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Monday, July 24, 2006
Kidnapped! Vol 1! Interview of Kakashi!
 | .:ChristianOtaku:.
Part 2 of Vol 1 is here! Kakashi's interview! Enjoy!
Me:So, Kakashi sensei, time for the interview! Are you ready?
Me:Okay then, I'll interview you whyle you eat some pupusas and ramen (ñ ñ)*hands him the food*
Kashi:You didn't put anything in there, did you?
Me:Oh no. See? *eats some of the food*
Kashi:O...k then....*eats some food* Mmmmm... Delicious! Do you have some more?
Me:Er, yes, I made some extra just in- hey, wait! I'm the one supposed to be asking questions here!
Kashi:^. Mmmm... Oh sorry
Me:-_- Yeah...So tell us a bit about yourself.
Kashi:What is there to say?
Me:Okay, for the people out there that don't know you all that well how about you tell us your name, what you like, or don't like. Your dreams and hobbies. You know, the usual.
Kashi:Mmmm, well, my name is Hatake Kakashi. I'm the kind of person who doesn't feel like talking about his lieks or dislikes! My dreams for the future are none of your business... but anyway, I ahev lots of hobbies... Does that answer your questions?
Me:' I should have known better' "Sure-_- never mind. Another picture?

Me:So, you wanna go to a Japanese marketplace/store/restaurant I know that's near here? My treat.
Kahi:Gladly, just take some of the delicious food you've made
Me:Uh, sure. Anyways tune in next time for Kinapped! Vol.2! But I can't make it if you people don't PM me for requests! Anyways Questions? Comments? Requests? Suggestions? Just PM me
Kashi:Are we going already?
Me:Oh yeah, Bye everybody!
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
 | .:ChristianOtaku:.
Happy B-day Sasuke! And for a lot of you that have been asking questions the next chapter is Kakashi's interview! And it'll still be Vol.1 AND everybody that subscribes to the Kidnapped newletter will get to speak to the guests here! WHEEE! That's it for now. Bye! |
Comments (2) |
Kidnapped! Volume 1!
 | .:ChristianOtaku:.Today is Kidnapped's grand opening! And Today we have with us Kakashi Hatake! Yay! So enjoy!:
Mission: Kidnap Kakashi Hatake Time: 1:06PM
Place: Ichiraku's Ramen Shop
Kakashi, I'd like to meet with you today at Ichiraku's Ramen Shop at 1:06pm to discuss Naruto and Icha Icha Paradise.
Signed, Jiraiya
Kashi: 'Where's Jiraya? He told me to be here right now. Oh well, I guess I might as well wait. The place is practically empty.' Excuse me?
Kashi:I would like one Miso Ramen please.
Waiter:I'm afraid I can't give you what you've ordered, sir.
Kashi:Huh? Oh, are you out?
Kahi:Why not then?
Waiter:Because... *Takes off disguise*
*I appear* (Wearing clothes of course)
Me: Because your going to be Kidnapped!
Me:*Throws smoke bomb*
Ichiraku:*Cough, Cough* What's going on? I thought I heard costumers out here!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kahi:Where are we?
Me:Dom't worry Kakashi, sir. Your not in any danger, you've just been kidnapped ñ_ñ
Kashi:-_ .................
Me:Here let me explain, right now your the first guest star to be kidnapped, so this should be a real honor!
Kashi:-_ ..................
Me:Ok, look, I've kidnapped you because somebody asked me to *coughs* sevy! *ahem* and all I'm going to do is ask you some questions and stuff and that's it.
Kashi:Ok... Where are we? And why are we in this dark, empty room?
Me:Oh sorry. Lights!*lights turn on* This is where I'll interview you.
Kashi:..... Alright then, but wouldn't it be easier to just invite people to come?
Me:Well, its just more fun this way, and what if they refuse?
Kashi:'Oh boy, this girl is crazy'
Me:So this is a big event! ^_^ Please, take a seat.
Me:Wait! first let me take your picture!
Kashi:Alrigh- Me: Say cheese!*Flash*

Me:Come back next time for the next chapter of Kidnapped! Questions? Requests? Suggestions? Just PM me! Oy! Kakashi! get back here!
Comments (7) |
Friday, July 21, 2006
 | .:ChristianOtaku:.
7:30 AM right now in Texas and I'm sort of on the sleepy side with a headache....And I'm feeling pretty hungry. Maybe I'll go get a snack.... Well I feel sort of down since today I went jogging at 7(AM) and I jogged around places around my apartments and it only lasted for 5 mins before I felt like seriously throwing up *-_- T_T So you see I'm pretty wimpy when it comes to stamina. Well I'm going to go the jim later and maybe even to my bookstore to start reading Tsubasa ^.^ I've never read it before but I bet it's awesome. Thanks for recommending me linkinuzelos. Well I'm sorry if I seemed like a total parent in my last post and maybe even bothered some people by it (Sorry KyuubiKhaos, and SasukeLuvr you're both right, it's none of my business) Well I'm going to go exercise some more in about 55 mins. Ugh... exercise.... Well later! And don't get out of shape! It's hard to get back in it! (Trust me...) |
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
 | .:ChristianOtaku:.
