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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I updated and never got to visit much people. I'm very sorry about that. The internet was just going too darn slow. It was unbearable. It took 30 MINUTES to load a site! I just couldn't visit anyone in those conditions...
I have downloaded a PC game from the internet. So I got Age of Empires 3 for free. YAY! ^_^
Although there are a few problems.
1. Can't play online.
2. The sound cuts off a lot.
3. I can't save during a level.
All this makes me want to BUY the game, in order to have these errors fixed. Maybe I'll get it for Christmas?
Moving on. I noticed that a lot of people had problems with the computer slowing down. I think something should be done about this. I can't stand it anymore. Maybe if we click on the adds above everyone's sites enough, that will give enough money to the admins for them to move on to a faster server?
Well here's the last wanted poster I made. I'm taking a little break and I'll get started again. What do you guys think?

About the Sexual Assault crime, I put unconfirmed because a few people on the show thought she was going to do that but she wasn't. I have a few clips to show you guys what I mean. They are about 5mbs each by the way.

Well that's all for today. This time I swear to God that I will visit everyone today. Even if the computer does get slow. I hate updating and not getting to visit everyone, I end up feeling really guilty.
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
I'm Tired...
Well I have just been up all night here. It's nearly 9:10am right now as I'm typing this. I'm freezing here too. Maybe it's because I'm tired? I'll still try and visit people.
I wanted to update yesterday but I slept in. Sorry. It's CuteKilala's day of the computer today too. Dang it! I going to try and get her to give me more time for at least until I fall asleep. I think I can only stay up for say... Two more hours.
I just got started on playing Age of Empires 2 again. I forgot how good it was. I'm making a mission at the moment with Feudal Age Japan. I'm having a lot of fun. ^_^
My computer seat just broke, you know that? I broke off the armrest by accident and the chair started falling apart with me on it. >_<
I've made another wanted poster. Two of them actually. I just post one today and the other next time.

What do you guys think? I know most of you don't know the character, but still. I'm glad most of you think they are cool though. It makes me so happy. About the animal cruelty crime. I have evidence. LOL! ^_^

I saw the comment about how I should make either Inuyasha or FMA posters. No Inuyasha ones will be made. I'll leave that to LordSesshomaru. I'd just be copying if I did otherwise.
I can't think of what else to say at the moment so I'll just go visit everyone now.
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I'm Back Again!
I've been busy while I was away. I have made two wanted posters of the Ah! My Goddess characters. Someone asked me to do one of Lind but he never even commented on it. He just said , "Umm guess we hafta wait till Peorth makes her appearance for her wanted poster >.<" (Had to make spelling corrections). I guess what I'm saying is that I'm disappointed with the reaction. But everyone else liked them so I'm happy. ^_^
Someone actually printed one out and put it on their locker at school. She said she was doing that with all of them. YAY! Lots of people are seeing my posters! She said that everyone who saw it thought it was good. People want me to do one of every character. I hope I can do it.
Well here's one of the posters I made while I was away. It's not the Lind one though. But it's one of Urd.

About the animal cruelity crime. In a different series of the show where everyone is tiny and have "adventures" around the house, she was friends with a rat called "Gan-Chan" and kept beating him up everytime he did something stupid.
I must admit that the writing was small. I wish I could have made the writing bigger. *Sigh* Well what do you guys think anyway? She has commit the most crimes in the show. Yet, she isn't even the bad guy. lol. ^_^
Looks like someone from my forum stumbled across my site. Right on the day I was talking about that guy from my last post. D'OH! >_< Well she's not going to tell anyone, out of fear of having that guy start a forum fight. Well I was being honest on what he's like.
I've been having sleeping problems lately. I have been going to sleep at 6am. I just get too busy making to posters to sleep. I also just think about what I'll do for the next poster all the time. I'm doing Marller next.
Sorry about me only talking about my posters. It's just been too long since I last had inspiration for anything.
Me and CuteKilala wached "Alias", "Lost" and "Stargate SG-1". I enjoyed Lost and Stargate the most though. It seems the next episode of Stargate won't show until next year! NOOOOOOO!!! The season hasn't even ended yet either!
I was looking for more Inuyasha episodes but none has come out yet. I want to see the next episode! I want to see the rest of the band of seven!
I'll go visit everyone now.
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Thank You All For The Comments!
I'm glad you all liked the poster. You know those two guys that made the negative comments? Well it looks like people are agreeing with me and stood up for me. Saying that it's only innocent fun. Which it is. ^_^
I said I would show evidence of EVERY crime that she has committed, that I put on my poster. lol. ^_^
I said a few things to him after he found my poster offensive. You see, the guy is a HUGE pervert who constantly looks up Hentai of that character. I said to him "How can you find my poster offensive and not Hentai?" He actually DENIED he looks at Hentai! He said it himself, that he looks at it whenever he gets desperate, how he wants to sleep with her and getting dirty dreams. Yet at other times, he says it's disgusting. What a Hypocritical pervert...
I was trying to watch "Kingdom of Heaven" last night and this morning. I have downloaded THREE times through Bittorrent and NONE of them worked! GRRRR! THAT'S IT! I'm getting it rented the moment I get money I can spare!
I just found out my Brother got me my Ah! My Goddess DVD Boxset! YAY! If you are reading this, Michael, Thank you very much! I can't wait to see the show in English. Although, I might still prefer it in Japanese. It will have it in that language too. Just like all the other anime DVDs. ^_^
I'm watching a review of Wallace & Gromit: The Movie. I think it looks pretty good. It actually takes an ENTIRE day to make THREE SECONDS of the film. It took 2 years all together. ^_^
Just posting a random screenshot from Ah! My Goddess. I just found this scene funny. ^_^
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
I Made Another Poster!
I got round to making another wanted poster. Although, some people in the forum I go to can't take a joke. Here's a couple of quotes from them.
Long Fei: "I'm not sure I like it, it's not exactly appropriate featuring a beautiful goddess from heaven in a wanted poster.
Keiichi-K1's gonna be p#ssed!"
Keiichi-K1: "You got that right! arrrggghhh there's piss everywhere! Belldandy's my girl! she doesnt belong on a wanted poster!"
Talk about obsessed, huh?

