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myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Mood:Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPart of my day was depressing. At the beginning it wasn't because today I went to the anime club and watched Howl's Moving Castle. I'd never seen it before and I love the movie. And I also got to talk to an awesome friend of mine (sevy) and she made me this avatar and other things. But my mom started bugging me about studying, so I did. And as we were studying together we started arguing and stuff....then I tell her what's bugging me (since she insists) and then she tells me the usual stuff a Christian would say. Okay. Later on I tell her I'm still depressed and upset about what I explained to her (trust me, I may seem like a nice person but on the inside I'm rotten...) and then she says "I don't want to have a daughter like this!! You're not acting like a Christian, God is mad at you and you're getting habits that Satan is proud of!" (since I have slit my wrists and arms a few times, and I did it again today.).....See my point?! And now my parents are thinking of stop paying for the internet!!.......*sigh* I hate my life right now.... I'm also sorry to hear that Kaiz Dark Angel mother died recently....may she rest in peace.... And I didn't get to present today since I was supposed to be one of the last ones to present, so we didn't have enough time to get to me. And my mom refuses to let me take the camera because she's afraid I might lose it or something....but I'll take a picture of myself in my costume, and hopefully some friends (if I can convince her.)So I'm going to present on Wednesday. Sayonara(PS Thank you for everything you've done sevy! And thanks to all of you guys for being true friends.) Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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