Chocobo Knight
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Lots Of Anime To Watch!
The main ones we have to watch are Inuyasha and Chrno Crusade. I love the internet! I wouldn't know what to do without it. ^^
Me and CuteKilala watched episode 2 & 3 last night. What Rosette did in episode 3 sort of caught me off guard. Chrno's reaction was funny though. lol. ^^

About Inuyasha. I don't know what CuteKilala's thoughts were. She saw they were out but she wasn't excited as usual. In fact, her reaction was blank. Maybe those three that came out never had an episode she was looking forward to?
Oh. I think I'll enjoy watching them anyway. That's 102 episodes of Inuyasha on the computer now. Dual Audio. Meaning we have them all in English and Japanese. ^^
About the trouble I was having in the forum I go to. Those two people were still bothering me about posting video clips in a thread. So I made official rules. I said that I would delete any future comments that are bashing the video clip thread. They just keep saying the same things anyway. They got their word in. Besides, there are more people that like the thread than hate it. ^^
I'm not going to go as far as kick them out for something like that. Besides, I want to keep my reputation as a good moderator. The people in the forum like me. ^^
Oh! I almost forgot! I have hit the 1000 visits mark! YAY! Thank you to everyone who made it possible. ^^
A banner would have been nice but I had no time to make it. It's not important anyway...
I'll go visit everyone today. ^^
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
We got to watch Chrno Crusade!

I think it is a funny anime. Quite a unique idea I think, to give a Nun a gun. lol. ^^
I know Rosette is not a Nun but she sure looks like one. She sure has a bad temper. Poor Chrno has to be her partner too. lol. ^^
The downloading is taking FOREVER! I'm getting sick of waiting... I'll let it keep going anyway.
Well I never got any dreams last night. What a disappointment... The rematch will have to wait.
Haven't done much yesterday. Although I think I kept my promise on visiting everyone. Didn't I? If I didn't visit one of you, I'm sorry. I was visiting people at random so I get confused on who I visited.
I'll post a clip now of Ah! My Goddess. Keiichi gets put in an embarressing situation. Senbee (Tiny Guy) makes him do something in this clip.

Thanks for all the comments. That's a record for me. ^^
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
Sorry I've Been Absent...
I've decided to only update on my days on the computer and on Weekends. It gives me much more time to find something to say. Besides, I was so busy anime hunting anyway.
I have decided to give two animes a chance. One is "Rurouni Kenshin" and another is "Chrno Crusade". I'm hoping to watch one of these with CuteKilala. I am already watching two animes on my own as it is. I don't want to add another one to the list. Watching things with people is much more fun. ^_^
We are downloading "Chrno Crusade" at the moment. It's going to take a while...
I had a dream this morning about Sephiroth trying to kill me in the forest. I was running away the whole time. I don't know why I was dreaming of that though. I wasn't thinking of Final Fantasy all day! O_O
Well I haven't made clips of Ah! My Goddess for a while so I think I'll post one again. This one is about this "Demon-God of Misfortune", showing off his powers to Marller, who is in Keiichi's sister's body.

Well that's all for today. I'll go visit everyone now. ^^
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Sorry For Updating Late.
Sorry I haven't visited much. I have just been very busy hunting for anime to watch. I'm watching this one anime right now. It's funny I must admit. There's about 78 episodes and a movie. Well I better visit people while I'm still downloading.
No video clips today. I was way too busy hunt for anime at the time. That, and the fact that my moderating job in a forum I go to is getting harder. People are in an uproar because of some other site shutting down.
I also opened a topic in that forum for showing video clips of animes and people's opinions on it are divided. I got permission from the admin so I'm still going to keep that thread going. I mean if they don't like the thread, they should just go somewhere else. Instead those two same people hassle me over it. They seem to forget I'm a "Super Moderator". I can get them kicked off the forum forever in a few clicks.
I saw something on TV called "Cops Uncut". There was a dumb policeman who had "Kick Me" sewn on the back of his shirt. He was pulling someone over for speeding. Then this one guy out of nowhere, drove right into the policeman diliberately! That had to be a hard kick, huh? lol! ^^
The policeman surprisingly got out with only a few bruises. This all really happened by the way! O_O
I'd also like to welcome back Sesslover18 to the site. She shut her site down for a while but now she's back. I hope you are feeling better. ^^
I'll just visit everyone now. ^^
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
Mascot Race!
I just saw something funny on the news there. The was this race between all the mascots in Britain. There were people dressed up as Squirrels, Rabbits, Bears, Horses and amongst other things. lol. ^^
It was announced that "Sunny The Squirrel" won. And here I thought I had seen it all. lol. ^^
Well I'm glad you all like the clips and screenshots. They took me a while to make. I'll give you all a break from the four I posted yesterday and wait until next weekend.
Well CuteKilala has been having a lot of fun with her Paint Shop Pro 10. She was colouring in pages of manga scans she found on the internet. I wonder why manga never get coloured in much? Oh well. I guess it's cheaper not to...
I got to watch two episodes of "Stargate" and two episodes of "Lost" last night. I thought they were good. ^^
Maybe I'll go anime hunting today. I have been waiting for Inuyasha, Ah! My Goddess and Full Metal Alchemist to be available for download but they haven't come yet. Maybe I should watch something else in the meantime.
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
It's The Weekend!
How is everyone doing? I'm doing okay. I just had a tiny mishap when I woke up this morning. I somehow got a splinter from the bathroom door. Although it's just a tiny thing. Nothing to worry about.
I tried looking for Full Metal Alchemist episodes to download but with no success... I'll check again maybe in a week or so.
Well Texas is getting hit by Hurricane Rita. I hope Cloud Strife 7777's house is going to be okay.
About the traffic jams of people running away from the hurricane... Here's a plan they should have tried. RUN!!! Get out the car and RUN as fast as you can! I wouldn't be sit there risking getting hit by the storm.
Another thing that's going wrong are fires getting started by electricity sparking from heavy rain. I think they should have shut down all the electricity. They are just making the clean up job harder and more expensive.
Oh well... At least they evacuated as many people as possible so that's good. ^^
Now for some of the things people missed. Some of you missed video clips I posted of FF7: Last Order. I'm posting them for one last time. Video Clip 1 & 3 anyway. I still have more to make. I would like to hear your opinion. ^^
Sephiroth Attacks Nibelhiem.

