his tracks while the guy has time to push the button. I have no idea what he was doing, but within 2-3 minutes of being able to push the button without failure, he waits until AFTER Syaoran got past the gun! Not only that, he was pulling his fist back like he was ready to punch the button, wasting even more time. What a MORON!
Well here's screenshots of the scene. So that you can all see for yourself. Thankfully, he was a very minor villain.

Syaoran smashing the gun.

Look at "Mr. Dramatic" here, ready to punch the button... -_-'

Then he gets stopped like this.

I was also re-programming Battle for Middle Earth 2 again yesterday. I wanted to play it to make up for the lost time I was using on writing that DVD I mentioned before. I was trying to make Soldiers of Rohan to fight alongside Soldiers of Gondor. I made one little mistake and it stopped the game from running. Well I fixed that by undoing everything I did. I think I'll try again later on, but more carefully next time..
For those of you wondering what CuteKilala is doing, she's still drawing that Manga. Looks like she's sticking with it. Maybe because you guys voted on what drawing she should do. So she's made "Sesshomaru's Greatest Fear" her priority. ^_^
YAY! I have 125 downloads on my wallpapers! Although, not surprisingly, Keiichi only has around half the amount of downloads my second Belldandy wallpaper has. lol. Oh well, doesn't matter, at least people like my wallpapers. ^_^
Well, that's all for now. See you all later!
Comments (8) |
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I Feel Better Now.
I managed to fix my sleeping time! YAY! As you all know from yesterday, I was planning on staying up for 22 hours to sleep at a decent time. Well as you know, I've done it! There is only one problem though. CuteKilala ended up staying up all night after I went to bed. Dang it! We were both supposed to wake up early in order for us to make a successful trip to Edinburgh. That's right, we never got to go yet...
So basically, all that effort to stay up was a waste... Okay, maybe not a complete waste. At least I can concentrate now to visit everyone. I had to force myself yesterday. I couldn't focus very well at all, and spent something like 20-30 minutes on each site commenting. The noise of the TV in the background didn't help a bit... -_-'
I'm glad you all weren't bored with my post yesterday. I was afraid you would. You guys are such good friends. ^_^
I managed to get my videos on "ZippyVideos" to work again. It seems I needed an updated Windows Media Player. So I've got a video ready for you all. It's the intro of Dirge of Cerberus. It's not very long but it did come from the game itself. I was planning on doing a clip on the siege of Midgar, but I didn't know if you all would think of it as a spoiler. What do you guys think? Should I post it on my next post?
But for now, here's the intro.

