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Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm a bit bored now. And I haven't seen a game right now. Oh well I'll post the results of a game later. Well I hope all of you out there are alright and I'll leave you with these Eureka 7 Opening video. AND REMEMBER SURVIVOR: ANIME ISLE!

*sigh* I just got news from my parents. We're going to be here until Sunday and we're going to move to another hotel because of a wedding that's going to happen this Saturday and the couple rented out the whole place! #_# I wonder how much that costed them $_$ Oh well, so I might not be on the internet this Sunday because we don't know if the hotel we're going to has Wireless Connection. REMEMBER! VOTE!

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

We were supposed to leave for San Antonio at 9:00PM but instead we ended up leaving at 12:00AM! We got to San Antonio at 4:00Am And I was dying of sleep. When we got to the hotel I could barely move! Especially because my body still hurts a bit from karate class but mostly from exhaustion.Well anyways whyle your at it look at this:
Ok sevy gave me these ideas to do about anime characters and manga characters. Vote on wich one you like best so I can put them into action:
okay, 'survivor: anime isle', two or three teams of random characters from however many animes/mangas you want to pull them from- you could create challenges, or puzzles for them to compete against eachother, basically like surivor, just with anime characters! ya know, couples, rivals, new friends, etc.
'kidnapped' could be about how you kidnap a character- like 'commentating' while you kidnap them, or you could kidnap them and force them to do things for ya for a few days or something. . .
Well there you have it folks. so you choose! Either post it or PM me on your choice.

Well SOCCER TIME! Today Ghana and The US went against each other. Sadly the US lost, again. BUT they only lost because the BRAINLESS REFERRE!! Gave the US a penalty BECAUSE he THOUGHT (but i think ,and so does everybody else, That the referee did it on purpose) that an US player pushed one of Ghana's player when they were playing. AND HE DIDN'T EVEN TOUCHE HIM!! It was all the referres fault that the US lost. Because of that penalty Ghana had a free shot and scored another point. So the US lost
2-1. The Ghana team is so dishonest and cheap. (Sorry to all you Ghana fans reading this). Well you know what game is on next? IT"S BRASIL VS JAPAN!!!!!! OH NO! Brasil is too good and I like them. And I lik Japan too!! But Brasil is just too strong!! Japan'll get creamed! *sigh* Oh well I'll keep you posted. Bye for now.

I was wrong!!! Japan made its first point in the first 23 minutes! Whooo! JAPAN ROCKS! AND SO DOES BRASIL!

Brasil made a goal! Sonow they are tied! It's A VERY GOOD GAME@ WATCH IT WHYLE YOU STILL CAN!

0_o Brasil made the Gol in the first 7 minutes of the 2nd time! ^^ So unexpected!

Barely 13 minutes have passed and Brasil made YET ANOTHER POINT! Now Brasil is winning 3-1.

Brasil made another point! Yet again! Wow... 4-1 minute 35.

Okay game over. Japan lost 4-1. Sorry! I told you Brasil was good! Well anyways. Bye!

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006



Today Portugal and Mexico went against each other but Portugal won the match 2-1. BUT Mexico got to advance because in another game wich was Angola vs Iran Iran got tied with Angola 1-1 thus making Mexico advance. But Iran and Angola were both disquilified. Anyways I won't be able to answer
E-mail or IM with anyone till maybe Monday because tonight I go to San Antonio at about 10:00. Yep I'm going to be sleepy. Oh well. Just tought you all should know.

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006



Hey. A bit bored. Oh yeah last Sunday Korea and France were playing They tied 1-1. Today there were other games but I don't feel like posting them. Well if you want the scores you can message, E-mail, or IM me. Bye.

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Japan vs Croacia and other stuff


Sorry for not posting yesterday (again) I better not make a habit of this. Anyways yesterday the US went up against Italy and they both tied 1-1. Today Japan went against Croacia and they tied
0-0. That's all for now. Nothing exciting has happened. Hope you all have a nice day.

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Friday, June 16, 2006

Sorry for not updating.
Hey everybody! Please forgive me for not updating yesterday. -_- I just didn't feel like it. Well Germany won. Sadly Poland had to go home. And sevy you rock! She is a good friend of mine! And thnk you for letting Haru stay with me! Hehe if you read my PM you know what I mean ^_~ Anyways today I didn't feel like talking about soccer (Soory to some of you people out there) But if you want to know you can PM or E-mail me. Bye!
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Germany vs Poland


Hey! Today it's Germany vs Poland! Poland has already lost once so if they loose to Germany they'll be sent back home. Poland was beaten by Ecuador. Germany defeated the US. I'll keep you posted 2:00 the game's just started.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Brasil vs Croacia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He hey!Right now the game of Brasil vs Croacia Is starting!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO GO BRASIL!!!!!!!! It's 2:01 right now. Anyways I'll tell later who wins. Oh yeah the results of Japan vs Australia is!.... Japan LOST! T_T SO sad. 3-1. Anyways yesterday I couldn't look at many sites because I was still in San Antonio and I also missed my karate class because my father picked us up late. Curses! So I stayed up until 12:30 Am to look at everybodys site and PMS. Well I'll post more later! Bye! Minute 43 And Brasil made their first goal! Whooo! Minute 47! First time is over! Brasil is winning! 1-o. For those of you who didn't know USA is also playing! They played their first game yesterday against the Czech Republic! But they lost, sadly. Any ways I'll keep you posted! Bye! Whoo I'm back! 3:04 game is starting again, whoo! Ohh did you know that there are 72,000 people on the stadium on Germany watching the game?! Brasil is coming to some close calls! Croacia almost made 2 goals! It's 3:41 minute 47 and the game is over! Brasil won! 1-0. I have to admit though, Brasil has lost some of its touch but I enjoyed the game. Well thanks to anyone who commented. Thanks for commenting on my on-going rambling soccer posts ^_^ Arigato!

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

How is everybody? I'm fine but a bit bored. I'm still in this hotel. I'm going to be here 'till Monday at 11 AM. So I'm bored. I won't be giving you updates on the soccer thing because it's just too much work for me. But if you want I'll continue or give you the results by E-mail or PM but you will need to message me if you want the results. BUT I will post some results that are important. Like tomorrow. JAPAN VS AUSTRALIA! I will post who wins. ANYWAYS! ANYBODY OUT THERE OWN A NINTENDO DS AND IF YOU DO DO YOU HAVE THE GAME CALLED ANIMAL CROSSING DS? IF YOU DO PLEASE PLEASE PM OR E-MAIL ME! Anyways bye.See you tomorrow.
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Saturday, June 10, 2006

England vs. Paraguay Trinidad & Tobago vs. Sweden Argentina vs. Costa de Marfil
Well hello there! Another perfect day for soccer! So today England won to Paraguay 1-0 Trinidad & Tobago (Sorry but I don't know the name in english) and Sweden both got a draw 0-0 (The score was 0 to 0)And right now it's Argentina vs. Costa de Marfil. Go Argentina! Some of you soccer fans out there know what I'm talking about. Anyways right now it's 2:16 and the game of Argentina vs. Costa de Marfil is going on. Argentina looks in good shape so let's hope Argentina wins! Aniways here's a Naruto vid for you all:

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