myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku
Thursday, March 22, 2007
CO: I don't really feel too happy at the moment....I just feel....blah. Yes, I feel so "blah" -3-
Gaa: *pats Ivette on the back* There there.
CO: T^T....anyways, I don't feel depressed....well, maybe a little.....
Gaa: Mmm? I don't get it.....
CO: That's just the way I am.....so, I'll tell you guys about how yesterday was. School was okay, I guess. I got irritated easily and I was pretty inpatient. Nothing much to my day. It was pretty average. For LA/SS we're starting to read mistery books. Right now I'm reading "The Face On The Milk Carton" it's really good. Science went outside and did an experiment, and after that worked on websheets. Lunch was okay. Choir was fine too, I guess....math was same old same old. After school....I've done nothing, I've stayed at home all day after school. Anyways, Gaawa, your turn for An Cafe stuff.
Gaa: The pictures:
CO: That's such a kawaii picture!!!
Gaa: Some more pictures:
![Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket](http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q178/whitenotaku/J-Music/antique%20cafe/ancafesexpot4.jpg)
And here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7axJuGsqjVo Enjoy.
CO: Yeah. That's about it. Sayonara.
Gaa: Sayonara
![Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket](http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f389/darkfriedragon2/anime/Naruto/Gaara/03357c2d.jpg) ![Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket](http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f389/darkfriedragon2/anime/Naruto/Gaara/31538635.jpg)
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