I'm glad you guys liked yesterday's wallpaper too. It's definitely better than my first one, that's for sure. LordSesshomaru said that I could make a little collection since they are the same style. That's the plan. ^_^
I'm going to make one of all the characters. Since I'm not quite ready to make more complicated wallpapers, I'm going to just make wallpapers in that style. Not only that, but the wallpapers are only going to be made with screenshots of the show itself. Sure, there are a lot of very nice pictures I could use out there, but I think they are WAAAAAAY too over-used as it is. So to keep my wallpapers original, screenshots are the way to go. ^_^
Well the fansubs of Ah! My Goddess aren't out yet... I found out what the delay was. When the episodes were coming out at first, they were coming out in full screen. When the wide-screen episodes started on TBS in Japan, the full-screen version was dropped by the fansubbers when it was 4 episodes in the season. So the fansubbers decided to go back to the beginning of season 2 and sub the wide-screen videos instead. They have 2 of them released so far. Just 2 more to go and I'll be back to where the I left off in the show. I can't wait! ^_^
I ended up forgetting about Tsubasa Chronicle yesterday. I was meant to watch it with CuteKilala but I was so tired, it completely left my mind. That's the effect of lack of sleep. I might watch it today now that my mind is able to focus now. I just hope CuteKilala wakes up early enough to watch it.
I've just been playing Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2 when I woke up. I've been fixing even more bugs in it. I just made the Dwarves much more reliable in the game. They were just so unthinkably STUPID before! I ordered a whole bunch of them, each armed with an axe and a shield, to kill some Urukai (The things that attacked Helm's Deep in the second film) and can you guess what they did? The moment they reached them, all 15 Dwarves just STOOD there staring at them, instead of hacking the Urukai to bits! Therefore, the "Superior" Dwarves were slaughtered by the Urukai. >_<
The problem was that they weren't programmed properly by the game designers. So I fixed that myself and they fight with intelligence now instead of stare. They now have a fighting chance. YAY! It's good to be able to program a game. It's too complicated to explain how I fixed them but the main thing is that they are. ^_^
Wow. I've been able to write this post without having to think hard. Sleep was definitely a big help. lol. I better go now. I've got more bug fixes to do and I'm going to visit people's sites afterwards. See you later. ^_^
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Nothing Much To Say...
I really don't have much to talk about. I just went to sleep at 5pm and woke up at midnight yesterday. So I pretty much missed out on a lot. If anything DID happen that is! I really have to get back to normal sleeping times. ^^'
My strategy is to not go to sleep until 10pm. So that would mean I'd have to stay up for 22 hours in total. Don't worry about me, I do that a lot and I'm used to it. The longest I've ever stayed up was for 48 hours. ^_^
I was going to make another video of Dirge of Cerberus but nothing in Zippy Videos will play for me anymore. So no video. I haven't been making screenshots either because I thought the video will work. Well, maybe next time.
Me and CuteKilala might watch Tsubasa Chronicle later. Two episodes came out in a double release, so hopefully, that will give us something to do. Although I really wish the new episodes of Inuyasha would hurry up and come out. It was getting so good too! >_<
I was annoying everyone by walking around the house in my new slippers for the past week. I mean it sounded like a horse is going through the hallway or something. lol. We have wooden floors on the bottom floor of our house and it can be a problem being quiet wearing those cheap slippers. They have these really hard soles at the bottom, no matter how hard I try to tip-toe around the house, it was knocking the wood. So I got my old slippers washed and now it's nice and quiet again. ^_^
See? The fact I'm talking about something so unimportant proves I have nothing to talk about. lol.
My newest wallpaper is in now. You all can check it all if you want. I did say I was going to make a better one of Belldandy, didn't I? Well, it is the same sort of style, but she doesn't look stretched this time. The background is that of the temple that's right next to Keiichi and Belldandy's house. ^_^
Belldandy Wallpaper
It was quite hard to cut around that picture of Belldandy, that's for sure. The background was kinda dark, so the outlines blended in with the background. I hope I did it alright.
It seems this wallpaper has been downloaded more than the Keiichi one. I'll tell you, anything with Belldandy on it seems to catch the most attention, leaving Keiichi forgotten about... ^^'
Well I'd like to thank everyone who commented on the Keiichi wallpaper from the last post. I'm glad that I'm improving.
I'm very sorry about this boring post. I'll try and make up for it tomorrow. I'm going to write to the Zippy Videos site to ask why my videos aren't working. Hopefully, I'll have a video posted by tomorrow. Fingers crossed! Reading everyone else's post is going to be very refreshing after struggling to write this one. lol. See you all later! ^_^
Comments (13) |
Monday, May 22, 2006
Yesterday Was Boring...
