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Friday, January 19, 2007
Sakuranbo's Second
Sakuranbo time!!! =D
Sakuranbo gritted her teeth at the sour coffee, and sipped it again. Next to her coffee was her slice of coffeecake, but it was no better than the coffee. “Ugh, why can’t anything go actually right today?” She muttered to herself. Looking around the empty corridor, she wondered where everyone else was. Her shoes made almost no sound against the carpeted floor, and she skillfully dodged carts and walls, not spilling her sour coffee. She stared out the window for a second, admiring the cherry petals floating aimlessly by. A black spot formed before her eyes, and without warning, covered her entire sight. She opened her eyes, and all she saw was black. Nothing. Darkness. Blinking again, the darkness did not go away. A bubble was floating among smaller ones, and it popped suddenly in front of her. A big cat was peering at her, and she stood up to see it better. The leopard, or so it looked, gazed at her, and it reminded her of the cherry petals. She felt immediately relaxed, and smiled. The leopard returned her smile, and rubbed its head against her knee, its soft fur softly brushing against her. She petted its head, and the leopard started to fade before her. A sharp pain started to form on her knee, where its whiskers had brushed against her. She yelped in pain, and the leopard lifted its fading head. It blinked once, smiled at her, and was gone. Pain rocketed down her leg, but she paid it no mind. She blinked too, and the darkness slowly faded. She awoke on her desk chair, blinked again, and sat up. The coffee was sitting idly on her desk, but her coffee cake was but crumbs. Sighing again, she rubbed her fingers again, and started typing.
Man, I'm gettin tired of typing...stupid typing class. V_V; Lime's part is next! Stay tuned!
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Momoko's Moment
Oh, Momo!! ^^
Momoko looked at Daiki, who was walking away from the swings, his interest set in the jungle gym. She giggled, and pumped her legs harder. The sun was getting brighter, and she slowed down some to see. The swing stopped, and she fell backwards, into nothingness. She tried to say something, to yell out Daiki’s name, but nothing came out. Sitting on her knees, she gazed around, but the darkness stung her eyes. A bubble floated lazily around her head, and she pulled out her finger to pop it. The bubble burst, and a little mouse came out. It squeaked, and she smiled. The mouse ran up her finger, and standing on her palm, twitched its nose. Then it ran up her arm, and she began to worry. It now stood upon her shoulder, and she glanced to her left to see it. It was slowly starting to fade, and instead of the mouse, there was a sharp pain, like someone pinching her rather hard. She yelped, and this time, she could hear it. The mouse faded completely, and she felt really dizzy. She fell back over, and fell back into nothing…Opening her eyes, and then closing them, against the sun’s warm rays, she stood up on her legs shakily. She was leaning on the pole next to the swing she had been on, the swing gently being pushed back and forth by the wind. She shook her head, called to Daiki, and they slowly began their way back home.
Isn't Momoko cute? ^^ I think Sakuranbo is next...
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
Tomma's Time
Okey dokie! ^^
Tomma ran back to the grave, wishing that she could stay for just a while longer…besides; her mother didn’t expect her to be home for another hour…if she ran, she could make it in ten minutes. “I want to spend some quality time, with…” The word was sour on her tongue. “Dad.” She whispered. The wind picked up, just then. There was a wind chime hanging wisely from a tall cherry tree, and its chimes sounded like her dad calling. Turning around to face his grave, she felt a rumble grow within her. Maybe she was sick? She hadn’t said his name since it happened. The rumble grew bigger, and even the wind chimes shuddered with fright. ‘Go back…go back…go back…” The chimes called to her. “Go…back.” She mouthed. Her head turned up at the grave, where everything turned black. She opened her eyes, despite the burning light. Her eyes filled with tears at what she saw next. “…Dad?” She croaked, at the person standing in front of her. The person nodded. She breathed, and the face melted away with cherry petals. Instead stood a proud looking tiger, which looked just like her dad, with his proud gaze. The tiger’s eyes softened and she reached out her hand to pet it. The tiger moved closer to her, its soft paws making no sound across the bottom…the bottom of what? The tiger swayed slightly, and ignoring her offered hand, it stood to her left. On its hind legs, it was half her size; of course, she was sitting on her knees. She looked at it, and it nuzzled itself across her hip. Its fur was warm, and smelled like cherries. A pain erupted from her side, but maybe it was just her pain. The pain increased, like fire, and the tiger slowly melted away…along with the petals…she woke up, curled up on the ground, her back to the grave marker, and the rose she had laid down, twisted between her fingers. She leaned her head back, against the cold stone, and sighed very loud. The wind chimes sighed back. She stood up, placed the rose on the stone, and walked away. It was a lot darker than it was earlier, and she glanced at her watch, gasped, and darted through the rows. She started to pick up speed when she was out of the graveyard, and she wondered why she was running a lot faster than she used to. Her hair whipped across her head, and she felt free. She let out a great yell, of happiness, and was astonished when all that came out was a tiger’s roar. Tomma shrugged, and bolted down the steep hill with new confidence.
