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Tuesday, July 4, 2006


Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope you guys have a good day. Okay, in other news I just got a call from my old best friend Perla! We hadn't talked for about 10 months! And we haven't seen each other in a year! So I was pretty happy and surprised to hear that she called. And I'm going over to her house this Thursday at 3! WOOOO! Finally! I have someone to play video games with! So I'm pretty happy right now.

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Sunday, July 2, 2006


HAPPY JULY 1st! Today at chruch there was this big celebration. With marines, soldoers, etc. Wow it was awesome! And fun. I hope you all have a good day! Kiddnapped will start this Thursday or Friday. (Again I'm sorry!) Bye!

Hey! Today at like 3:00 I went to a mall and bought some stuff for my family in El Salvador. So I went to Hot Topic and got my older cousin a Naruto shirt, my younger cousin a Kyo shirt, my 2nd youngest cousin a Sakura keychain, And my oldest cousin a Gaara keychain. Wooo! i bet they'll love it! But they don't know what Fruits Basket or Naruto is! They don't even air Naruto! HOW COULD THEY STAND IT! I CAN"T LIVE WITHOUT NARUTO! NOOOO! Oof well I hope they like it ^^ (They better! It cost me $46!)

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Saturday, July 1, 2006


NOO! Brasil lost to France today! 1-0 NOOO! I won't be watching the soccer games anymore since all of my favorite teams have been disqualified. I've just lost interest. And well, I've made a decision. I wpn't be doing SURVIVOR:ANIME ISLE. *People: BOOOOOOO!* Sorry! but considering the work, the time, and all of the characters, team, storyline, and among other things it would be too stressful and hard! Especially time consuming! Sorry. Instead I'll be doing Kiddnapped. Please understand. Don't kill me! I'll be doing Kiddnapped this Thursday or Friday. Well that's all. Oh yeah, I'm back home.

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Friday, June 30, 2006

Argentina vs. Germany!
Well today Argentina did very good! But alas they lost. Argentina= 1(2) Germany=1(4) T^T WAAAA! Oh well. Such is such the way of life. SURVIVOR:ANIME ISLE will start this Sunday! (Hopefully) Please read it, even if it is long! It would mean alot if you could PM me if it's alright or whatever. Feedback is helpful! Well that's all for now.
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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hello! I'm in Pearsall,TX right now. Visiting some sites, replying to some PMs and etc. Well Survivor:Anime Isle starts this Sunday (I hope) And well Tomorrow is the quarter finals of the Worl Cup! And here are the teams again!: Brasil (of course), Argentina (Of course), France (Oui, oui!) And Germany (Not portugal, my bad!) Tomorrow is Argentina vs Germany! The suspense is killing me! And other teams too but I forgot wich ones. I'll post the results! And thanks for helping me sevy! Well have a good night (since it's 9:06 where I am right now).
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006


France'll be moving forward. Well that's all I can say today. Oh I also did some laundry and I have karate class today. But it's all same old same old. So here's a video:

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Brasil vs Ghana results (and other things)
WOOO! Yesterday my karate classs was so eventful! And fun! Because one of the teachers there was going away to go try out for the US Air Force (Sad I know) And he was a black belt and he had started taking martial Arts since he was like 6 or 7! And so we had sort of a going away party! Karate style! And so first all of us got to fight him! (Even his little brothers were there! Fighting him! His brothers were 2 little (Like 3 feet tall maybe I don't know!) boys who were like 8 years old and they were already black belts 0_o! And his other brother. Some guy around his 14 or 15's) Well first everybody (Even the teachers) Got to fight him in a group. Just everybody attacking all at once. And he beat us all! There where all types of levels there! From beginners to experts! But in the process whyle I was attacking he grabbed in a sort of headlock and pushed my teeth back! >.< Ouch. Well after that we went one on one And nobody defeated him. He even sent 2 of his brothers flying! Literally! And after that he did a sword technique in front of us and with some other guy they did a part with some stick things. I want to learn how to use those weapons >.< They have classes though ^_^ So I'll take them when I'm a bit more experienced with karate.

Oof! Well SOCCER RESULTS! BRASIL WON! WOOOOO! 3-0 OH YEAH! AND TODAY FRANCE AND SPAIN WENT HEAD TO HEAD! BUT I HAVEN'T SEEN THE WHOLE THING BECAUSE RIGHT NOW I'M IN A LIBRARY USING THIS COMPUTER. So anyways there's not going to be soccer matches for 2 days. >.< Aww man! But! Now only 4 teams remain! Brasil! Portugal! Argentine! And I don't know! Either France or Spain! And they are going to face off! WOO! Well that's all for now.

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Monday, June 26, 2006


So today Italy went against Australia and well Italy won 1-0 BUT the only reason they won was because the referre gave Italy a free shot because he gave Australia a penalty when they hadn't done anything bad! These referres are getting on my nerves. They're teaming up with their favorite teams! Don't get me wrong. I'm not sad that Italy won but I'm not too happy about it either because the only reason they won was because of that free shot. Oh well. TOMORROW IT'S GHANA VS BRASIL! WOOO! And Welcome back sevy!

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Sunday, June 25, 2006

I'm back!
Back in my house! Or more like appartment. Well I saw the game between England vs. Ecudor and the game sucked! Mainly because Englan won because of pure luck! They've been winning like that ever since the world cup started! The stupid referre gave a free shot to Englan fo nothing! I hate those people so much!!!! So mad! England won 1-0 (I think) But England won because of pure luck! I hate that team so much right now! (Sorry to all you England fans out there) Because of those referees alot of teams have lost. Grrr Their teaming up with their favorite teams! Grr. Oh well I'll start doing Survivor: Anime Isle This Sunday (not today, next Sunday). Well thanks for listening.
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Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'm back!
He hey! The hotel I'm in right now has Internet access! Woooo! Well I'm fine and stuff so I'm here if anybody wants to PM me! And right now Mexico vs Argentina and right now they are tied. And they can't come out tied because if there is a tie they'll have to go to Extra time! And after that free-shots! The suspense! And something stupid just happened. One of the referres that stands out of the white lines RAISED HIS FLAG AND SAID THAT A PLAYER FROM ARGENTInA WAS OUT OF PLACE!!! AND JUST WHEN HE SCORED A POINT FOR ARGENTINA!!! GRRRR ARRRGHHHH!! THAT REFERRE IS ON MEXICO'S SIDE! IT WAS UNFAIR! GRRRrrr alright glad that's over with. Well thats it for now.

Yay! Argentina won in overtime!
2-1! WOOOOO! But Mexico is disqualified. Sorry to all you Mexicans and Mexico fans out there. Well VOTE! FOR SURVIVOR:ANIME ISLE or KIDNNAPED! And welcome back EdwardElricThe2nd

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