Hey there! I guess not much happens on a Sunday, huh? I posted a lot of screenshots and 2 videos of Dirge of Cerberus yesterday and you were all away somewhere. Oh well. Just bad timing on my part. lol. If you all want to see them, see yesterday's post. ^_^
I was quite busy playing my game yesterday. Not much was happening on MyOtaku yesterday. Not very many people updated. I think it was only 6 or 7 people on my friends list that updated.
My new wallpaper got accepted. YAY! It is a very rare wallpaper too! Most of the wallpapers I see of Ah! My Goddess had either only Belldandy, Urd or Skuld... I have not once came across one wallpaper dedicated to Keiichi Morisato. Ever... So I made one! See for yourself. ^_^
Keiichi Morisato Wallpaper
Well I would say that I'm quite happy with this wallpaper. What do you guys think? I know it's not amazing, but I'm just a beginner after all. I'll stick with making simple wallpapers for now. They look good to me anyway. I have another one submitted too. It might show up later today but we'll just wait and see. I'm starting to have fun making wallpapers. I think I'll keep making them when I have nothing to do. Of course, I'll do different animes too, don't worry. ^_^
I was planning on making a video on Dirge of Cerberus today, but the ones from yesterday will do fine for the moment. After all, only 6 people saw yesterday's post due to the lack of online activity.
To answer ElvesAteMyRamen's question, I don't really have an overall favourite Final Fantasy game. They all have that unique storyline and characters that are really good. Well, at least in FF6 and up anyway. FF1 & 2 were just plain boring. If it were just story, I like FF7's the best, with FF10 coming a very close second. When it came to using Chocobos, I liked FF9. When it came to a lot of action packed cut scenes, then FF8. So as I said, all the games have their own quality that I like. ^_^
Well I've made some more screenshots for you guys! You're probably going to get more screenshots from me than most other sites on the game at this time of the year. lol.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006
I'm Having A Great Day!
Hi there! I'm in a pretty good mood today. Guess what time I woke up? 4:30am! Finally, I'm getting up early again! ^_^
Well after yesterday, it was pretty easy to go to sleep early. The only person having fun that day was CuteKilala. I was just playing an old game in my room. Although, I was thinking to myself how I wanted to update my site. It's a good thing I was bored though, I was able to sleep without the feeling I could be doing something else instead. Waking up after 4 hours or sleep every night was taking it's toll.
Before CuteKilala woke up yesterday, I was gathering up things to post on my site. I'm absolutely DELIGHTED with the response to my last post. 18 comments! That's more than I have ever had, I think. Thank you! ^_^
Also, I'd like to thank everyone who commented on my wallpaper. Although, I think I messed it up a little. Sesslover18 was saying how it's hard to crop screenshots and all that. I THOUGHT something in the wallpaper was a little off!
I pasted Belldandy on the wallpaper at her original size, but she looked a little thinner than normal. Stupid wide-screen video... I'll make a better wallpaper of her at some point, I promise.
I'll be making a wallpaper again today and I'll post it when it's done. This time, I'm making one of Keiichi Morisato. Although, that's going to be pretty difficult. All of the screenshots I took of him just don't suit a wallpaper. I'll continue to look for some. All the other characters seem to have lots of good poses that do great for a wallpaper... It's just not fair! >_<
I was asked a question on what Final Fantasy game I found to be the best between FF6, the original FF7 and FF8. Well I think it depends on what story and characters you like. If you want better graphics, then FF8. The story was also a masterpiece. FF6 was good too, but it isn't my favourite. FF7 had the worst looking cut scenes out of all three. Although that can be explained with the fact it's the first game in the Final Fantasy series to even HAVE cut scenes. However, the story more than made up for it. Not only that, the way it ended made a good excuse to make the films and games of FF7 you all see today. I hope that answers your question, Iggy Napster. ^_^
There seems to have been a LOT of comments about Lucrecia. I never thought one screenshot would get such a response. lol. I made more screenshots and placed another one of her from the side amongst them, since you all liked her so much. You'll see them at the end of the post. ^_^
But first, I made two clips of whole scenes in Dirge of Cerberus! With subtitles of course! These clips are pretty much near the beginning. Although I could not make them in order. Some scenes are just too long to be hosted on Zippy Videos in high quality... Sorry.
I do have one regret about watching the videos I downloaded. It had the ending amongst them! Well I do know something from it that's good news. It's definitely not the last FF7 game that will be coming out. A new enemy shall appear, claiming to be someone's brother. I have to actually play the game to understand it. I won't post a screenshot since it's the ending after all.
Well, here are some clips. Don't worry, there's no spoilers in these ones. If it doesn't play on it's own, tell it to play manually. The video works, trust me. ^_^
Sorry about the first one being a little low in quality, but I had to decrease it to make Zippy Videos except the long clip.

