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Thursday, May 25, 2006
I Feel Better Now.
I managed to fix my sleeping time! YAY! As you all know from yesterday, I was planning on staying up for 22 hours to sleep at a decent time. Well as you know, I've done it! There is only one problem though. CuteKilala ended up staying up all night after I went to bed. Dang it! We were both supposed to wake up early in order for us to make a successful trip to Edinburgh. That's right, we never got to go yet...
So basically, all that effort to stay up was a waste... Okay, maybe not a complete waste. At least I can concentrate now to visit everyone. I had to force myself yesterday. I couldn't focus very well at all, and spent something like 20-30 minutes on each site commenting. The noise of the TV in the background didn't help a bit... -_-'
I'm glad you all weren't bored with my post yesterday. I was afraid you would. You guys are such good friends. ^_^
I managed to get my videos on "ZippyVideos" to work again. It seems I needed an updated Windows Media Player. So I've got a video ready for you all. It's the intro of Dirge of Cerberus. It's not very long but it did come from the game itself. I was planning on doing a clip on the siege of Midgar, but I didn't know if you all would think of it as a spoiler. What do you guys think? Should I post it on my next post?
But for now, here's the intro.

I'm glad you guys liked yesterday's wallpaper too. It's definitely better than my first one, that's for sure. LordSesshomaru said that I could make a little collection since they are the same style. That's the plan. ^_^
I'm going to make one of all the characters. Since I'm not quite ready to make more complicated wallpapers, I'm going to just make wallpapers in that style. Not only that, but the wallpapers are only going to be made with screenshots of the show itself. Sure, there are a lot of very nice pictures I could use out there, but I think they are WAAAAAAY too over-used as it is. So to keep my wallpapers original, screenshots are the way to go. ^_^
Well the fansubs of Ah! My Goddess aren't out yet... I found out what the delay was. When the episodes were coming out at first, they were coming out in full screen. When the wide-screen episodes started on TBS in Japan, the full-screen version was dropped by the fansubbers when it was 4 episodes in the season. So the fansubbers decided to go back to the beginning of season 2 and sub the wide-screen videos instead. They have 2 of them released so far. Just 2 more to go and I'll be back to where the I left off in the show. I can't wait! ^_^
I ended up forgetting about Tsubasa Chronicle yesterday. I was meant to watch it with CuteKilala but I was so tired, it completely left my mind. That's the effect of lack of sleep. I might watch it today now that my mind is able to focus now. I just hope CuteKilala wakes up early enough to watch it.
I've just been playing Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2 when I woke up. I've been fixing even more bugs in it. I just made the Dwarves much more reliable in the game. They were just so unthinkably STUPID before! I ordered a whole bunch of them, each armed with an axe and a shield, to kill some Urukai (The things that attacked Helm's Deep in the second film) and can you guess what they did? The moment they reached them, all 15 Dwarves just STOOD there staring at them, instead of hacking the Urukai to bits! Therefore, the "Superior" Dwarves were slaughtered by the Urukai. >_<
The problem was that they weren't programmed properly by the game designers. So I fixed that myself and they fight with intelligence now instead of stare. They now have a fighting chance. YAY! It's good to be able to program a game. It's too complicated to explain how I fixed them but the main thing is that they are. ^_^
Wow. I've been able to write this post without having to think hard. Sleep was definitely a big help. lol. I better go now. I've got more bug fixes to do and I'm going to visit people's sites afterwards. See you later. ^_^
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