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myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Mood:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Today I'll start the special segment sort of thing that I was talking about ^^ And that means that we'll have a special guest with us!!! And it's...Sabaku no Gaara!!! Gaa:Umm...yeah...hi. C.O: ^^ GAARA!!! I"M GLAD YOU CAN BE HERE!! Gaa:Ouch. You sure speak loudly.. C.O:Sorry *jumps up and down* Gaa:Yeah...I'm just here for the ramen and food. CO:Oh yes! You shall get some later. Gaa:Okay. CO:So Gaara will be here with us from now on. He'll always be here. Gaa:Wait, that wasn't part of the deal! I have to go to Sunagakura to do my Kazekage duties! CO:Okay, okay. You'll have vacations now and then BUT not too often! Gaa:-_-" When did I agree on this?... CO:ANYWAYS let's start with telling these people how my day went, okay? Gaa:Fine. Today Ivette had her art museum field trip. It was fun. CO:Yes! It was. And Gaara went there with me. Gaa:I did? CO:Yes. You did. I imagine it so. Gaa:...okay. But it would have been better if you wouldn't have acted like a suicidal zombie. Me:What?! Gaa:Yeah. You were sulking. Me:-_-Whatever but at least you were with me. Gaa:Yeah, you don't say much. CO:There was also these two girls that are pretty "nice" but crazy. Gaa:....They took my gourd and wouldn't give it back...they're psycho. CO:They are a little assertive but still fun. They invited me to sit with them when it was lunchtime. Gaa:I guess... CO:Although there were some assholes in the bus that were annoying. Gaa:Yeah...spitting out of the buss's window trying to hit cars. CO:Yeah...I also got $50 today =3 From my Aunt! In commemoration of Valentine's day. Hooray! Gaa:Yeah. So, what are you going to buy? CO:I was going to buy a studded belt but they didn't have my size of belt at Hot Topic....I'll have to go to another Hot Topic. Gaa:Too bad...and with the rest of the money? CO:I'll only have $24 left...so I'll buy some manga. I also got Loveless 2 yesterday. It is awesome!!! I must have volume 3! I'll buy it with my money!! And today some guys came to repair our air conditioning since it wasn't working too well. The problem is that they had to repai it from the bathroom, so no bathroom when I got back from school until 4:45 PM. Gaa:Yeah...that was pretty annoying. Me:OOO!OOOO! Before I forget! I also made a new club!!! Since right now I'm in love with Antique Cafe (it's a Jrock band, they're really good!!) I made a fanclub >w< Here it is!: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting ^^ Pm me if you want to join so I can give you the club and put your name in the picture ^^ Gaa:It's pretty good... CO:^^ I'm just a beginner though. It took me and hour to make this -_-" Anyways, I hope you all have a good weekend! *hugs* CO:Sayonara! Gaa:Sayonara. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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