Chocobo Knight
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Friday, December 2, 2005
Full Metal Alchemist!
I got to watch the latest FMA episode a few days ago. I have to say I really enjoyed that one. lol. It's interesting to have an episode all about Roy Mustang and his staff. I hope to see more like it but that might be a long shot...
My sleeping pattern is messed up. I haven't been asleep since the night before. I just got carried away with a few things I guess. ^^'
I just got round to playing "Call of Duty: Finest Hour" again. I gave up near the end of it months ago because I found it a little hard. I got back to it last night, found it easier than before, and completed the game. YAY! I guess I did need a break from the last time I played. I think I'll play Ocarina of Time: Master Quest next. ^_^
Thanks for all the comments yesterday about me going to America. I appreciate it. Well I've decided that if there ever was a draft, I'll renounce my citizenship and leave the country. Just hope it doesn't come to that any time soon. I'm going to Michigan for those who are wondering.
Why I don't want to drive a car is basically because it will be a burden to me. My dream is to travel to Japan and see what there is to see. Getting a car and/or starting relationships get in the way of that. All my money would be getting spent on those things and nothing goes towards saving up for a trip. So I'd like to save as much money as possible. Besides, I have my Mum or brother that could give me a lift to where I need to go. lol. ^_^
Anyway, enough about me. I made a clip of the latest FMA for you all to watch. After all, some of you might not tape it and have to wait for re-runs. I had a funnier clip, but the sound cuts off for some reasons. This one is still good though.

It might take a while to load up but please be patient. Here's a clue to what the video is about.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I'm On A Modding Streak!
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been around lately. I kinda got carried away making mods for games. As soon as I find out I could code new things in RTS Games, nothing is going to stop me until I'm done. Maybe I should consider learning to make games for game companies? I find coding really easy. ^_^
Oh! I heard that Thanksgiving just past. I hope you all enjoyed it. I couldn't because I'm in Britain. But still I enjoyed myself on that day too. Even though I didn't realise it was Thanksgiving until yesterday. lol. ^^'
Two nights ago had to be the WORST sleep I ever had! I don't know what the heck that was about. Since I live in a flat/apartment building, there are other people's apartments through the walls. Someone was doing construction work in their bathroom. Guess what, they were hammering like crazy, on the wall right next to WHERE I SLEEP! GRRRRR! I never felt so angry in my life at the neighbours. I wanted to get up, face the wall, kick it with all my strength and shout, "SHUT THE H*** UP YOU INCONSIDERATE B*******!" I don't normally swear at all but I was furious and had a pounding headache! I just ended up going down stairs until the banging stopped. I then slept all the way through the afternoon. >_<
I was talking to my friend who's an American Soldier in Iraq that I met in the forum. He's an anime lover too. Looks like his wife buys him Ah! My Goddess DVDs. Only thing is, he can't watch them at all since he's in Iraq as a base security guard... He can't watch any other anime for that matter. Poor guy... Well you know how I made God knows how many clips? Well, the only way he can see the anime is through those. He loves them! I'm glad I can make someone so happy. ^_^
Well that's me going to get my passport photo taken soon. *Sigh* That will be a big step to leaving Scotland. But the thing is, I don't want to go to America to tell you the truth. We'll have absolutely NOTHING to start with. Not only that, I'm going to be made to sign some dumb contract as soon as I get there promising to serve "My Country" in military service if there was ever a drafting. Curse my American citizenship! I've only got that because my Dad's American and I'm British because I was born here... Not knocking America or anything, I just don't want to risk getting recruited, I hate hot weather and do not wish to drive a car.
Oh aye, Mum told me to download some country songs for her by Garth Brooks and Alan Jackson. I think they are great singers. Well they have been getting played for a while since it's been a long time since we heard them. I downloaded them with Bittorrent. Is there anything you can't get using Bittorrent in the form of data? lol. ^_^
Question of the Day: Does anyone like country music here? I only like the catchy kind though, you know, upbeat? They are the best and sometimes even funny. ^_^
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Mum Got A Cheap Heater!
Hi everyone. How are you all doing? Well anyway, Mum got a £15 heater. Sure we have heaters already, but they take up too much electricity. This one we have is energy friendly. So it takes 3p per hour to run. On the lowest setting anyway. Although, we have to keep the door shut. To keep the heat in. I wish we had a gas heater...
