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myOtaku.com: chocolateagle

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

   Numbero Tres! (3)
�Oh, I�m so sorry!� The other girl sneered. �Yeah, right. Just watch where you�re going, clumsy.� She ripped the papers out of Lyna�s hand, and stormed off to a nearby bench. Fuzuki hurried over to help Lyna up. �Thanks. What a rude girl.� Lyna steamed. �Lets go get those books.� Said Kaoruko. Lyna looked up at the sky. �What a weird day.� She thought. �Hey, what�s that sound?� said Fuzuki. A rumbling started below them. �What the?� Kaoruko faintly said. �Is it a earthquake?!� yelled Fuzuki over the loud rumble. �What�s this light?� said another voice. Everyone was starting to shake more, and then everything turned black. An earthquake? This is no earthquake! What�s happening? Huh? Something was coming into focus, and it was a�dragon? It twirled around her happily. A blinding light followed, and she felt a sharp pain on her ankle, but she couldn�t reach it. She was frozen, she couldn�t move. Then everything disappeared. She woke up next to the tree she and Fuzuki raced to. �Fuzuki?� she called weakly. Fuzuki and Kaoruko and the voice had gone. Lyna looked around wildly. �What happened? Where�s the others?� she thought. �What a strange day.� Lyna got up, and walked home, confused and dazed.

Okay, this doesn't really help to the story, but to avoid you all and your short attention span (go ahead and admit it, you know its true..)I have to put it in tiny sections. This is just the end of the first day with Lyna. Tell me whatcha think?

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