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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Wootwootwoot! Haha!
Okay, since Momoko's first part is really short, I'll be putting Sakura's up in a, yeah, hang on. I jsut finished writing Tomma's 3rd time narrating, so I have a loooong while to go to keep you all up to date! Animekitty, you can stop biting your nails waiting for it. Lol. Okay. Enough of my weirdness, let's get on with the story!! ^^
Momoko giggled as she ran up to the swing, and laughed at Daiki as he pouted at her. “Look at me, Daiki!” She cried, as she pushed furiously at the swing. The warm sun surrounded her, and she felt happy, staring at the clouds. Suddenly, she felt someone push her out of the swing, and the next thing she knew, she was blinking, stunned at Daiki. He climbed unsteadily into the swing. She spread out into the mulch, not caring what her mother would say when she came back home. “Momo, mommy says not to stay in the mulch! I’m going to tell on you!” Daiki cried, standing freely in the swing seat. Momoko looked at him cross-eyed, and he laughed. So hard, he fell off the swing. Momoko hurriedly pulled stray pieces of mulch out of her hair, and rushed to the swing, grabbing the chain seconds before Daiki did. “No fair!” He pouted, and Momoko smiled at him. It was so hard to stay mad at her for too long. She pumped her legs higher and higher, slowly swinging back, and she felt that she was the happiest girl in the world.
Plz don't ask me to put this into paragraphs, they hate me, and I hate them. I'll get Sakura's up in a mintue. ^^
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Cete or Chocolateagle
Does she look familiar? Of course she does! She's Cete, or Chocolateagle herself.

