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myOtaku.com: chokulatemilc

Saturday, October 8, 2005

My brother
Wow what a pleseant way to wake up. Having a parent tell you "we're taking your brother to the emergency room". :sighs: I don't even know what's wrong with 'em.
Stayed up watching a documentary with Senola...I don't know whyyy I do that. She always watches this freaky stuff late at night. It was about this family who's son had cancer and they had to go to a certain place, a good minute away from where they lived,to get him treatment and stuff. Well they decided it'd be better to move and the only place that they found afforadable, since they were usin' all of their money for his cancer treatments, they moved into this old funeral parlor place..NOT A GOOD IDEA! I'm not the brightest crayon in the box but you know somethin's gonna be wrong but I guess when you have no choice and no money :shrugs: so the kids except for the little girl (so all the boys!) slept downstairs in the basement...I dind't catch the beginning but apparantly they all saw something and whenever they told their parents they wouldn't believe 'em they'd just say it was Paul, the oldest, trying to scare them by telling them stories of what he saw. Well time went on and the parents still wouldn't believ them STUPID! I believe it started out with ghosts and then their little sister had a douplganger(however you spell that evil word!) and then it was a demon who was making Paul do bad things and become violent. The demon was this thing in a suit..that's how they referred to 'em was the man in the suit and he told Paul if he didn't do what he told him to do he'd hurt 'em. Well finally after, I don't know if he was trying to rape or hurt her, their cousin came to visit and had a run in with Paul a few times but the one that set it off was when she was asleep and he started to peel back her covers..and yeah. But he got taken away in the ambulance and I got scared so I was like screw this but they ended up getting the house exercised...yeah. I shouldn't have told this while I was home alone..:is scared: WHERE'S MY EYORE!

M is for Mesmerizing
Y is for Yummy
R is for Romantic
I is for Influential
A is for Alert
M is for Moral

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