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myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Mood:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

CO: *yawn* I'm exhausted...I went to sleep at 2:30 AM yesterday....I'm going to go to bed in a little whyle....But the good news is that I'm done with my part of the project. Hoorah! I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Gaa: That's great.

CO: Yeah. And the great thing is that our science teacher has given us an extra day to finish our stuff. That's good, I bet my team-mates won't get done with their part....but oh well, at least I'm done.

School yesterday was okay. During lunch though a girl who sits with us (whom I won't even call a friend, but an "acquaintance") at lunch pissed me off. She's a prep and she ignores me most of the time because I'm supposedly an "emo". Anyways, I show my friends THE hottest Gaara picture. Most of them twitched since they were guys and one of my friends, Becky, is a Rock Lee fangirl, so she doesn't care. But that prep thought he looked hot.....she didn't say it to my face but I knew what she was thinking since she said to me "Ivette, if I tell you something will you promise not to get mad?" And she said that right after I showed her the picture. - -* My intensions was not to get that reaction....she even said Gaara was creepy before she saw that picture!!!!Grr....I'm still mad at her!!

Gaa: What picture is that!?

CO: Eh heh heh....> > I'll show it to you later....BUT I'm not going to post it because I don't want any girls getting ideas.

Gaa: .....

CO: Oh, and during anime club I got one of mine "Ivette is feeling....bleh" moments. But for no reason what so ever.....huh....that's happening more and more to me nowadays....so I left early. But oh well, whatever *shrugs*.

Gaa: *grabs a root beer*

CO: Ooo!! Pass me one!!!

Gaa: No. It's almost time for you to go to sleep. Root beer makes you too hyper.

CO: Aww...oh yeah, I also got a new shirt today, it's awesome. It's full of stars!!! Er-Gaara, do you want to see that picture now?

Gaa: Sure....although I'm a bit afraid...

CO: *shows Gaara the picture*

Gaa: O O And you showed THAT to yout friends!?

CO: He he, of course.

Gaa: >////>

CO: Eeep ^^" I'm off to read some Death Note now. Sayonara.

Gaa: Sayonara.....
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