Oh well... At least most people liked it and found it funny. You see, Belldandy is the most innocent character in the show. Those two people feel she doesn't belong on it. They don't seem to understand that I did it for a laugh. Well my Mum said I was terrible putting an innocent character on a Wanted Poster too. It was still on high demand so I had to do it. *Sigh*
Some people would be confused about the "Being Drunk In Public" part. Belldandy got drunk when she drank coke in the Manga. lol. ^_^
Also, about the last two charges. She was tricked into taking a potion which made her, well, not herself basically. The second last one was only attempted though.
I had to think for HOURS to come up with crimes. She's usually very well behaved. One of the reasons why this character has so many fans.
Moving on. Sorry I was offline again for so long. I'm still sticking to my schedule for coming on MyOtaku. My days and Weekends are when I go on the computer.
It seems CuteKilala is getting very addicted to fanfics now. She's been reading them CONSTANTLY! She is sorry that she is distracted and she will try to visit people the next time she has a chance.
I'm going to visit everyone now. Although, I only have 2 hours and 30 minutes to do so.
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
I've Been Busy
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been unable to get to MyOtaku for a little while due to my sleeping times being messed up. I no longer get time to myself in the morning on the computer. Due to someone who will go unnamed waking up before me and staying on the computer. *Sigh*
Well anyway. I saw a documentary on the Israeli and Palestinian conflict. Looks like one of the British journalists got shot in the neck in front of camera. I saw him drop. Israeli forces fired at them after being told they were journalists. The Translator that was with the Journalists, was in shock and couldn't believe what he saw. I can see why the Palestinians hate them. Looks like they see that Journalist as a Hero now.
I have been playing a trial version of "Age of Empires 3". I've got to say, I WANT THAT GAME! I think I'll save up for it after I get my DVDs (If I get them). I'm playing the British of course. Although, in the Trial Version, I can only pick between two sides. The other one is Spain.
About the movie I mentioned renting on DVD. (Ah! My Goddess) I have already seen it before when I downloaded it in Japanese with subtitles. I just wanted to see it in English because I heard the Dub was good. Well, my cousin gave me a copy of it. So I can keep it. YAY! It's a good film. ^_^
Maybe I'll get it officially when I go to America? After all, a PAL version DVD doesn't work over there. Not without special equipment.
I haven't made anymore wanted posters yet. I'll have to get around to that. There's just so many distractions, so little time...
I better go visit everyone after getting a few things done.
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Monday, October 10, 2005
Thank You For The Comments!
I'm glad most of you liked my Wanted Poster. I guess 4 hours of work paid off. ^_^
I have also shown it to other people in the forum I go to. Most people liked it there too. Someone said I made it too negative. Apparently, that person doesn't see it the way I see it. The fact is, a Goddess committing so many real and serious crimes, unintentially, is funny to me. Plus the picture made her look like a Criminal. ^_^
I'm thinking of making another one, despite what LunarJ said. I must admit I'm that I can't make stuff as funny as LordSesshomaru can, but I just have fun doing it.
I've been getting asked in the forums to make one of Belldandy. That is going to be HARD! She doesn't commit much crimes at all. She's just so well behaved. I'll try and come up with something...
I rented out an Anime DVD (Ah! My Goddess Movie) from Blockbuster via my older cousin's internet account. The strange thing is, he wants a copy for himself! I never thought he liked anime! He's making a pirate of it to keep for himself. I learn new things about my family everyday! O_O
Also, I somehow got a Clubcard from Tesco (Supermarket) sent through the mail. I don't remember signing up for one... Still, I guess it can be a good thing. Mum lost hers and is begging to use mines. I refused but I gave her the keyring that works just like the card itself. Since I have two copies. It's used for getting stuff like discount coupons. Just letting you all know.
Oh! I almost forgot. My Mum was reading the comments on my site and got all excited because some of you thought she was brave. Thanks for making her happy! ^_^
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Hello Everyone!
How are you all today? I am doing alright. Although I only just got up when I wrote this. lol. ^_^
We got to watch episode 3 of lost again. The audio and video were in sync this time. So I enjoyed it a lot more.
Last night, my Mum had to go across a field to go to a friends house. There wasn't even one spot of light. Well she had a bike torch anyway. People get attacked in places like that. She made it across safely though. So that's good. ^_^
I would have stayed on the road if I were her. She's a lot braver than I thought she was. Good for her.
I was working hard on something yesterday while CuteKilala was asleep. I think I did quite well. I made a wanted poster. LordSesshomaru inspired me to do it! What do you guys think? ^_^