This one is in better quality. ^_^

Now for the screenshots to end the post. See you all later!

Cid enjoying a smoke.

Barret looks pretty good here. ^_^

That is some gun, huh?

A holographic image of the planet getting hit with 3 meteors.

The figure you see through the crystal is Vincent walking away.
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Friday, May 19, 2006
Final Fantasy 7: Dirge of Cerberus
The wallpaper I told you all about yesterday is in. YAY! You can all check it out now if you want. ^_^
It was pretty hard to make that wallpaper when it came to cutting around Belldandy's hair. You know, those parts of the hair that stick out at the front? That took me the longest to do because I tried not the cut any of it off. I used "Picture It!" to make it. I think it came out okay though.
Well I just downloaded a bunch of fansubbed videos regarding "FF7: The Dirge of Cerberus" last night. It seems like it's some scenes in the game. I think I'll make you all clips! It looks EXTREMELY COOL! Finally, something in my site that's interesting to just about everyone! lol. I'll post little by little every time I update. That can give some of you something to look forward to, eh? I'm really excited! ^_^
Here's a few screenshots for now.

By the way, that's Vincent's Girlfriend (Or at least I think she was his girlfriend at some point), Lucrecia.

Cid's Airship Fleet!

Cloud rides to war!

Midgar under siege!

Vincent and Hojo.

A festival at Kalm.

I can say this, I didn't bother much with the game before, but now, I want to buy this game, whatever it takes! I can't think of anything else right now. I want to watch the rest of the video! ^_^
About how I talk about nothing but Ah! My Goddess in my posts, I know I talk about it almost every time and I could be talking about something else. Even though I love Inuyasha and FMA, what can I possibly bring up that hasn't been discussed already? I just wanted to talk about stuff that I don't have to strain myself to come up with some original topics. lol. I'm the only one I know in MyOtaku who even mentions it. It doesn't get the attention it deserves. Only the OVA gets attention, which isn't as good as the TV Series in my opinion...
But I think this new video I found would get a LOT more attention for a while. I can promise you that. I'm sorry I couldn't add more to the post but considering I left a few screenshots and a Wallpaper, it's been worthwhile. See you all later!
Comments (15) |
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I Made A Wallpaper!
Well I'm a little late on updating because I was making an Ah! My Goddess wallpaper last night. It took me a few hours to do. I hope this one get accepted. The last one I sent in never. I don't know why, but that's life. It might take up to 48 hours to appear though. At least it got rid of my utterly boring night. I'm nowhere near as good as some people on MyOtaku at making wallpapers, but I did enjoy making it, that's the main thing. ^_^
Well I killed a spider a couple of days ago. CuteKilala screamed when she saw it and hurt my ears! >_<
Well I got a shoe and killed it that way. In the past, I used to only use sprays because I was too afraid to go near it. Now I'm fine with it as I grew up.
I was talking to CloudStrife7777 recently and we got into a conversation about whether or not it's possible to make a functional Gunblade. Well it looks like there was someone in Zacatecas, Mexico, willing to make one for somebody. Although it never got made because he was going to charge $17,500 for it. This was probably because he wanted it made with a pure silver blade. Oh well. I'll be looking again at some point to see if someone made one.
I also came across a 68 inch replica of Sephiroth's sword from Advent Children. It looks pretty cool! Although since it's $100, it might only be for display purposes only...
Me and CuteKilala watched the Tsubasa Chronicle movie recently. I like the series and all, but that movie was just not good... There are MANY holes in the plot and it was too darn short being 34 minutes long. (And I thought Dumbo was short...) Like when Fye and Kurogane were fighting off guards and won. Yet, in another seen, they were in a cage. What the heck happened? Didn't they just win!? One of the many things that weren't explained at all.
Another thing is that's badly thought out was the villain. He is just so single minded. All he talked about was covering the world in darkness without explaining why. He was quite boring in terms of a background.
I'll stick with the series. It's much better considering it explains things well and the animation is better. The movie gets a thumbs down from me. -_-'
Here's a random screenshot or two of Ah! My Goddess again before I end this post. Anyone who knows Skuld and hasn't watched the series would find these screenshots very odd. For those who don't know, she usually HATES Keiichi! Now when she's an Adult for a day, she wanted to be with him nearly the whole time. But by the end of the episode, she hates him again. lol. ^_^

