myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku
Sunday, April 29, 2007
CO: Did I have an eventful day yesterday!!!
Gaa: We sure did...
CO: Well, I'll start first by responding to some comments:
destinyssweetman: ^^x Thank you very much for being so nice. And yes, I do have Internet Explorer 7!!! Thank you for telling me the reason why that was happening!!
LazieNinjaFrog: Don't worry, I don't hate you ^^
spellcaster94: Yes, choir. And yes, that kind of choir.
Hiei1350: *gasp* How dare you think I hate you!!! ><
Bakalovesyou: I got it by just surfing in Photobucket and looking around other places. But I shall never reveal were I got most of my pictures >> <<
Kashin: ^^"" Heh heh, thanks for giving me that advice. It helped me some =] Mmm, I shall check out that place Kashin! lol, I know. My parents tell me that all the time XP But I can't help it!! I'm kind of anti-social and get angry/depressed easily. So it's not so easy for me to like some people.
playitbakinslowmo: It's okay, although I got tagged again O o ^^" I guess you do make a good point about my corpse ^^" I'm glad you think I'm not ugly. Whee! Someone else thinks I'm pretty!
Gaa: You got tagged again?
CO: Yes...so here are some more facts.
1) I'm very emotional.
2) I've thought about suicide a lot.
3) I will not kill myself for I fear going to hell >< And I will miss you all D:
4) I love almost all my Otaku friends. There are only 3-4 people that have hurt me...but it's not any of you guys that comment...
5) I actually have a list of all of my bishies...He he he....yes....Gaawa is number 1.
Gaa: You have a list o_O?
CO: Er-hai. XP
Gaa: Er- moving on....?
CO: Ah yes. My concert on Friday went great. It was beautiful. The advanced choir sang such beautiful songs, one of them made me cry ;x;
Gaa: I know...I was there.
CO: YES YOU WERE!!! Even though I told you not to come!!!
Gaa: I thought you and everybody did well....
CO: When you and my Mom came walking in I almost had a heart stroke!!!! > >
Gaa: I kind of noticed. Your face went into complete shock. It was kind of funny....
CO: AGH!!! Anyways, I think we did fine in the choir. So no worries. But I had to be standing up for and hour and a half...ouch. And there was no A/C on and there were huge spotlights shining straight at us >< So I got sweaty o o....and so did everyone else. But oh well.
Gaa: So...tell them about Saturday.
CO: AH YES!!! The very eventful Saturday.
I went to the mall and bought a shirt. Whyle at the mall I think there was an anime convention in the ballroom (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) since I saw 4 cosplayers dressed up as Organization 13 members and an Itachi cosplayer (x33333). They went into the Taco Bell in the food court were I was at. So basically things went like this:
Two Organization 13 + an Itachi cosplayer: *go into Taco Bell*
People: *staring at the cosplayers*
Me: *leaving Taco Bell with my Mom* O O!!!!! *flabbergasted* OMFG!!!!!!!!! SHIT! ITACHI AND ORGANIZATION 13 COSPLAYERS!!!!!
People: *staring at me* >.>
Mom: ^^" I see....
Me: O.O!!! FUCK!!! I didn't bring the camera!! Ah! Holy shit!! WHY!?
People: >.> *staring at me plus whispering to each other*
Me: AGH!!!
Cosplayers: *are oblivious that a fangirl (me) is shouting about how cool the are*
Me: *walks away feeling heartbroken*
Mom: *rolls eyes* ^-^
I nearly fainted from the excitement.
Gaa: The Itachi cosplayer was way too skinny and short to be Itachi...
CO: Shut up! At least he looked cool!
After that we made our way home...but our CAR BROKE DOWN when we were almost nearly there to our apartments...
Gaa: I got a bit worried....
CO: Tell me about it. And I refused for Gaawa to help move the car home since he would cause attract too much attention.
Gaa: So some people helped get us off the road into a parking lot but that was it.
CO: *nods* UM-HUM!!! And no tow trucks would come pick us up from there D:
Gaa: So eventually (after almost an hour of waiting) a nice couple came to help us.
CO: YES!!! BLESS THOSE TWO!!! T^T I was so happy!! THEY EVEN PUSHED OUR CAR HOME WITH THEIR CAR!!! And it all went well!! OMFG!!
Gaa: They were like angels sent down from heaven.
CO: YES!! And they even wanted to fix our car when we got home. But since they saw it wasn't possible for them to do it, the guy gave us his and his Dad's phone number since his Dad is a mechanic.
Gaa: He even said his Dad could come to us for the repair
CO: ;^; Bless their hearts!! I hope it all goes well for them. They even said we didn't have to pay them!!!!! GOD!!!!! THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THEM TO US!!! I will pray for them to be happy together.
Gaa: *nods* Such nice people.
CO: :3 And that's about all. Woah...that's a lot ^^" Sorry...well...finally...picture time!! And yes, I am feeling MUCH better ^x^
CO: By the way, was Naruto on last night? Because if it was I missed it...just wandering. Please answer this question.
Gaa: Yeah, so, sayonara.
CO: Sayonara
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