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myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mood:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Image and video hosting by TinyPic CO: Happy Valentine's day everyone. Gaa: I hope you all have a good Valentine's day. CO: And I hope you guys like the card I made for all of you ^^ I also made a Yu Yu Hakusho club if anybody is interested in joining then PM me: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Gaa: I thought you said you were going to do a Gaara fanclub... CO: 0.0 oh, I'm sorry. I've just been so busy and there are way too many good pictures of you to choose from gaara >_< Ack! Gaa: I see...I'll wait then. Besides, you should get a good grade on the respiratory system quiz you have for Science tomorrow. CO: Yeah...and I have work for witing,science, math, and French x_x I'm busy!!! Especially now that the state writing test is closing in....and my math benchmarks as well !! Gaa: Woah...I wonder how hard it'll be for you in 8th grade... CO: -_- Gee, thanks for reminding me....but today in science class we learned how to meditate (don't ask, lol). I have to say, I should start meditating before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up. It helps relief you of stress. Gaa: It really does help. CO: And today we had a Valentine's day party at the anime club. We had candy and they were selling ramen for 10 cents!!! I only bought one because I only had 10 cents T^T And Gaara, stop eating all of my ramen whyle I'm not home! Gaa: Hey, what can I say, I like the stuff. CO: Yeah...and in the club we watched Ranma 1/2 =D It's so freaking hilaryous XD But we only watched some of the "romantic" episodes of the series, lol. Well, that's about it. Happy Valentine's day!! Ja ne! Gaa: Bye. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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