That was Tomma, next is Momoko. PI, plz pm me!
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Quizzes!! YAY!!
What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres]
 Your element is Ice. This element may seem a little odd, but this is a side-effect from when the element of Water gets too hurt. Once you were a content soul, and happy with life. But then something happened. Not necessarily on one day, it probably happened gradually over time. You lost your will to care and became even more reserved from the world. People had hurt you in ways you do not want to remember and now you isolate yourself from them. You have turned into an outsider and probably dress more in black than you used to. Your depression is eating you up and tearing you apart and the worst part is that no one is willing to help, or so it seems. In school you are often by yourself or one single friend and you rarely seem to be truly happy anymore. Your sad, distant eyes and constant frown seems glued to your face and you need a saviour from this world. You may turn to music for understanding and sing/scream along in the lyrics to get rid of some pain. You are not very open about your problems to your family/friends, and wish that they would just notice it and make it go away. Take this quiz!

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What Kind of Soul Resides Inside You?
 You have a dark soul. You like to be by yourself and not be bothered by anyone. The friends you do have respect that and you and you try to be as nice as you (possibly) can. Maybe opening up a little will make you happy (if you aren't already) and that doesn't mean you have to be all nice but don't push people away all the time. Take this quiz!

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
AnimeKitty story, again!
Here ya go! ^^
Crowii looked around again, as if something was following her. The trees rustled happily, and she took in the beautiful sight. She set her pink bike down, and settled herself on a rock. The cold rock was comforting to the sweaty girl, and she turned her head to the wind, as it started up again. She sighed; she still had two miles to go for home. Gripping the handlebars, she stood it up, and swung her leg over it. Pushing slowly up the hill, she felt a long shiver go up her back, then down to her arms, and through her fingers. She wiggled her fingers, getting the circulation back. A big wind came through, and the ground shook softly under her. Her mom always told her that earthquakes were common in Tokyo, so she took no notice to it. The pebbles lining the paved road clattered and she felt the surge through her body. ‘This isn’t an ordinary earthquake!’ She thought nervously. “What’s going on?” She wondered out loud, practically yelling over the noise. The shakes were too much for her, and she fell over, despite her attempts to stand up. Her mind was shaking, and her teeth clattered with the pebbles. Darkness swallowed her, and she slowly opened her eyes, to a blinding light. ‘Where…where am I?’ She thought. There was nothing around her but darkness, and she saw a bubble approaching her. ‘What the?’ The bubble burst, and a lion emerged. The lion slowly walked towards her, a bell on its tail ringing slightly. ‘Why is there a lion? The lion looked at her, its eyes full of sadness. She held its gaze for a second, and then it roared. It ran behind her, and she started to panic. She heard its soft paws running, fast, and then she felt like it was jumping right into her back, below her shoulder blades. A searing pain followed, and she yelped out of pain. She felt like it had dug its teeth into her, and then she saw everything go blank. She fluttered her eyes, and blocked out the sun that followed. “Wh…where am I?” She gasped. She was lying beside her bike, which was gently set beside the rock she had paused at earlier. ‘Wait a minute! I knew I was at least a half mile away from here!’ Sighing again, she dusted herself off, and sped along the trail again, the bike slowly swaying with her weight…
Crowii's part again, when she meets the lion!! Da Da Dun!!!
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Monday, January 15, 2007
I'm sorry i haven't been on lately, guys. My life just took a turn down Disaster dr. And I haven't been on all weekend, and wiht that art thief, Oh, god, I hope she doesn't steal my art! I'm so mad at the fact that she's stolen like, everyones work, and I know you guys work REALLY hard on making those pictures, and for her to take them, it's just wrong. I don't even know how she can live with herself! It's like killing someone! Okay, not really, but it's taking someone's hard worked drawings, and yes, I saw them. Sora, the art still has your name on it!! How stupid is she?! And the name of it is 'TheOtaku mews' Say it with me. L-O-S-E-R. LOSER!!!!! *pants* Okay, I'm done rambling. On the good side, I got the first book of Pita-ten! ^^ Is it any good? Oh, and I'm still working on my manga, just haven't submitted much yet...I got Final Fantasy V advance yesterday! ^^ For gameboy...yeah, It's fun. Okay, I'm done with my crazy rambling.
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
Um, Long forgetten story?