Tifa Attacks Sephiroth.

Sephiroth & Zack Fight.

Cloud vs Sephiroth

Sorry that they take a long time to load. It made it that way so that it's in the best quality. All the other qualities make the subtitles unreadable and the sound bad. Along with the video quality being blocky.
Now for screenshots. ^^

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Friday, September 23, 2005
4 Comments Yesterday...
Everyone must be extremely busy. I understand... It just means I'll stop updating on weekdays. Unless of course I get desperate. Thanks to those of you who did visit. ^^
Don't worry, I'll still visit the people who visit me often. I don't feel bitter. ^^
There's seems to be something wrong with my Image shack account so my post background disappeared, along with all my screenshots... They come back now and again though.
Edit: It seems my ImageShack Account is deleted! I never put anything in there that was Illegal! Could it be because of my excessive hotlinking? Moving to Photobucket...
I had another clip of FF7: Last Order to post today, but I'll wait until tomorrow.
Thank you LordSesshomaru for giving me credit about news story of Barney being used as a torture method by the US military. ^^
To think I liked Barney as a toddler! He sure gave my brother a lot of torture at the time. Don't worry, I don't like Barney anymore either. ^^
Well, I better not keep this post too long since people are being bombarded with homework and School/College/Work.
It's CuteKilala's day on the computer today, so I won't be online for long.
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Very, Very Sorry...
I was trying to visit everyone yesterday but YET AGAIN someone was busy on the computer. THAT'S IT! I'm putting my foot down! I won't let anyone stop me today. No excuses. I've let people down long enough!
It seems Hurricane Rita is heading towards Texas and it's going to be bigger than Hurricane Katrina! Cloud Strife 7777 lives there too. I hope he can get far enough away. This is going to seriously impact his life. I wish him the best of luck.
Now for a video clip. That's right. Yesterday, I posted a clip of Final Fantasy 7: Last Order. It's based on the story of Cloud's past. You know, when Sephiroth destroyed Nibelheim, Cloud's home town? Well here's a clip of that. ^^

Sephiroth is so cold blooded, huh? I would seriously want to see him and Sesshomaru fight. That would be quite a battle. ^^
I'll post another clip tomorrow.
It just sucks how it's only one episode long... It came with the limited edition box set of Advent Children in Japan. Since Square-Enix USA isn't planning a box set, the anime might never hit US shores.

Well I completed Onimusha 3 even though I only had it for 2 days. YAY! Although I want to unlock stuff so I'll play through it again. It's a lot of fun. ^^
I wish I got to play the other games too. It seems like a really good series of games. BTW, The enemy was Nobunaga Oda. In Inuyasha, Kagome was wanting to get his autograph but there was a mistake in identity. lol. ^^
Well that's my update for today. I'll visit everyone without a doubt now. ^^
EDIT: Looks like my popularity ranking just reached 999. ^^
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
An Anime That Made My Jaw Drop At It's Existence!
I've got a little surprise for everyone. I downloaded an episode of a certain anime I think most people would like to see. Check these screenshots.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Now for Broadband users, here's a clip. ^^

Now that I have that out of the way, I can tell you how yesterday went. It was good. Me and CuteKilala watched that anime together. Sure she minded that it was in Japanese but she still enjoyed it. ^^
Mum rented out "Onimusha 3: Demon Siege" from blockbuster for £2.75 a week. I'll have it done WAAAAY before it has to go back. It's a fun game plus the plot is original. A French guy in from Modern Day France, switching places with a Fuedal Age Samurai. Both times are infested with "Genma", which are demons. They have to find their way back to their own time. I was playing that game for a long time yesterday. ^^
Well that's everything that happened yesterday. I'll go visit everyone as best as I can.
Edit: I just thought of something else to say. I WANT TO WATCH FMA! Since CuteKilala doesn't like watching shows in a forgein language, I am limited to the English Dubs. I seriousy don't care what language I watch it in. I just really want to watch it. Same with Inuyasha.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
A Friend In Need
SessLover18's cousin died just recently. She's depressed right now so I urge everyone to cheer her up. We have all been through the death of a family member so we know how she feels...
I just hope she has no regrets. It's terrible when a family member dies and you never got to say sorry to that person for something. Believe me, I know.
May she rest in peace in heaven. ^^
As for me today, I haven't been doing much. I just got a very low amount of comments yesterday. Thank you to everyone who did. Don't feel guilty if you didn't. School can take away everyone's time.
I'm thinking of writing a FF7 fanfic but it's only at the planning stages at the moment. I haven't got anything written down. About the last fanfic I was writing, it seems most people didn't even play Zelda that come to my site so I lost inspiration and stopped writing it. I know most of you like FF7. ^^
It would be based after Advent Children so I won't post anything if I had it until a month after the film hits America.
Now for another screenshot of Nanaki/Red XIII.

And for the Inuyasha fans... ^^

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