myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Gaa: Slacking off again?
CO: Quiet. At least I visited just about 77% of my friends, answered a ton of PMs, and updated.
Gaa: Mmm, true. I congratulate you.
CO: Anyways, I'll just tell you a brief description of my Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Wednesday- it was good. The people who were going to camp went there at 9:00 AM. Only about 35 kids stayed. The ones that were left (including me) were studying about the Natzis, and Hitler. We started to read a book called "The Wave" wich is pretty good. And we had 1:05 minutes of free time in wich we played with the Gamecube! I made new friends like Samantha, Fabiola, Daniel, and some other guy (whose name I forgot)It was cool X3
Thursday- We saw a Hitler movie and how he kept the Jews in the concentration camps T^T So sad....the people there practically looked like skeletons with skin T^T So sad....the rest is depressing I cried a lot. I also had an emotional breakdown where i bashed my forehead on a desk 4 times (oww...). It was embarrassing why I was suicidal. You guys would probably hate me.
Friday- A good day. Over my brief depression. Played more videogames. People came back at 7:00 PM from camp. I cut myself accidentally! It hurt a little TxT ;3;ACCIDENTALLY!!! I haven't cut myself in 3 months =3 Hoorah! My friend Fabiola printed a picture of this guy: She was asking everyone if they thought he was hot (girls only). Until finally she asked me. Here's how it went:
Fabi: HEY! IVETTE!!! *runs up to me* Hey, do you think this guy is hot?
Ivette(me): *looks at pic* Hell, yeah.
Fabi: *squeal* You have good taste!!!
XD Yosh, I do think he's pretty hot, I'm not going to lie.
Gaa:...I'll never understand you....and I thought you said it was going to be a BRIEF description.
CO: Well, sorry Gaawa-kun. And don't worry about it, that guy is hot, but you're hot-ter!!! x]
Gaa: /////.....
CO: Un! Yeah! *Deidera style* xD I also keep up with the Naruto: Shippuuden manga, so I know what's going to happen to Gaara. ; ; Quite sad at first, but then it all turns out well!!! YAY!! But since I'm such a good person I'm not going to give any spoilers for you people that don't know what I'm talking about. Grr! I want episode 5 of Shippuuden to come out!!! UN!!! *still Deidara mode*
Gaa:...Geez, Deidara.....she was so annoying...
CO: Er-it's a "he" Gaawa....
Gaa: Nani?! No way....
CO: Yes way...oh! And I'll put my pics up on Monday. PROMISE!!
Gaa: You sure?....oh and don't forget, kiddies, to change your clocks up one hour at 2:00 AM today.
CO: Yepola. On a side note- hooray! It's Spring Break!!! NO SCHOOL FOR A WEEK!!! UN! YEAH!!
Gaa: - -* Stop talking like Deidara!!
CO: ^^" Oh! And for you people that don't know who Deidara is, I'll post some pics! Sayonara!
Gaa: Sayonara...
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