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Wednesday, October 18, 2006


My fellow Otakuians! I've got great news!: 1) I got a 100 ona super hard math test that no one got a hundred on! YEAH! 2) I got congratulated in Science class for making a very scientifical analyzation! 3) And karate class last Monday was so much fun! I tell ya, I was having a blast but I was so exhausted at the end! 4) We're not going to baby-sit that girl! 5) And we're going on a field trip next week! WOOT! Woah! Don't stop me now! Because I'm on a roll! This is exactly how I feel!:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ^^ Anyways, I'll try to get to some websites today but I won't be able to visit everyone's because of karate and to study for A Social Studies test I'll have on Friday.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006


My friends, I'm sorry about my abscence on MyO, it's just that I've been busy with homework and studying for tests. So that's why I haven't been on. Well, I'll try to make some time tomorrow to visit people but today I'll just visit one person and answer some PMs. Well, that's all for now, bye.

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Thursday, October 12, 2006


Hello everybody! Well, the reason I couldn't post the last 2 days was because of karate, studying, and homework. So I've been pretty busy. I'll try to visit some of you today. So, how's everybody been? At school today it was ok, well after LA/SS (at about 9:17) I was going to Science when I saw Hanna! (A super awesome girl that's in like 10th or 11th grade and she's so cool! oh, and goes to my karate class, she's a brown belt! And ultra nice ^^)She was walking with a friend and I just waved at her and she waved back saying "hey! It's Ivette!" I just smiled to her and went on walking to Science. I felt pretty good until.... she grabbed my neck with her arm!! We've done this a thousand times in karate class and I'm guessing she wanted to do it in public, where everybody, including the teachers, could see!! Bad idea!! I was choking and I nearly defended myself when I said "Hanna! Please! We're in school!" Hanna: So? Me: We're not in karate class! She said "Okay". People were talking about this and my teachers looked at me suspiciously. She walked away after she said those words. I felt so embarassed, because of the incident and the fact I didn't defend my self. Ugh, next time I won't hesitate! (I hope.) Well, in school we're going to have a lock-down tomorrow, I think, since they've been saying we are going to since Tuesday. Oh, and I also found out this girl that's a black belt in my karate class goes to Westchester (the school I go to)! She's in 6th grade (wow, and she's a black belt already!) and she says she's seen me around school. That's pretty awesome. And now we're going to take care of a girl (I don't know a thing about) after-school and I hope she likes anime,videogames, and manga. And that she's not a pain. She goes to my school and she's in 6th grade. We're going to take care of her until her mom picks her up after school. We've also had severe storms lately! Awesomeness! I love rain and thunder ^^ Well, that's about it. Well, later my friends.

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Monday, October 9, 2006


Hola! Ok, ok, so I took another break, but I have my resons why, so here they are:
1) Videogames!
2) Emotional depression
3) School
4) Just plain busy
5) didn't feel like it.

So there you have them. Now, I'm sorry for not visiting people like Kyuuby Khaos and sevy T_T Please forgive me! I'll try to visit today.

Well, at school we went on an obstacle course and it was pretty fun. And well, I got new shoes and socks. AND A GAARA SHIRT! It's so awesome! Anyways, my friend from school just got a MyOtaku site! YAY! I'll tell you guys about him later. Oh, by the way, I told him to get a website here, so, yay ^^ Well, that's about it. Bye.

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Thursday, September 28, 2006


Hello! I decided to post today! Since I have alot more free time since I'm done with my language arts and I think I did pretty well if I do say so myself! Well, I have no homework for LA/SS, Science, math, and quire. Only for French, but it's not much. I got my report card today!! And I have awesome grades! Hre they are, (for those who care): LA/SS-98 ^_^ Science-99 ñ_ñ French-92 ^^ Choir-100 (Ñ_Ñ)- Math- 82 -_-" Well, my mom is so happy right now! And I'm going to get 3 new video games today! WOOT! Naruto:Clash of Ninja 2!!! And the 2 Pokemon rescue team games. Well, the substitutes today were awesome. Well, at least one of them. The other one was okay. The awesome substitute I was talking about was at Science and it was pretty fun, whyle the new sub. was ok, very stict and too serious but ok. Well, tomorrow we have free time in Math! 30 mins. of free time! +(ñ_ñ)+ WOOOT! We can bring videos (or DVDs), videogames, mp3's, cellphones, cameras, etc. And I'm bringing my .Hack//Sign DVD since one time I brought it to school and a girl in my class asked if I could bring it tomorrow! T_T Somebody cares! I'm so moved T_T!!! Well, that's about it. Well, later my Otakuians.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


