CO: head hurts a little now....I had a migrane two and a half hours ago but it seems to have calmed down. Yesterday was good, I guess. The only thing that made half of my day suck was that my belt test for karate was that day. So now I have to take the make up test in 2 weeks.....D: NO!!!!! Damn > > (I'm trying to mind my language.....just for the sake of you, my readers - -).
Gaa: That were so sad.
CO: I KNOW!!! T^T But oh well....don't ask why I couldn't take the test - -* But on a lighter note I bought a new shirt yesterday. Yay. I like it.
Gaa: It's a nice shirt.
CO: Yeah. But I barely did any work yesterday for the now I have to work my ass off....Ugh.....*beep* (Trying to mind my language again).
Gaa: That project sounds like such a pain.
CO: IT IS!!!! T T That's one of the reasons why I hate the end of the year.....1) Projects 2)Tests. *sigh* But it'll all be over two's so far away!!! COME ON SUMMER!!!
Gaa: I can't wait for summer. But I don't get a vacation though....since I'm the Kazekage. The Kazekage doesn't get summer breaks....
CO: OH NO!!! Gaawa!!! That sucks!!! Oh well....this is all that I have to report. Sayonara
Gaa: Sayonara