*sticks nose up* Okay, sorry. She's NOT actually an eagle, but who needs details, right? Just our little secret...;) Anway, she's a hawaiian hawk. Why? ...Um, actually I don't really know. I did a project on it, and I guess I always wanted a mew of one, so...yeah. The background is of a Hawaiian hawk! =D Woot! They rock! Okay, I guessed randomly on the colors...the first time I drew her, I was going to draw mint, hence the dress...I guess I'm either to lazy to change her outfit, or I like it too much...I don't know. I like her boots!! Their soo cool! But other than that, she's pretty much the same as Mint...Oh, today, I was guessing a name for some of my mews, and here they are! (NOTE: If you do steal them, or if I find any mews named this after I post this, I will assume that you have stolen my names, unless you are a VERY close frined here, and I trust you. But other than that, I'm gonna send Lyna to smoke your sorry butt. Got it? Good.)
Sour Vanilla
If you steal these, you KNOW what will happen to you...*points at menacing warning* Okay! have a nice day! ^^ *snarls*
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part 2!! Of Tomato's story!!
Miharu looked at the grave marker, and the tears filled up her eyes endlessly. It was only a year ago that it had happened, but it felt like yesterday that the news had come. She took a deep, raspy breath, and slowly traced the marks on the grave. The rose that she had laid there early crackled under her fingers, and she felt like her life was like the rose petal. Edges wrinkled, and brown, but further it was smooth. One of her teardrops fell on the rose, and it spread over the flower. She heard faintly someone yelling in surprise, and she looked around, twisting from her sitting on her knees. The grass left impressions on her legs, but she didn’t care. A breeze came in, and cherry blossom petals flew lazily around her. She brushed one away that found itself on the grave, and she fingered the picture she had brought with her. Kumiko was standing beside Miharu, her fingers behind her head in bunny ears. Her mother gazed out at her, with her beautiful hair that she had always loved. Her dad…it hurt so much to think about him, but he was there…leaning on Kumiko, and a rose in his hand. He always loved roses…Another teardrop landed on his face, and engulfed it. His face faded away, and Miharu felt a new wave of sadness come over her. She stood up, placed the picture on the grave, and blew a kiss again and slowly started away, glancing back again to make sure that the grave didn’t blow away like the petals.
Aw, that's sad...*sniff*
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Part one of Animekitty23's story, well, my version of it....^^; I like it, and I think this story rocks out loud!!! =D
Suzu looked down at the path under her speeding bike. The wind blew her shoulder-length curls skyward, and it whipped across her face. She breathed the warm April air, and she stole a glance at the trees around her. ‘Wow, I’m really glad I went for a bike ride today!’ She thought. She smiled giddily, and made a futile push on her pedals. The cherry trees were in bloom again, and the blossoms fell around her, as in a daze. She felt so peaceful, that is, until she hit the pothole in her way. “AGGH!” She yelled, as she was flung into the grass, petals thrown over her. She sighed. Picking herself up, she gathered her thoughts, and picked up her bike slowly. Over the hill she was standing on, she noticed an eerie looking graveyard, staring at her. She shivered. ‘Ugh, why did I have to pick to ride near a graveyard?’ She never liked ghosts, or dead people at the least. A shudder went down her spine, and she tightened her shoe. “Now, I’m gonna go get some ice cream…” She said to herself. One more glance at the graveyard, and she was pedaling down the pothole-filled road.
And that was just Suzu's part. Tell me what ya think? ^^ Oh, and see my bg? That's of Chocolate's animal. The Hawaiian Hawk. I'm sorry I couldn't tell everyone sooner! Forgive me!! The hawaiian hawk is awesome.
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
Chibi!! =D
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Sakura
Likes: Sasuke, Chocolateagle, running around, and beating Naruto up! =D
Dislikes: Naruto, Lyna, People who hate her, Pervs, and glutton.
Owner: Chocolateagle!!
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
Look, Sakura!! Isn't she adorable? She is my favorite naruto character!! ^^
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Friday, January 5, 2007
Hey, peeps! I just want to say thank you to all the people who support me, and have helped me become the better artist I am today! ('Cuz I look back at pics from last year, and I want to burn them all from the face ofthe earth...) So, here they are!!!
AkaneHishori (sp)
Princess Ichigo
Ignieousspiritfeonix (sp sorry!)
Magnus Lensher (sp, man, I suck at spelling.)
And so many people, the list would kill your eyes!! =D You guys ROCK!!! I really thank you, for tips, and pointers, and stuff like that... ^^ Yay! Yes, I'm giddy. Everyone says I draw better when I'm tired or bored, and I'm kinda both.
1. Who's your favorite mangaka?
2. Who is your favorite manga character, ever? (yes, ever!)
Bye-bye! ^^
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Wow, I'm hyper! I'm working on my manga, so yeah...still taking requests, and stuff. I'm still thinking about doing a contest, I need to find a better outfit for Lyna and Fuzuki (They both wear the same thing!!) V_V; Maybe I'll just wait until Chibicage's contest is over...good luck to everyone on that! If you have any ideas, just pm me, and yada yada yah...^^ I'm working on everyone's art trade right now, my scanning program thingy is goin' crazy, I'm convinced it now hates Lyna. (=D) Oh, and PI, I drew a picture of you and Lyna slapping each other!! Why? 'Cuz I was bored, that's why!!! Ehehehe. ^^; Anybody on? I need someone to talk to...*Sniff*
L:You know I'm here, right?
PLZ!!! Someone to talk to!!
^^ Comments? Talking? Anybody?!
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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
All right, I'm seriously not taking it out on anybody, but I'm tired of people yelling and talking bad about people. If they can't draw, in your opinion, then please, keep it to yourself! I don't want anybody to leave the Otaku because their tired of people yelling at them, so, if you've got a problem with someone, leave them alone, and go rethink that. And if there's someone who just likes to make fun of people for the fun of it, or becuase their art's not as good as theirs, keep it to yourself. We don't all have the greatest talent in the world, and some weren't born with it! I understand that some people have the talent, just born with it, and I'm astonished by their work, but it doesn't make them any better than any one else. I wasn't born with this talent, I had to draw every day for 4 years, until my hard work paid off. Some people haven't done that yet, and we all have our different rates, so nice. Thank you.
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
More Dolls! ^^
Corina, my really old character!! Me and my bf, Darkfairycat, in real life, made a team that was so old, uh...okay, it's about 2 yrs odl. Here's my character off the team!! ^^

Her name is Corina, which is Mint's American name, and Darkfairycat's mom's name! ^^
Any more requests?
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Request Dolls!! ^^
Here you go, Ballet Chicklit and Gifted Girl! I hope you like them! ^^

Holly! I didn't put a tail on, there was only one, and it looked like a fox tail...

Kiichiki! She's so cool!
Anybody else got a request? ^^
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