I am completely up to date with FMA now. I've seen as many shows as Americans have seen now. The ones that aren't fansubs anyway. It's getting very interesting. ^_^
Okay. Now for the next part of what happened on that night I was talking about on my last post.
We were locked in the room for FIVE HOURS! CuteKilala started to calm down. A police officer went to the top of the Apartment Building/Close (Where we were). Here's how we got out. I called on the police officer. He was told that we were still in the building apparently by my Mum. They let us stay where we were for all that time so that we don't affect the crime scene. I told him I lost the key and I asked him to kick the door down! lol. ^_^
He was asking if it was okay for him to do that. I said that it's been done before to the same door when we got locked out. So he kicked it in. It was so cool! ^_^
We got told to get out the building. The guy was shot at the bottom of the building and ran out to the pavement/sidewalk and collapsed. He wasn't there anymore. The Ambulance took him. He survived.
Anyway, when we reached the bottom, there were pieces of wood placed down like stepping stones for us to cross. A pool of blood was underneath. Well we got taken to the police station where we met up with our Mum and Brother. It was good for us to be back together again. ^_^
We all got questioned afterwards for information on the shooting. They got three or four people asking me questions on the shooting. Things like what was I doing at the time, (Would have thought it was obvious!) how many shots we heard, among other things. I had to answer the same questions over and over. To make sure my answer doesn't change.
We were in the police station until sometime past 4am! Well the next day back at school, they sent me to a psychologist. They thought I might be dramatised. But I wasn't, I thought it was exciting. Probably because I never saw the guy get shot. Well that's the whole story. Sorry to keep you all waiting. ^_^
I don't have a clip yet. I'm still thinking of what to make a clip of. Hmmm... I'll have to think about it...
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
I'm Back!
Hi everyone. I updated much later than I wanted. CuteKilala wanted to keep reading a fanfic, despite the fact it was my day on the computer. Grrrr!
Oh well. I am going to do something to make up for it. I FINALLY got to download Full Metal Alchemist! I was stuck with the same episodes for SO LONG! Now I have more. I'm going to watch more today with CuteKilala.
About what I said last post of that shooting that happened in the flats I was in. I'll tell you all more. When I heard the shots, it sounded like hammers. At the time, I fought someone was working on their house. I was watching the big Tyson fight, I don't normally watch boxing either.
Then everyone except me and CuteKilala went outside, to the close, wondering what was going on. They found out that someone got shot. Then everyone ran out of the building after the police arrived and told them to get out. Me and CuteKilala were still inside! Then somehow, I lost the key to get out the room! O_O
CuteKilala was terrified and kept calling me an idiot and how we could be stuck in the flat while the shooter was on the loose. I was laughing! lol. I knew we were safe where we were so I had no worries. I was excited! ^_^
Well we never did find the key to get out, while the forensics officers where in the flat, looking for clues.
Want to know what we did to get out? Find out next post! The post would get too long if I say anymore today.
I may seem boring with the way my life is today, but my past definitely wasn't. lol. ^_^
I have downloaded the trial version of the Divx DVD Ripper. That way, I can make clips. But before I install it, I'll make sure I have all the DVDs I want to make clips off. So that I can make the best of the trial time.
I had more to say, but the post will get WAY too long. I'll just laeve you all with a screenshot of FMA. ^_^
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Monday, November 14, 2005
I can't take the cold here. It's sucks having electric heating, I'll tell you that! It takes up too much electricity, so we can't switch it on. I have a robe on at the moment but my hands will probably turn blue in a few hours. I'm not seeing my breath though, so that's good.
Which reminds me of this one flat I had to live in. No heating in there either, only had 3 rooms, no double glazing, no kitchen, no toilet (Had to use a public one). That's the house that got so cold, that I could see my breath. The land lord charged us over £400 a month too! (We were desperate for somewhere near school!) Someone even got shot there. Well that place got shut down.
Now I'm in a house that's cheaper, HAS double glazing, HAS a Kitchen and Bathroom, and a good view from my bathroom window. So I could say that I've been through worse. lol. ^_^
New Episodes of Sonic X just started over here. YAY! I've been waiting for ages. Although, I want to watch the Japanese version instead, nothing was cut out. BUT I CAN'T FIND IT! T_T
I was reading some stories in the Fruits Basket manga. It's enjoyable. So I'll read more today. I can't wait to see stories about Ayame. Sure he's a bit INSANE! But I think he's the funniest character. ^_^
Speaking of Fruits Basket, CuteKilala was showing the character "Hiro" to my Mum. He annoyed her A LOT! She said, "F***ing shut him up!" lol. If you know the character, you would know how she feels. lol. ^_^
Hiro is on the left in the screenshot.

