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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Read it Remember it
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Monday, September 5, 2005
My bois Justin and Xavier!!!

Video provided by VideoCodes4U
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
I'd like to dedicate this corner of my site to all the victims of Katrina. It is said that there are 161 ppl dead in a part of Mississippi alone. Please pray for those who are still suffering and have lost family, friends, and everything.

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Answer the questions please...
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
Be honest noone is judging you here... and dont get mad its just a quiz its not like i made it...
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Interesting Day
Woke up this morning having to pick someone up and take them to church and my parents had to do the same thing (we go to church on post that's why not everyone can get in).....I don't even feel like typing all of it..I've done it twice today! To make a long story short they took both sets of keys so I was stuck and somehow or another..there was a key we didn't even know about that I eneded up finding and using. Then I forgot something that crucial for my dad...hada call my cousin at home who doesn't know his way around town and have him meet me somewhere but his wife wouldn't let me talk to him so I gave her directions and she screwed him up and he ends up all the way on the other side of town..:sighs: rofl today was so fun!!!
What's up with ppl always like..say they ask you what you wanna do and you don't really wanna say what you wanna do 'cause you know they don't wanna do that or they'll get mad at you so you're just like "well what do you wanna do?" or "well how do you feel about it?". Then somehow they talk you into telling them what you think or want and after they find out they get all pissed off at you..? what's up with that? it's like wo I thought you wanted to konw what I wanted and now that you know you're mad at me. And you know usually when ppl get like that it doesn't really take them but like a couple of days and they're over it. Not working this time ::sighs:: oh well I don't care. If you're my friend then you'll accept what I wanna do even if you don't like my decision...I mean as long as it's not something really big. Then I could understand it more but come on guys let it go. I know there are only a few ppl who should get that but..yeah.
Ok..I don't have a school anymore? yeah. I have no school. Luckily I'm already 16 so I don't have to be inrolled in a school. ::sighs:: Soooo this means G.E.D...I'm a the hell am I suposed to pass a G.E.D.? We all know I'm not the brightest crayon in the box!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?! Grarrrarerar...well I'd rather take the G.E.D than switch schools again. If you know me I know what you're thinking "She's homeschooled! what is she talking about 'switching schools' "? Yeah it's not really the same as in real school. You don't have to make new friends and all that other crap but you change everything you do. So the stuff that I've been in for the pased what 4 years may not really count so I have to make up for all of that. I odn't know. I'm prolly just gonna study.:blink: any of y'all really smart?!
JOKE- I hear you pick your friends -- to pieces!! :blink blink: I don't get it!
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Pissed to where you don't care
Have you ever been stressed to the point where you feell ike the only way to feel better is if you cry yet you don't even care anymore? I don't think I'm's more like pissed. I don't care how good of a "drunk" you are or how good you are just drinking and driving period. When it's Friday night and you've gotten blown off twice and the second reason being because you don't wanna be "rude" and you've been given the impression that you're going to do what you were told y'all were goin' to do before you left...:sighs: ok we were suposed to go bowling for the passed two days. The first day I have no idea what happened! ok the second day we had planned it since yesterday and we were talking about it all morning. Ok well my sister fell asleep on the couch and decided she was too tired, which hey I don't mind 'cause she had been working hard and her job sucks and her boss is an ass and needs to be capped...if he didn't have a family, anyway besides the point. So right before Busola and I are about to leave what happens? my brother calls talkin' about he wanted to take us out to eat. So Busola blew me off and made plans with him saying that we were going to go do both which she damn well knew wasn't gonna happen. First of all she didn't tell me about it..she was just takin' her time with everything until finally I got on to her about it and then she tells me! wtf! by the time my brother had finally come over here, finished his shower, and buffed his shoes we could've gone to the bowling alley, bowled two or maybe even three games, and come back but no we ended up going in MY car which he WOULDN'T LET ME DRIVE! and of course Busola's over there talkin' about how come one let's just be glad we're getting out. HE DOESN'T TEAR UP YOUR CAR! MY CAR ISN'T A DAMN TRUCK OR SHIFT! YOU CAN'T HAVE THE MAX AC ON AND THEN EXPECT THE CAR TO JUMP FORWARD SO YOU PRESS THE PEDDAL TO THE GROUND AND THE ENGINE STARTS CLICKING! AND IF ANYTHING WOULD'VE GONE WRONG HE WOULD HAVE DENIED IT! then we don't even go to the place we were suposed to go to...we go to his friends house have him follow us, which I really didn't care at this point, and went to Fridays. He had two large ass alcaholic thingies..I have no clue what it was besides big and a carona...and this mofo still thought he was drivin' home. Pluse Busola was messed up sittin' right behind him grabbin' in the front seat. And earlier while we were in the bathroom Busola said that after this we would go bowling 'cause she knew I was mad at her so in the car she was all let's not go 'cause your brother has to go to work in fifteen minutes...:blink blink: FUCK THAT! besides all that and other things I really don't feel like typing I had a great evening. The one chance we had without the kids got blown for some alcahol. Yup it was lovely...I do actually appreciate him paying for my Fried Mozzerella.
