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Monday, May 15, 2006
Nothing Special...
Well time for an update again. As you all know, CuteKilala is yet to update. But she is making progress on the manga story she's drawing. Although it's in the draft stage at the moment. Since she's incapable of updating at this time, you'll know from me how she's doing.
She's been on the computer quite a lot yesterday to visit people. She hopes that by doing that every time it's her day on the computer, she'll be able to let you all know she is still around. Well that's the most I can do to push her to go on MyOtaku, but I believe she's enjoying herself.
I hope you all did a good job keeping your Mums happy on Mother's Day! I never managed to get anything but I'm glad Mum understands. After all, the official Mother's Day for Britain already passed. lol. Well I did get her cups of tea though. ^_^
You know, I really can't believe how much of a delay there is for the next episode of Ah! My Goddess to be translated. It looks like there's a sense of confusion in a lot of forums on why there's such a big delay. Well what happened was that one of the fan-subbing groups working on it, "Anime-One", fired a member for something and he felt bitter about it. Then while he still had access to the files, he deleted all their projects they were working on. Including Ah! My Goddess... "Anime Yuki", another group that's working on it with "Anime-One", said that that they have it backed up but somehow, there is still a delay. Oh well. I guess I just have to keep watching the untranslated ones. I can still understand them a little so I'm happy. ^_^
Well I enjoyed the episode I watched on Saturday, heck, I even laughed at things despite the fact I don't understand most of what everyone was saying. lol. Some people shouldn't be exorcists, that's for sure. Plus it shows in that episode that Belldandy can't handle jealousy very well. She releases bursts of energy because of it. Which can be quite destructive, but nice to look at all at the same time. lol. ^_^
I would make a clip, but what good is it with no subtitles? Here's a screenshot instead. I know it's nothing special, but that's why a clip is needed I suppose...

Well I still haven't done much at all. As usual... I can't seem to play a game and stick with it. I guess it's just one of these days, huh? Maybe it's because I'd really rather watch anime.
I saw a documentary about Iraq again last night. About some National Guards who were "Weekend Warriors", and their feelings about going to war in Iraq. I really can't help but feel sorry for a lot of them. I mean all they wanted is to have something to do on the weekend. To use a firing range in their spare time, just to get sent to war. Not only that, but they were only really trained for natural disasters. They really hate it there in Iraq. They were told 98% of Iraqis like the Americans but they feel it's the exact opposite. Did you know they had to use old Vietnam-Era trucks for transport? It's terrible. God help the people who don't want to be there...
On a little note, I found out Final Fantasy 12 is coming out in Britain on the 4th of August. Too bad I can't buy it until I go to America. >_<
I found this quote from Orlando Bloom while he was making Lord of the Rings. I thought it was funny. ^_^
"We have these digs at each other. Viggo (Aragorn) will go on about Elves and how they're always doing their nails and brushing their long, blond hair, and being all prissy. And I just say: Well, at least I'm going to live forever! Got that? LIVE FOREVER!"
Here's another. lol. ^_^
"Vig used to call me 'Elf Boy', and I'd call him 'Filthy Human.' As an Elf, I never got a scratch on me, never got dirty. And Vig would come out with blood and sweat all over him. And he'd say to me, 'Oh, go manicure your nails.'"
Well I better be going now. See you all later. Sorry I made this post go on a little long, but at least you all know what CuteKilala's doing. ^_^
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