Right now, I'm looking for a DVD Ripping Program. So that I can make video clips from them. I will have a lot more to post once I find one. ^_^
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Friday, November 11, 2005
I'm Back!
Sorry I never updated in almost a week. I've been pretty busy and wanted a break. I feel nice and refreshed now. ^_^
I finally got to watch "Kingdom of Heaven" last knight. That film was good but most of the battle scene were either a couple of seconds long or only show the aftermath, which was kind of disappointing...
Well I have "Troy" ready to watch too. I only just noticed they both star Orlando Bloom. Is he in all the big battle films? lol.
Something I don't like about these kinds of film is the fact that they ALWAYS have romance in it. For once, I want to see one WITHOUT it! Or something at least as innocent as what Lord of the Rings had...
I submitted my first mod of "Age of Empires 3". YAY! Of course it wasn't posted here. 11 people downloaded it so far. Just a small mod but I can't wait for any comment on it. ^_^
Anyone know of that documentary called "30 days"? It just came over here. This documentary I watched was about a Christian man from Virginia, having to live with a Muslim family, having to follow their traditions. I quite liked it. The guy thought it was going to be this violent religion, condemning Christians and preaching Terrorism. He was wrong. They were very peaceful, friendly, condemn terrorism and more religious than Christians. He also had to dress in Muslim cloths too but he got given all these stares and got searched for the first time in his life just walking through the airport. It's a real shame that people in America find it hard to trust Muslims... He used to feel suspicious of them but learned to respect them and their religion. He went back home and promised to defend Muslims and their religion as a Christian. ^_^
No Inuyasha shows yet. So I haven't got anything to post about it... Nor any other anime in that matter.
But, ElvesAteMyRamen sent me a link to download Fruits Basket mangas to read. So I think I'll read them today. I can't wait! ^_^
I've been trying to look for Final Fantasy mangas that I saw in a few places. Not the shows, but the games. I haven't found any yet...
Oh! It's also Remembrance Day over here for British soldiers who fought in every war since WW1. That was a horrible war too. The war that brought forth war's greatest invention, the tank. There's actually a veteran who's still alive! He's 109 years old! What is it about veterans? They seem to live longer than normal people. O_O
Well those soldiers have done well in their lifetime. ^_^
I also know it's Veteran's Day in the US too for the same thing. Fighting in WW1 and WW2 are the most horrific wars the world has ever known. I give my respects to those in the allied forces who have fought and sacrificed their lives for us all.
I will visit you all now. Even people who never updated today. I also have to catch up with LunarJ's fanfics too... It's going to take way too long to read them all. I'm not much of a fanfic person so it will be hard...
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
I Got On Early!
I was supposed to get on the computer tomorrow but my Mum swapped days with me. So she gets on tomorrow instead of today. ^_^
I got to watch the Inuyasha episodes with CuteKilala. I laughed so hard when Mukotsu, tried to kill Sesshomaru. Being all panicky and everything! LOL! He never stood a chance! HAHAHA! It's amazing how Sesshomaru is immune to all that poison. He is definitely to be feared! ^_^

It's not exaggeration that Jakotsu is gay. That's for sure. But I had no idea that he was a good fighter too. I don't know what I thought.
I wonder how he can be new to Muskets? (Guns) I mean there's Ginkotsu who he worked with. Who has the big cannon on his shoulder! About this screenshot. A perfect example of what NOT to do with a Musket. What if the fuse was lit? BANG! LOL! ^_^

Speaking of Ginkotsu, I thought that cluster bomb he fired was so cool! It may be a feudal age version, but it sure is destructive. I'm surprised that Inuyasha, much less Shippo, were able to avoid getting hit!
I better let you all go now. I can't wait for the next episodes! ^_^
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
Fighting In Vietnam
Hello everyone! Right now I'm in Vietnam, fighting a war, trying to survive along with my other squad members. Well, not really. LOL! I rented the game "Conflict Vietnam". Good game. That had to be a hellish war. I'm just at level three and things are blowing up left and right. No wonder soldiers came back home dramatised! I would hate to get drafted to ANY war.