I've been complaining so much lately..I hate it but I know if I don't do this I'd go off on one of them. My sister says all this stuff that I should do but they do her totally different than me just like if that were her in the car none of that shit would've happened.He even asked if she was coming before he started to call one of his friends that's why we ended up going somewhere else 'cause she wasn't coming. I don't care what anybody says that's fucked up.
I think I spoke too soon :looks at the last post: I WANT ELLEN!
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Hey guys! thanks so much for everything! Surprisingly it's going better than I had thought it's actually fun! We're gonna go bowling tonight..hopefully. Wow...I worked 11 hours yesterday..:is pooped: I got BURNED!!! But that's ok 'cause it turned into a now I look half mixed!! OMG! GAS PRICES ARE REDICULOUS! AND THAT'S IF YOU CAN FIND GAS! WTF! IT'S $6 IN ATLANTA! :sighs: My great aunt is stuck in New Orleans...thank God she's alright and my uncle is desperate for gas so my cousin, who came yesterday, hada fill up some containers full of gas and has to take it to 'em. :shakes head: well I'm gonna have to go play with the kids..right now we're makin' cdss..:cheesy smile:
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I don't think this is my year...I haven't snapped yet..but I'm pretty close to it. Watching kids all day, best friend just totally blew me off when I was tryin' to talk to 'em...haven't seen 'em since I was 11 and we've been close for the passed two years. And this dude is depressing me...when I'm's not a good thing. I start getting irritated 'cause there's nothing I can do about certain things that are happening in someone's life. I can't stand when I can't fix something. I needa work on that. The second to the youngest..
BITCH! and she's only TWO! ok we not even gonna get up into what all she tried to pull this passed summer or I will get pissed all over again and that will not be good. She's been crying to go with her mom somewhere and then they hada turn around when they were half way to where they were trying to go to bring her back 'cause she started crying to be back here and as soon as she got here walked into the house and her mom closed the door what does she do? start cryin' again..and that's' what I've been dealing with for the passed 2 hours..this isn't cool. and this weekend I'm not gonna be able to get away really 'cause I have to go outa town and help some ppl fix up this house so they can put it back up for sale...I don't remember if I talked about that in my last post so I'm not even gonna start on that 'cause my hands'll fal off! I gotta go break up a fight :rolls eyes:
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
It's ova
Ok I hate complaining so y'all don't even bother looking at this it's just to let off some steem.... Not only did I "wake up: with a head flu...I didn't sleep worth CRAP last night 'cause of the wind from that damh hurrican, I come back from helping someone go find a dog at the mom comes up to me and says she has something she wants to talk to me about...that's never what happens? TWO WEEKS!!!! I HAVE TO LIVE WITH HER AND HER BITCH ASS DAUGHTER AND HER DOIN' HER DOIN' DA OTHA KIDS WRONG FOR TWO FUCKIN' WEEKS! Ok I can deal with one family coming...but that shit's just gonna replay what happened while I was down there...I finally picked myself up and got real about everything...she's throwing me back into the hole. All summer I got to hear about how my attitude sucks and how I'm wrong about this and that and how I deserve to be done wrong 'cause I trust ppl too much and all this bullshit about my personality that I really can't even change...I don't even realize I do some of the things I do...I'm sorry but I don't see not being able to talk bad about certain ppl or doing certain ppl wrong 'cause they did you wrong works...yeah sure I may get pissed we all know that but I can't always do it. There so many ppl who've totally betrayed me and if they called me up today needing help I'd be there for 'em...I don't see how that's such a bad thing...I promise you if I don't go crazy while they're here I'll kill myself
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Well last night was my "grandad's" 50 wedding anniversary! it was soo sweet!!! I got to see Shawm (his grandson who we used to play with when we were younger) I haven't seen him since I was 11 or 12. He doesn't look any different! He hasn't grown any tho...anyway we went to the little party thingy they had and woooooooeeeeeeeeee! our..dang how do you spell it...weighter guy was really cute...:smiles to herself: yeah he had a really nice smile but anyway.
Great Chris is grounded for something he di...well says he didn't do. Yeah of course it's always drugs. :sighs: I'm sick of drugs ruining my friends's lives. I don't know if he was telling me the truth about the story...he knows I'll beat the shit out of him if he did start any of that crap and I don't think he'd wanna risk that. Wow this weekend was so wierd...Ellen and Becca were talking about some stuff that happened at their old school and one particular incident involved two ppl...get where I'm goin? Well they were talking about it and I asked Becca who the chick was and she said she didn't know she only heard that...and she rattled off a couple of things..well I asked if she knew her name and she didn't really remember and right when I'm about to say a name she says it...I KNEW HER!!! :is scared: AHHHHHHH!!!AIR-FORCE!!!
This sucks...I feel like eye sight keeps getting mom won't even believe me. I have flute in a couple of days and I can't even read my notes! what the crap am I suposed to do? and besides that I haven't even been doing good for the past couple of days. I got to hang out with Ellen, Becca, and Jacob this weekend but that only lasts for so long...I'm so ready to get out and yet so ready to not be ready if that just made any sense at all. I don't know. Went outa town today that was interesting...more sucked than anything else but it was better than doing school. :slaps self: CHEER UP BITCH! I'm gonna go find something to distract myself with...doubt it'll work but hey nothing wrong in trying.
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