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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I've been like, extremely busy lately, but I made time to upload some pictures. ^^
I've drawn sooo much lately, it's not even funny...and now I have no more sketchbook paper. Again. Crap it all!
'Neway, this week's been going by soooo fast, it's awesome. Last week stunk though.
Omg, this girl on the bus last week 'accidently' spilled this lotion, (which I SWEAR smells like roasted garlic. Yeah. Ew.) all over my shoes. My Sperrys, actually. (If you know what they are...^^")
Yeah, I was mad. Very mad. My shoes smell like roasted garlic now!! Urgh.
But in happy words, how are you guys?
Oh, just want to put something before I go.
Some people, I swear, hate me. So you know what?
I'mma put down a list of everything I hate. So yes, print it out and stick it on your fridge.
Things I HATE:
1. Ketchup. (disgusting...)
2. The words 'creamy, activity, meal and craft'.
3. Annoying obnoxious people.
4. People you haven't seen in four FREAKING years and they still remember the time you tripped and fell in front of the entire fifth grade.
5. Pickles, mustard and tomatoes. (Gross...)
6. People with heavy southern accents which make it so hard to understand what they're saying.
7. People who think 'I' have a heavy Southern accent when I'm angry.
8. Calling me 'small'. (Yes, Dakey, it makes me feel small...big suprise, eh?)
9. Roseart Colored Pencils
10. Jerks who think that they're the best in everything without actually looking around to see their head is BLOATED.
11. People who hate you and act like they love you.
Dang that's a long list...okay, I'm done ranting. See ya'll! ^^
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Well, today was interesting.
I just learned how to shoot a BB gun--and lemme tell you, that was FUN.
But don't worry, I'm not crazy with it...or am I? *shifty eyes*
My lil bro's playing KH1 and keeps asking me to tell him where to go and stuff...and amazingly, I actually remember. From a year ago.
Weird, no?
Lol, and I guess that'd be it. 'Kay, see ya! *waves*
1. What's your fav element?
2. If you were named something else, what would it be?
3. Cookies, cake or chocolate?
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Hallo, my little friends...wassup??
Lol. I'm in a random mood, so sue me. 'Kay, not really. But, yeah.
Crap, I left my no pictures this weekend. Or I might. Depends if I can sneak some printer paper. *shifty eyes*
Amoung that and other stuffs...which I'm not sure, yah. 'K, see ya! *hands cookie and waves*
1. What's your fav. Disney movie? (random, whatev.)
2. If you had a Patronus, what would it be? (harry
3. And finally...what's your fav. KH or FF or TMM or anything else character??
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
I laugh in the face of my scanner!!!
I have uploaded 25 pages today in my manga story I just started not too long ago...which is based off a roleplay from Gaia.
'Cuz it's freaking awesome, man. ^^
Lol, so yah...and I gots a new sketchbook! So be on the lookout for my new art (weird, I haven't updated in forever...) and stuff like that.
Nya, bye!
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Friday, August 31, 2007
Me gots tagged!!
I got tagged by Sora Hanaki
The rules are:
1. Post these rules
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a message telling them they're tagged
8 Facts about Choco-chan...
1. (Hmm) I love art--well, no duh. Lol
2. I'm left-handed, whee!
3. I'm from the south, and I live in the south. But I don't talk like them. (Have no accent, mind you)
4. ADORE Tea and Lemonade--not a sterotype--If I could, I would live off those drinks. ^^
5. I love the mountains more than the beach...
6. Am, like, addicted to Roxas and Axel from KH2...gawd they rock. Lol
7. I love dah moose! ^^ (If ya know what I mean...)
8. People tell me I look like Hermonine Granger from Harry Potter. I guess I do. Lol
I'mma tagging people now! ^^
See ya~
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I'm I'll just talk.
^^" Ehehehe...
well, I'm gonna keep working on mah manga 'cuz I gots a new sketchbook!! ^_^ Yay me!
And, so...yah, that's about it. Lol.
Maybe when I'm finished with that manga I'll finally scan those pictures of requests and art trades from waaaaaaay long ago. (which I apologize for)
Ever been inspired to draw something?
Well...Kingdom Hearts is like kick-butt awesome game, isn't it? (People agree with me, ya?) so I was thinking (since I've been thinking about it for a loooong time, just haven't gotten the time or paper) I'mma make a short--er manga outta it! Hurray!
So, anyways...that's it.
Is done.
Noes, is NOT done!
Does anybody know why nobody's on when I'm on?!
'Tis not fair...but I'll be okay with it. Lol, alright, I'm done.
*hands cookie* Thanks for reading my rant!
See ya!
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
Random memory of the day:
On the way home from school, we take this back road. And we always look out the side to the right, because...(strange as it is, I'm NOT lying)
there is always two peacocks on the side of a driveway.
Yah, it's weird.
Lol, okay, that's it! See ya~
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Friday, August 17, 2007
I'm so sad...
I filled up my last sketchbook. So all I have now is notebook paper. Which I must refrain from using so I can use it for school.
Has anybody else had the issue of their pencils disappearing?
I found out that one of my favorite pencils was taken by my friend because I drew her favorite picture with she stole it. O.O
Weird, no?
Lol, well, see ya!
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Hey guys, what's up?
Angelxkisses and I were talking yesterday, about Wakka. Lol, man he's cool! And funny, ya?
Anyway, I won't be scanning for a while, sorry.
Yeah well, that's it.
See ya!
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
*gasp* Otaku...*gasp* I need...OTAKU!!
Yes, I am back...
for the current moment. I'm telling you, that lock freaks me out. When it cuts off on me...*shudder* Scary, yes.
So out of the boredom I have been going through...I've been reading a lot. Yes, reading. Laugh all you want, but it's still cool.
Omg, does anybody here read Pendragon?!
Freakin' coolest series. EVER.
No, I haven't forgotten you guys...but lately the comp. does not like me. AT ALL.
I'm working on a new manga, called 'Double or Nothing'. It's tied into Destiny Hearts, so if any of you actually read the story (which I highly doubt, but whatever, your time) it takes place in Skolta and some of the characters will be very familair...or their names, at least.
I'm sooooo addicted to FFX right now, it's not even funny...I usually yell at my TV so when my parents walk by they think I'm crazy.
I dunno, am I?
Lol. Anyway, I've gone completely mental (, Ron!!) from the game, about screamed in agony at Pendragon--(7th book, ya know) and broke my wrist from drawing the manga so much. Welcome to my life. ^^ Have a pleasant day, and don't forget to take a cookie on your way out!
See y'all!
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