Oh aye, I can't believe how much swearing is in it! They definitely don't hold back. Although it does make the game more realistic. ^_^
I also got a game that came free with the rental. (Not to keep, of course) It's called "Deadly Skies 3". I think it's quite good. It's the type of game where you use fighter jets to blow things up. It's so much fun! The characters are all drawn like anime too, which I find cool. It's just too bad that they are merely pictures that don't move much, even if they talk. Still, I find it a lot of fun. ^_^
Those games are giving me quite a distraction. I had to force myself on the computer to write this post, even though it's my day on the computer. So, I haven't played Age of Empires 3 much yesterday or today neither.
CuteKilala was looking for music that she said she heard on ElvesAteMyRamen's site. Something about the Japanese Inuyasha cast singing. I have downloaded them for her. I hope she will be happy when she wakes up. She owes me one.
Also, more Inuyasha episodes came in for download! YAY! It's episodes 103 - 105. So I'll be watching them today, when they are downloaded. I'm really enjoying myself today! ^_^
Well I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween. It was just a normal day for me as usual. Nobody even came to the door for trick or treating! They must not like going to flats. Well that made things easy for all of us. I've been in this house for almost 4 years and I know NOBODY in the neighbourhood so I find it awkward if they asked for sweets. *Shrugs*
I was supposed to have a clip ready today but something is wrong with the videos I downloaded. The computer crashes every time I open them. So there's nothing today. I better let you all go now. I have a war to fight. I will visit everyone later today. ^_^
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Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Hallowe'en
Yes, it's that time of year. Time for me to stay quiet all night to keep the trick or treaters away from the house. We have nothing to give after all. We won't be enjoying ourselves but I hope that all of YOU do. ^_^
Well recent days have been as normal as usual. BORING! *Sigh* The only time I had fun was on the computer. I woke up at 4am again to get on the computer, but it was occupied. I was waiting around, doing NOTHING for 2 whole hours. So I got on at 6am.
There was something quite surprising CuteKilala just told me. Her site was mentioned on someone else's site which was talking about math problems on Quiz Channels. If you can remember, she posted this math problem that never made any sense. Well someone called her a "Fluffy Japanese Girl" and insulted her site. Here's a link to that page. I'll warn you that it has a lot of swearing. I have no idea how she came across this, so don't ask.
Well I'm still playing Age of Empires 3 at the moment. I found a way round the sound problem. I just turn off the music and everything works fine. Well I've mastered the British Empire in the game. Now I'm playing as the Ottoman Empire (Now known as Turkey). They are quite powerful too.
Has anyone seen any British Comedies? Well I was thinking about making clips of that. Do you guys want to see the clips if I make them? "One Foot In The Grave" and "Fawlty Towers" have to be my favourite ones. ^_^
Sorry I don't have much to talk about... Well it's CuteKilala's day on the computer tomorrow. I'll be upstairs all day for sure. It's impossible to talk to her on her day. I get told to shut up basically every time I talk since she's reading fanfics... Well with her, it's more like a "SHHH! I'M READING!". *Sigh*
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Friday, October 28, 2005
Back Again
Well it's my day on the computer, meaning I can update. YAY! Although, it isn't going as I had hoped. The computer has a few errors. The address bar isn't appearing anymore! Meaning I can't give links to anything...
I'm thinking about changing my schedule of updating. It's preventing me from posting as much as I want to. Plus I can't get to people's sites because of it.
I haven't made any posters yet. I'm too distracted with Age of Empires 3. It's such a great game. ^_^
Well not much has happened since I was away. Any times I have been off the computer, I was bored out of my mind. I even slept the day away for eight hours. Only to have to wait for four hours before I could get on the computer. CuteKilala just never wants to let go of the computer! >_<
I'm now waking up way too early now. 4am is when I wake up now. Well at least I'll get some time on the computer before everyone wakes up eight hours after! HAHAHAHA! ^_^
I cleared out the hard drive this morning. I had only 2GBs left on my 120GB hard drive. After clearing it, I now have 15GBs left. Well I did get yelled at for not wanting to delete things off the computer. I get too attached to my anime episodes. Well I had to delete them too. I did zip my favourite episodes though. I also have them backed up on DVD data discs, but I fear they might have errors on them like the last ones I put on. The videos were out of sync.
Since I have nothing to say, I'll just post this clip, I figured out how to post this without the address bar. Same show as always. CuteKilala gets uhhhh... Disappointed when I post FMA or Inuyasha. I end up picking things that she's been wanting to post.

Well, I better go visit everyone now.
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