I guess I'm in an okay mood. My head doesn't hurt anymore.
Today I bought a Naruto headband for a friend of mine. I got him the Sound Village's headband. I had to get it for him since his Mother doesn't let him go to Hot Topic. Psh, silly parents, Hot Topic is awesome. Today at school I got called something that really annoyed me. And it was a "preppy-emo" 0.o What the fuck? Is there even such a thing? James and Austin (the retards that called me that) said that I'm emo because of my hair and the way I act, and I'm preppy because I hang out with "preppy" people. Wich is a lie! -.- Labels and stereotypes make me sick.
To answer playitbakinslowmo's question well...mmm....I don't really know 0.0 (EE2 and sevy made me the buttons). I'm sorry if I couldn't answer it well...Any more questions you people want to ask me? I'll do my best to answer them.
Yesterday I also noticed that I put up a lot of Ritsuka pics and stuff ^^" Hey, what can I say? I'm a Ritsuka fan. And so today I'm going to post some other characters pics.
*Hugs you all* Sayonara *waves*