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• rubyeaglefire
• 1993-07-12
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• 2006-09-18
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• Courtney
| chocolateagle
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Monday, April 9, 2007
Hey, everyone! I'm being forced to play outside in the freezing weather, and...*sniff* I've already caught a cold. Here's a poem to warm you up! ^^ And, I did upload pictures, just haven't put them up yet, sorry!
Open gates
and risen walls
last one's great
others will fall
Sewn hearts and weathered eyes
They live up, but may we die?
I know it doesn't equal;
I know it makes no sense
but in the bitter end,
will my heart to bend?
Give me a chance to open the door
To catch the sun
to rise and soar
But if you tear off my wings today
Just to run and laugh and play
My hatred and sorrow will fly
among the thousands, waiting to die.
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
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Chocolateagle, the poet!!! XD
Hey, my peeps!! ^^ I have only had 1 chocolate bunny, and about 3 requests for a poem. ^^ So here's a special Easter Poem for ya!!
I watch the crashing waves
slowly encasing everything
only one can control their wrath
Only one, and that's that
Broken hearts, here they lay
Among the living and midnight days
Speckled wings among the trees
Here He is, watching everything
Many forms, but still one heart
Gave a reason for us to shout
To raise his name, among the heavens
To show the way for spirits forgotten
Grass in the wind
Songs among laughter
Here's our hearts; the result after
We lift His name, to the cross
where He left our world
To rejoice among angels
and to break a smile among Father
Broken wings and many tears
Hold Him close and call Him dear
Mostly sad but still so happy
For He has come to save us all
But in the end, one must fall
Yay! ^^ What did you think?
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
Yay for Quiz!
Friday, April 6, 2007
I'm back!!
Hey everyone, sorry about not posting yesterday! ^^" but anyway, I'm back! I love Spring Break!! XD We just started today, so now I have a week and a couple days to do nothing but draw!! =D W00T! My other (kinda new, but not really) mew, labeled "New Mew" I've done a retake on her. Yes, I'm sorry, but their is one more mew bear in this gosh-forsaken TMM crazyiness. Not a panda, though! I believe the panda belongs to Kokkoii-senpai. Unless someone else had it before her. *nods* But anyway, here it is:
Mew Sage
Name: Sera Ruchtino
DNA: Sun Bear
Colors:yellow-green, sage green, (crayola! lol)
Age: Umm...13 or 14?
Yeah, that's prety much it! ^^ But now, a poem!!
Do you see the morning light?
Can you see the fireflies?
Dancing in the sky,
they hold their heads up high
I want to live my life
I want a pair of wings
To kiss the nightime sky
and fly on golden dreams
I want to see the world
Through your eyes
Hold my last chance,
smirk if you must
but don't let me down
or my heart it will burst
Hatred follows me
Sin laughs
But I'll just walk on by,
holding my head up high,
just like the fireflies.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I'm tired...Yes, I'm making Destiny Hearts into a manga but it takes a while! I need some guy to be Nicole's boyfriend...but I don't have a name for him. Grr. Nicole is the more popular and kinda, only a little bit, (preppy) but she's a really good friend to count on. Kind of like Cornelia. If you don't know her, don't worry about it. She's really nice, okay? Anyway, so I'm working on that, and I still have to finish Cete's story, but I'm going to wrap EVERYTHING up in my last manga, otherwise called, American mew mews: The last stand. In it, as my others, is mentioned Kyuu, the REALLY evil alien-guy-person. Anyway, he has the power to take away people's free wills, and haunt them with their pasts or greatest fears. That's why he's so bad. ANYWAY....All the AMM's have called most, (not all, if you want your mew to be in it, just tell me)the other mews to come help them. This will pretty much end my story line. Hmm. Kyuu actually came into my first manga, Lyna's story. But I can't upload it cuz I don't have it! EcogothlovesKyo,(or however you say it, sorry...) has it...Do you remember? Yes, my friend, you have it!
*ahem* But in otherwords, be ready for some good ol' blood!! w00t! Okay, it's not THAT bloody, but there's some scenes. And Lyna's Revenge will also be featured....But no spoilers. ;) See ya!
Q's (Destiny Hearts Themed!)
1.Out of the four elements, which one would you say you are?
2.If you had to choose between staying company with a creepy girl with no tounge and controls the thunder, or going to a strange world you've never been to, (earth) which one would you choose? (P.S. She's like 18 and has a REALLY bad temper)
3. Would you be a bad guy or a good guy?
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Hey everyone! I wore my new outfit from Abercromibe today, and even though I went shopping on Saturday, it still smells like Abercromibe! =D But anyway, I started writing more of Destiny Hearts, 'cuz, dang, I still got a lot left to write! lol! Well, I hope you guys have a good day, and stuff! Bye!
1.Who's the best KH girl?
2.Does Olette even have a guy?!
3.No one take Olette. I'm working on a fan manga for her. *snarls* So, hey, this is a question!? Um...MMR Roxs!! XD Yah?
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Monday, April 2, 2007
Sorry about that last poem, because it probably messed everyone up!! ^^" The first chapter of the story is up on Luckyrain's profile, (my other one) so check it out if you're intrested! The answer to the riddle the other day was Nicole. So, there you go! hahaa...sorry bout the mix up. Anyway, I've gone absolutely picture-crazy with my new camera phone! =D Well, that's about it! See ya!
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Sunday, April 1, 2007
Hey, everyone! Does anyone know a good girl-friendly awesome ps2 game? Me and my older sister have played all of our games and we need a good game to play! Thanks!
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
One more week until spring break!! Dang it. >__> My fingers are freezing!! Again, with my early bird instincts, I woke up at 7 this morining. Great. That poem was scribbled down really fast...There's one that they call my 'trademark poem', but I don't like it very much. I made it in 5th grade for a poetry project we had to do...I think it starts like this;
Sugar and spice are very nice,
but under the surface, it's a real hard life
Don't judge a book by it's cover
Don't act before you think
...and some other stuff. that I forget. So I'm gonna write a poem that I just came up with! =D yay!
Winter rain, summer snow
we tell you this now to ask you so
Ones wiht fins, crystal and lost
Tell us the reson of your forgost.
We cry to you, a token for air
The bracelet of mermaids, tied in silver hair
The darkness surrounds, and none escape
except the three that stand alone, given the chance
Don't forget the world, that you oathed to save
Don't forget the ones that gave their life away
to serve the elements, to serve the mages
Everlasting does the battle rage
Broken graves, hidden secrets, must the mage be of water?
Only the mermaid's song will cure all, and the tears and blood will be forgiven.
That was a poem summorizing my old/newly redone story, Destiny Hearts. You'll have to find out what it means for yourself. ;) But if you can guess it correctly, and lord knows that it's so hard probably no one will get it...I will write a poem for that in that honor. Yeah, stupid prize, right? Anyway, probably this weekend I'll submit the first chapter onto Luckyrain. So don't forget, okay? ^^ Bye!
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