OMG! I'm posting 2 again! *gasp* and so soon! Wow, I've got so much more free time since I'm almost done with my project, yeah!!! WOOO! So I'm going to visit some people today ^^ SOME I still have to do the project. Well, I hope you're all fine today, in school not much has happened except that we're going to have a substitute for math and science tomorrow. But the guy who's going to be our substitute for science is hilaryous! But I don't know about math though but I hope they're not too strict. AND I've got a 100 in science! OH YEAH! And today was the Vocabulary quiz for the book we've been reading in LA/SS. I went and took it quite haphazardly (if you don't know what it means look it up! And this is one of the words that was on the test) BUT I got a 100% I was amazed. WHOO! I just hope I did okay on the other test I took yesterday (for the book). I even played Pokemon Trozei at lunch today! (They let us bring our DS's and stuff like that to school) I've never played it before but it was so much fun! A friend let me borrow it. I got to LV. 9 before we had to go to electives. But i'll get to play it again tomorrow! So, that's about it. Bye!

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Konnichiwa! After not posting for a long time I managed to get 30 mins. extra of break time and I decided to post something! The reason I haven't visited or been on too much is because I have been working on a big language arts project and so I've been pretty busy. I may visit a tiny amount of poeple but after Thursday, I'm going to try to visit tons of poeple since my project is going to be done by then. Well, have any of you seen the new Jet Li movie? I have! It was so awesome! It was a very good movie so check it out sometime. I'm also going to see The Grudge 2. I hope it's really scary. Well, other than that my mom and dad are now watching an Al Capone movie. The 1 hour Naruto special last Saturady was ok and Trinity Blood, Bleach, and Eureka 7 episodes were pretty good. Well, that's about it, bye!

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Thursday, September 21, 2006


Well, now! After a rest away from MyO I'm ready to come back!!! Excuse my abscence but I just didn't feel like visiting people and updating so I took a break. It's just that school is so tiring!! I've been on the Internet for awhyle but only to research for science, listen to some music and got to Gaia. So yeah, sorry! Well, I'll try to visit some poeple today. Bye!!!

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Sunday, September 17, 2006


Hey everyone. Sorry if I haven't updated in suchalong time. Oh well. So,I hope everyone's been fine. I got 4 new CDs last Friday. And well, in Science (at school) We did a Diet Coke and Mentos experiment and we even saw a video through Mr. I's (my science teacher's) computer about these two scientists and it was so funny! And beautiful!!! ... Maybe I'll look for it later and maybe even post it on MyO. I went to Barnes and Nobles Saturday and today. I've read tons of books. So yeah,that's about it! Oh, my mom is also thinking of switching from AOL to some other internet provider. So, yeah. I might not be able to use AIM anymore, who knows? Bye!

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Monday, September 11, 2006


Time:5:30 Oh, wow... Today I'm up at this time and I'm not going to be on here a long time since today my aunt is going back to El Salvador T_T and after we all leave her and see her off in the airport I'm going back to school T.T Anyways I'll tell more later. Bye. EDIT (TIME: 4:26): Okay well, I know that some of you won't read this but oh well, anyways I hope you all had a good day and well, today my day at school was pretty good, I poked a guy in my school named Jesús and I found out that if you poke him on his left side of this stomach he jumps up! Ah ha ha! It was hilaryous! Oh and I loved Saturday night! I got to watch new Naruto, Bleach, and Trinity Blood! My aunt loved Bleach! And my mom loved Naruto! Yay! So yeah, well bye! EDIT (yet again Time: 4:54): Oh yeah, how could I forget, 9/11 today, so yeah.... I hope we never forget this day... And remember the people that died on this day. Even the ones that sacrificed themselves on flight (I don't remember it's name...) So I think that we should take sometime to pray for those that died on this day. Thank you for your time.

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