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
That's Right, Still Updating!
I don't really have much to say today. Updating everyday when you are indoors is not easy, I can tell you that. lol.
Yesterday was the same old story... Nothing new happening at all. Still no release of Ah! My Goddess. CuteKilala's still working on the draft of her manga. I wish things could get a bit more interesting. Like me going out somewhere. But do I get that? No... Instead I'm in here all day waiting for things to happen...
Although I am working on a Wanted Poster for the main character in Ah! My Goddess, Keiichi Morisato. It's something people enjoy seeing in the forum I go to. I know a few people look forward to it and I finally doing it now. It's just about done I think. Thank God for that. It was hard to find the right picture of him that's good for the poster. That's what delayed it for so long...
I guess that's the only thing I did. It took about 30 minutes work after I planned everything in my head. I think it's coming together nicely. ^_^
To confirm the question of the screenshot yesterday, aye, that is the blast Belldandy sets off when she's jealous. She thought Keiichi was hitting on someone else, (He wasn't really, he was being controlled by Urd) so she gives off that huge amount of energy uncontrollably. The one in the screenshot was big, wasn't it? Well that was the start of it. It was even bigger than that! ^_^
She really has difficulty dealing with her negative feelings, so you can only see it in her surroundings. Like when she's really angry, thunderstorms happen, school lockers start to crush themselves, etc... Keiichi finds her scary when she's angry. Yet, Belldandy herself doesn't seem to realise she's doing it. lol. ^_^
Same with the jealousy. The energy blast was when her jealousy was at it's peak. At first, it started with water pipes bursting and ceiling lights breaking.
Usually, she's a VERY easy going, friendly person. But despite all that, things work out in the end. ^_^
Now for a group screenshot of the characters. Just to fill my post... lol.

Now to talk about something else. I have another quote from the Lord of the Rings cast. It's Orlando Bloom again.
On his character Legolas and the way Legolas moves: "Legolas doesn't speak a lot - he prefers to let his actions speak for him. Legolas' moves are smooth and elegant, like a cat. You know how cats can jump and land steadily on their paws? That's what I'm trying to do. There's a strength in that, but it's very balletic. It's also bloody hard to do without falling over!"
And now for a bit of Trivia on the guy who plays Aragorn.
"He became good friends with the close-knit stunt men on the "Lord of the Rings" films, but they were wary of doing fight scenes with him because, carried away with the intensity of his character Aragorn, he would frequently "really go at them" and leave the other combatants in bruises. Massive actor Lawrence Makoare, playing Lurtz under heaps of make-up which restricted his vision, also got carried away during their fight scene at the conclusion of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) and, for once, Mortensen (Aragorn) was left more bruised than the other actor."
I wonder if the producers were scared about giving them swords? lol.
Oh! I can't believe I took over an hour to write this post! Well I'm very sorry I couldn't talk about things that interest everyone. I just wrote whatever was on my mind at the time I wrote this. I really need find something else to talk about in my next post...
I've got to go now and visit your sites. See you all later. ^_^
Comments (9) |
Monday, May 15, 2006
Nothing Special...
Well time for an update again. As you all know, CuteKilala is yet to update. But she is making progress on the manga story she's drawing. Although it's in the draft stage at the moment. Since she's incapable of updating at this time, you'll know from me how she's doing.
She's been on the computer quite a lot yesterday to visit people. She hopes that by doing that every time it's her day on the computer, she'll be able to let you all know she is still around. Well that's the most I can do to push her to go on MyOtaku, but I believe she's enjoying herself.
I hope you all did a good job keeping your Mums happy on Mother's Day! I never managed to get anything but I'm glad Mum understands. After all, the official Mother's Day for Britain already passed. lol. Well I did get her cups of tea though. ^_^
You know, I really can't believe how much of a delay there is for the next episode of Ah! My Goddess to be translated. It looks like there's a sense of confusion in a lot of forums on why there's such a big delay. Well what happened was that one of the fan-subbing groups working on it, "Anime-One", fired a member for something and he felt bitter about it. Then while he still had access to the files, he deleted all their projects they were working on. Including Ah! My Goddess... "Anime Yuki", another group that's working on it with "Anime-One", said that that they have it backed up but somehow, there is still a delay. Oh well. I guess I just have to keep watching the untranslated ones. I can still understand them a little so I'm happy. ^_^
Well I enjoyed the episode I watched on Saturday, heck, I even laughed at things despite the fact I don't understand most of what everyone was saying. lol. Some people shouldn't be exorcists, that's for sure. Plus it shows in that episode that Belldandy can't handle jealousy very well. She releases bursts of energy because of it. Which can be quite destructive, but nice to look at all at the same time. lol. ^_^
I would make a clip, but what good is it with no subtitles? Here's a screenshot instead. I know it's nothing special, but that's why a clip is needed I suppose...