Has anybody remebered this story? If you don't remeber, here's a reminder. Okay, Lyna is with Ataku, on Ornata, Kaoruko is still in her coma, with Fuzuki and Chinao, and um, yeah. Back with Lyna and Ataku, Ataku has caputred an alein, who he is holding captive. So...on with the story!! XD
Kiichigo had finally stopped kicking Ataku, but he had a bruise on his forehead. “Gosh, Kiichigo!” he moaned. “Well,” she said, “If you would let go of me, you wouldn’t have as many!!” He stopped, and abruptly threw her down. They were traveling over a mountain, as Lyna thought, and her ankle was killing her. A lake was before them, and she sat down on a rock. Ataku sat down on the ground, his coat billowing. “Oh, my legs!” He moaned sarcastically. Kiichigo snorted again. Lyna spread herself out and laid down. “Hello, Lyna.” A shock wave ran through her, her blood turning icy cold. “No…”she muttered. “Kyuu! Not you again!” She yelled. Ataku ran over to her. He looked up at Kyuu, astonished. “You! What do you want?” Kyuu landed from floating, and gave him a stern look. “My sister.” The words made Lyna dizzy. His sister? I didn’t know he had a sister. But who is his sister? It had to be…”Kiichigo!”
Kiichigo? Which one? Oh, that one! ^^ hahaha. Okay. Still working on both stories, I'm pretty busy, but it's a good thing I can do everything fast! ^^ Requests/art trades are open, I only have 1 to do!! Wow, that's cool. ^^ Oh yes, and Lyna's revenge form, yeah, DON'T STEAL IT!! I can smell a rat from a mile away!! Yes, I love it! ^^ She only turned into that when she was very, very, VERY mad, and at someone in hte story....The only thing tat can calm her down during that is to have Ataku hug her...isn't that sweet? ^^
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Friday, January 12, 2007
Okay, Liana's part! ^^
Now, for the part you've all been waiting for, drumrool plz, *da da da da!!!* Liana's story! WOO! Okay, it's not that great, just wanted to see what it would be like with a dramatic entrance. =D
Liana looked at the barnyard, and wiped the sweat off her forehead. The windmill slowly churned its rusty blades, lazily in the wind. The cherry blossom tree was in bloom again, and her dog, Emerald, lay sleeping under it. The cherry petals landed on her nose, and she snorted them off. Liana chuckled to herself, and set back to carrying the large bucket of food. She imagined that she was carrying a priceless jewel over a thousand-foot swinging bridge, with flying arrows coming at her. She snapped back to reality, just in time to trip over a large protruding rock, and her boot surged a pain up her leg. “Owwwwww….” She winced, rubbing her boot toe in the dirt. The pigs snorted hungrily, and she stuck her tongue out at them. “Yeah, yeah. I’m coming, I’m coming. Hold your pigs.” The pig with its head stuck between the fences cocked its head. She glanced down at the bucket of pig feed, and turned her head sideways, but to no avail. The warm April breeze threw the smell at her. “Whew! Gosh, why can’t you eat anything that actually smells good?” The pig snorted, as to laugh at her. She set the bucket down beside the pig, and threw it into the feeding trough. Several snorting pigs came up, and she wiped her forehead again. ‘Wow, it’s really hot!’ She thought, but she didn’t want to complain. Her mom called her over to grab another bucket of slop, and Liana groaned under her breath.
Piggies, piggies, pigs!! Wow, I actually feel bad for Liana...^^
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
I've been thinking...I need to expand my drawings into more charagories. I haven't read so many manga, the only fault for that is that I don't have to much money...XP If I did, I'd buy every manga under the sky! Okay, not every one....^^; But I think I'm going to draw some Naruto....don't look at it, you might be scarred for life. Once, I was REALLy bored, so I did a comic of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura...Naruto looks like he has a deflated head...which he does. I htink I did good on Sakura, but that's aobut it...V_V; Man, I wish I could draw them...They're cool...
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Woot? Okay, that's getting old.
Okay, here's Sakura's story! Man, I have such a long time to go before the REALLY good part! ^^
Sakura looked around her keyboard, hoping no one was staring at her wildly. She dug a piece of her favorite chocolate that she had left in her pocket, and groaned when she realized it had melted. She slammed her head down easily on her desk, her pencil container spilling pencils all over her head. Brushing the pencils out of her head, and wincing when she found one stuck, she glanced out the window. She loved looking out the window next to her desk. She watched the cherry petals fall lazily, and she wish she was one of them…floating carelessly, around and around, with no place really intended, free as a bird. She sighed, and turned back to her moody computer. Her eyes stung from looking out the window, then looking back at the computer, and she blinked. Her boss stood over her cubicle wall, his hand tapping the sides of the wall. She flinched. “Oh…uh, Mr. Watashi! I see you’re looking good today. How can I help you?” He glared at her, with his trademark glare. “Sakura, you have a deadline. Today. For that essay. Now. Go!” He brushed her nose, and strolled away, his bald head gleaming in the fluorescent lighting. Her fingers ached from working on her keyboard, and she flopped to the back of her chair. “Please, someone help me…” A tear rolled across her eye, and she wondered why. Then her focus came, and she saw she was staring at the picture of her sister. Who was gone? Sakura slapped her head down on the desk again, the picture slowly losing sight…and everything went dark.
After this, comes Lime's part of the story! Yes, I guess she likes pigs...^^;
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