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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Chicago...:shakes head: I soo don't wanna go! Anyway. I filled out my Best Buy application yesterday...Cedric said he was gonna make sure they looked at it when I left and I should get a call if I passed...I hope so. I kinda want a job. I don't know quite what I'll be doing yet. Either audio, video, and gaming, or cashier/customer service. I think I'd rather do the audio thingy. Rar...I'D GET A DISCOUNT! W00T! I'm so gonna put a system in my car! Saw Anthony...why is it always hard to get over your first boyfriend even if he was the biggest ass ever? It's like I'm over him but I'm not...he totally did me wrong but hey it'll come back to 'em one day. He's so gonna end up in prison. :rolls eyes: whuteva! I talked to Ellen, Anne, and then Malcolm last night...Anne...well...let's just say she needs a bit of training whne it comes to dudes! She's all over me and Malcolm...I hand't even talked to her for like 2 minutes before she asked if we were going out..She's all like "sooo how are you and Malcolm doing?
"fiiine? how are we suposed to be doing?
"Wait...y'all aren't going out yet?"
"'Cause he hasn't asked me yet."
"Oh you don't ask guys out?"
"Nope, never needed to and I'm not gonna start now!"
"I'm gonna have to have a little talk with him!"
yeah...well school school school to y'all later!
It's great to have been invited to the great state of Chicago!-Bob Dole
Cait and I at the Valentine Dance...we no like her anymore tho!


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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Ok, last night was so f-in' fun!!! WE SO GOT BECCA TO DANCE IN PUBLIC!! IT WAS GREAT! We did the electric and cha cha slide!!! wow I haven't done that in a good little minute...that was entertaining! Had a run in with my dad but w/e.Went to church, ccd, took Xavier home, picked up my parents, went home cleaned, got ready to go to Ellen's church, left to go to Paganini, went to get Beccas flowers, saw Tori!!! rahahahahaha! watched the play, went to sonic, went to dairy queen (?), took Becca home, went to my house, picked up my sis, went bowlin', got second place, went to Roman Caffe and got some ice cream..but I got a cafe mocha freddo :), went back home, cleaned, and went to bed..yeah. Well that was my day! The play was really good. Ellen was totally drooling over the main charechter (YES YOU WERE!) apparantly he had good hair...? it was a'ight I guess. lol rar well within all of the things that happened interesting things occured :cheesy grin: I got to see Chris Saturday too so that was cool. Rar! Well, school awaits :bleh: see y'all later!
Quote for todey!
Ellen we're closets in the freaks-me
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Friday, September 16, 2005
I'm so sick of this. I have two friends (at least we used to be) in jail for drugs pluse not that long ago we had one of the biggest drug busts right down the street from me. Knew that guy. After I cam back from a volleyball game my sister tells me that someone else just got busted today. Pluse I drove through somethin' that was goin' on through my neighborhood today..hasn't hit yet but there were a whole lot of cops. Dad still doesn't have a job, we have no insurance. My eye sight keeps getting worse, my shoulder's still messed up from last year, and I messed up my knee. My gurl's worried about stuff that's goin' on in her life and I can't do anything about it, pluse my boy down in Florida's goin' through some shit and he won't talk about that.
I keep seeing him, Eduardo, and thinking about what he took from me. My innocence. I keep having flashbacks of every single friend who's betrayed me. I'm trying to forget it all but it's so hard 'cause I still hear everything ppl say. Kids can be the most ruthless creatures..and then there's New Orleans...I feel bad about everything there too. We had family down there thank God we know they're ok but while everything was going on...there was no way of knowing. Guy just got shot right down the street from me at a Mexican resteraunt..went to school with my brother. I'm just really thankful that he's, my brother, not a bouncer/security gaurd anymore. Ga that was hell wondering every night if he was ok. Well I'm gonna turn in.
Hey SunNshadow "car"!
Quote for today:
You guys line up in a circle- football coach

can you say hot 600,000 times? grooowwrrrrr!
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Computers suck!
Hey you guys sorry I haven't been updatin'. It's been a good little minute since my life has turned interesting! My computer has decided it's going to be evil so it won't let me post comments. I don't know how many times I tried. Last one I left was to Tonio I believe and then it just stopped. Well school's goin' a'ight for right now. There's a dance comin' up this Saturday which y'all probably read about on SunNshadow's site if not GO VISIT HER! But yeah. Plannin' on going bowlin' too but not quite sure yet. UMPH my flute awaits. I'll talk to you guys later! MWA!
Hey Ellen Chuk-Chuk!!!

Yours truely myself, Becca, and of course SunNshadow

ELLEN'S SO FIN' CUTE! and let us not forget Becca!

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I have no idea what happened here!
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
Church picnic was the church was a'ight. Nobody was there not for real anyway. It was me, Zay, Laura, Ashlan, Stephanie, and Justin stayed a little bit. double u tee f...why in the world does John think he can make me jealous..? He's the one who like me last year and groped me last year....and has been hittin' on me since... he decided I got hot..which was what FOREVER! :sighs: oh well. Zay and I took the numba on spot in the horseshoe competition W00T! GO ZAY ZAY!!! WE SO TOTALY KICKED ASS!!! I think today was the first day that's gone by in a while that I didn't run into someone who pissed me off..that's 'cause all the posers left before they could bug me! Arg I sound like a bitch on here but..I'm really not! I promise! but I have to go practice my dern flute...ERRRRR. Nyte yall
Maybe I'm just wierd but I luv this thing!

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Saturday, September 10, 2005

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Friday, September 9, 2005
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your profile. W00T I'm one of the 2%!!!

What are yooouuu smoking!!!
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
I don't know the key to success but I do know that trying to please everyone is the key to failure- Bill Cosby
I like!
Those who survived the San Fransisco earthquake said "Thank God I'm still alive", but those who died their lives will never be the same. -Barbara Boxer
The internet is a great way to get on the net. -Bob Dole
The world is more like it is now than it has ever been before.- Dweight Eisenhower
There is no shortage of housing in Lincoln today, just a rumor put out by those who have nowhere to live. - Some mayor!
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Another Week
Well Busola and them left Monday. A bit quiet around here but I'm not complainin'! That gurl can mess you up mentally more than anyone I know...well actually my brother might have her beat...but yeah. Night before she left she bought me a lava lamp and a watch.
So that's kewl. Went to the gym yesterday and again today...prolly tomorrow again too...:yawns: well I have to go to bed 'cause I'm tired. See y'all later.
But this makes me happy!

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