'Ey! I've got news! People are finally starting to join the newsletter! Yay! And my friend (You know who you are) got a girlfriend! I'm so happy for him! They're both on MyOtaku! I hope he's happy with her. But I think they're both too young, even though they're both 14. Chances of marrige are slym and when they break up it's going to hurt and they're both going to feel like garbage. I wouldn't do it. Gosh..... I sound like my mother..... Well I hope everybody has a nice day and that they don't get a boyfriend or girlfriend at a young age! I would say it's reasonable to have a boyfriend or girlfriend when you graduate college. Wait some time you hormone controlled teenage freaks! lol, well later. |
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
 | .:ChristianOtaku:.
I'm a bit frustrated right now, why you ask? Well it's because SOME people think I'm a guy! I"M A GIRL! At a website of a friend of mine's people think I'm a guy -_- I'm a girl for Pete's Sake! Geez.... Anywho I need some help with some things on my site, I'll be glad if somebody volunteered to help! AND LASTLY! Drum roll please! Kidnapped will start this Sunday! Promise! No, really! I promise I've already drafted it! All I need to do now is edit it a bit. And! You can even sign up to the Kidnapped newsletter ^^ In the newsletter I send you the Kidnapped volumes through PM! So if anybody wants to get the Kidnapped newsletter please PM me about it ^^ Oh, and I'm happy today because yesterday thanks to my How to raw Manga book I drew a girl's face pretty nicely ^^ I'm so happy I could do it ^^ I CAN DRAW! Well that's all for now, later my friends.UPDATE: Alright thank you to everybody that offered me help but I don't need it anymore since vash da StAmPeDe (Thanks you!) Helped me out. |
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
 | .:ChristianOtaku:.
Hello, yet again. I'm on again^^ And welcome back sevy!!!! WHOOOO! Well today I have some good news
1: I got a How To Draw Manga book (Since I suck at drawing and being creative)
2:I got Naruto#3 ñ_ñ YAY!
3:I read Fruits Basket #9 and a bit of #10 it's so interesting...... Yet HILARYOUS!
3:sevy is back!!!
4:sevy made this wallpaper for me since I won a contest thing ^^
But one bad note, nothing serious though
1: You know where in my intro it says this is how my wallpaper should look like a whole, well I've tryed everything for it to show up but it doesn't want to! Grrrr, I might need some help.
Well anyways thank you to this list of people who have commented on my site even though I might not have time to comment on theirs T_T Please forgive me: Perios, Little Birdie, vash da StAmPeDe, n.a.r.u.t.o, OrganizationX, krazy4inuyasha, number1edfan and more! Thank you all. That's all for now, until next time! |
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
 | .:ChristianOtaku:.
Hey, back! I guess that my mom is really trying to erase my internet time -_- She makes up any excuse for me not to go in the internet, even saying let's go to the bookstore or the video game store -_- Grrrr and I have to go because she knows I love to go to those places. Well on an upside I got Fruits Basket #8! YAY! And it was so funny! And sort of sad. But too funny ^(^^)^ Well I hope everybody's alright. Oh yeah, last Su day I watched Pirates of the Carribean, I know it's a bit late now, but I thought I'll just say it already. Later |
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Phew! I'm finally back!
 | .:ChristianOtaku:.
Yep! From what seemed like an eternity! @.@ Finally! My mom decided to let me on after much begging and convincing. Well anyways I'll try to get to everybodys site today.
Well, my friends party was fun. We played videogames (yet again) And played pi the tail on the donkey and other things like that. We had pizza later, and cake @.@!!!! It was so good! Vanilla and chocolate cake with TONS of frosting!!!! My mom got me a new game before my friends birthday because she saw that I was already starting to suffer from not going to the internet at my usual time everyday. I'm addicted to the game if I might add! I know some of you might hate me or even think 'Wow, she is such a girly-girl' But I'm not! The name of the game I'm playing is "Harvest Moon: Magical Melody There! I said it! And it's so much fun! @.@ I've been playing it like 10 hours a day @.@!!!
Anyways how is everybody? Hope you have a good summer! Wow, summer is almost over. NOOOOO! Enjoy it whyle you still can! Well later. |
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Friday, July 7, 2006
 | .:ChristianOtaku:.
Sorry I haven't been updating and visiting everybodys site lately! It's just that my mom says I'm addicted -_- Well sorry! Thanks sevy for making this wallpaper for me ^^ She's so nice! Well anyways yesterday was a blast at my frineds house! We played hide and go seek (hey, we're still kids!) with her brothers and played Super Smash Bros, and Naruto Clash of Ninja! ^^ so much fun! And she invited me this Saturday to her birthday party! WOOOOO! Well hope you guys can forgive me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEVY!!!!! WOOO!
PS IMPORTANT! I'm not going to start Kiddnapped until sevy comes back! Until a week later. sorry guys! It sounds like I'm putting it to the side but I'm not! I'm just going to wait for another week. Please don't hate me! |
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