I think it's only a one time thing. It's not often that I get inspiration. About the logo at the top. It's the logo of the Tokyo Police Department. ^_^
Okay, okay. So it doesn't have the humour LordSesshomaru puts in his posters. I find it hard to think of anything. Plus some of you don't know her. She's from Ah! My Goddess. She is Belldandy's little sister. She is quick tempered and is a great inventor. She is over protective of Belldandy. She doesn't want Keiichi to be near her sister. Which can get Keiichi into a lot of trouble. lol. ^_^
She also tests out her new inventions on Keiichi. Like a helmet that made Keiichi brainwashed into thinking he was a legendary race car driver. lol. ^_^
She also blew up a cinema one time when he got mad. She is the one who turned Keiichi into a woman against his will temporarily. She also carries homemade bombs in her shirt.
P.S. About the DVD I'm getting despite the fact it costs so much. It's because it's a box set. Limited edition too. I am getting it at any cost. But to me, it will be half the price. Sure it costs $40, but it will cost me around £20. ^_^
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
Nothing New Happened In My Life...
Well not much happened yesterday. So I won't have too much to say.
Well me and CuteKilala got to watch episode four as I said we would. I think I have an idea of what this sad ending is going to be.
We were also watching "Lost" last night too. We had to stop watching halfway through it though. Something was wrong with the video file. The audio wasn't keeping up with the frame rate of the video. So I downloaded it again and it's fine now. ^_^
About that Scottish guy, Desmond. His accent is somewhat the same as my area in Scotland. Except for one thing. Where did this "Brother" saying come from? We don't call each other "Brother". If we don't know each other, we call them "Jimmy". Don't ask me why, I don't use it myself.
So to answer the question someone asked me on whether or not I speak with a Scottish accent. Aye. I do. ^_^
Well that DVD of Ah! My Goddess I am trying to get just went up in price in Amazon. Meaning it costs $40 in price right now. Darn it! I have to save up money faster. I only have just over £8. Which can be exchanged into somewhere around $15, I think...
It possible for me to order it and have it sent to here for around $50 (Including the price of the DVD) but I don't have a credit card or check account. I have to find someway to get it. Before it gets sold out completely.
Okay. Maybe I had more to say than I thought. lol. I'll visit people now. ^^
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Friday, October 7, 2005
Well today started off very badly. I had only had five hours sleep last night because my Mum came in my room, switched the light on and shouted, "Have you seen my brush!?". Let me tell you, I wasn't happy getting woken up like that. It better not happen again. -_-'
Well, I do have some good news. My cousin aid that he will rent me any movie I want from Blockbuster. Which includes anime. YAY! I'm not restricted to downloading it anymore. I just wish Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist and Chrno Crusade were amongst them... They aren't available in this country...
Which reminds me. I had to stop at episode 4 of Chrno Crusade. The download isn't working anymore! NO! >_<
I did see one of the "Band of Seven" on Inuyasha. That guy was bigger than I thought he would be! I never thought he would eat Demons too! O_O
Plus I was very surprised when he survived his head being twisted upside down. lol. ^^

I better visit everyone after I watch Chrno Crusade, episode 4 with CuteKilala.
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