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myOtaku.com: chokulatemilc

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Church picnic
ahhh...today was the church picnic...it was a'ight. Nobody was there not for real anyway. It was me, Zay, Laura, Ashlan, Stephanie, and Justin stayed a little bit. double u tee f...why in the world does John think he can make me jealous..? He's the one who like me last year and groped me last year....and has been hittin' on me since... he decided I got hot..which was what FOREVER! :sighs: oh well. Zay and I took the numba on spot in the horseshoe competition W00T! GO ZAY ZAY!!! WE SO TOTALY KICKED ASS!!! I think today was the first day that's gone by in a while that I didn't run into someone who pissed me off..that's 'cause all the posers left before they could bug me! Arg I sound like a bitch on here but..I'm really not! I promise! but I have to go practice my dern flute...ERRRRR. Nyte yall
Maybe I'm just wierd but I luv this thing!
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