Well I still haven't done much at all. As usual... I can't seem to play a game and stick with it. I guess it's just one of these days, huh? Maybe it's because I'd really rather watch anime.
I saw a documentary about Iraq again last night. About some National Guards who were "Weekend Warriors", and their feelings about going to war in Iraq. I really can't help but feel sorry for a lot of them. I mean all they wanted is to have something to do on the weekend. To use a firing range in their spare time, just to get sent to war. Not only that, but they were only really trained for natural disasters. They really hate it there in Iraq. They were told 98% of Iraqis like the Americans but they feel it's the exact opposite. Did you know they had to use old Vietnam-Era trucks for transport? It's terrible. God help the people who don't want to be there...
On a little note, I found out Final Fantasy 12 is coming out in Britain on the 4th of August. Too bad I can't buy it until I go to America. >_<
I found this quote from Orlando Bloom while he was making Lord of the Rings. I thought it was funny. ^_^
"We have these digs at each other. Viggo (Aragorn) will go on about Elves and how they're always doing their nails and brushing their long, blond hair, and being all prissy. And I just say: Well, at least I'm going to live forever! Got that? LIVE FOREVER!"
Here's another. lol. ^_^
"Vig used to call me 'Elf Boy', and I'd call him 'Filthy Human.' As an Elf, I never got a scratch on me, never got dirty. And Vig would come out with blood and sweat all over him. And he'd say to me, 'Oh, go manicure your nails.'"
Well I better be going now. See you all later. Sorry I made this post go on a little long, but at least you all know what CuteKilala's doing. ^_^
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
I've Done It Again!
Hey everyone. Aye, another update. I have an oath to stay faithful to after all. lol. ^_^
Although after a few times of forcing myself to update, I don't feel like it's a chore anymore. Just something I feel like doing before going to bed, I suppose.
I never managed to download anymore anime yesterday. Although I was watching an episode of Tsubasa Chronicle with CuteKilala that's been sitting in the videos folder for a while. We never got to watch it earlier due to CuteKilala drawing.
She's now working on the manga story that most of you voted for, "Sesshomaru's Greatest Fear". Let me let you all in on a little bit of info. It's supposed to be a humorous story. ^_^
Aye, I know I'm a little behind on Inuyasha. But CuteKilala will not watch it in any language other than English... Which reminds me of something, CuteKilala read this fanfic LordSesshomaru made called "Death by Dubbing". You did a great job LordSesshomaru! I had a great laugh. 4Kids would have completely ruined Inuyasha alright. lol. ^_^
Well I watched "Lost" with Mum and CuteKilala, I'm glad I waited. It's a lot more fun to watch something with someone instead of being on your own. Mum read somewhere that the guy who plays "Sawyer" is of Scottish-Dutch decent. Imagine that, huh? And he hates his long hair. lol.
I changed my AIM User-name recently, so if you want to contact me for any reason, it's on my profile to the left. I felt I had to leave my old name behind me because it has bad memories attached to it. Long story.
I was asked what HazelKeys 1985's new user name was again. I'll just give this link here to her site. I hope this solves the problem. ^_^
Beyond Wonderland
Here's yet another outfit Otaki wore in this episode. You know, the guy in yesterday's post? That doesn't suit him either. Looks funny though, considering his macho personality. lol. (Sorry if I'm giving you bad memories again, LordSesshomaru.)

I also just took a random screenshot and uploaded it. I just thought it was a nice shot.
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