myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku
Monday, April 30, 2007
CO: Today I weep for today's the day that Bou leaves....
Gaa: Hey, that sort of rhymed.
CO: Oh yeah, it kind of did. Anyways, I still haven't seen the Naruto episodes of Saturday and some Shippuuden episodes....rawr. I will try to do that on Friday of this week or whenever I have free time. I've just been kind of busy with a language arts project. It's due this Tuesday. Whee. We won't get our car repaired until Tuesday as well. But I'm not too sad since Sunday was okay for me. Mostly hung around the 'net trying to get some parts of the project done and multi-tasking here and there. My Mom is also going to buy me a Death Note messenger bag from Ebay. WOO!!
@ destinyssweetman: lol, you don't sound sarcastic at all. And thanks for being there for me ^^
@ playitbakinslomo: ^^ Sorry to hear about your A/C troubles. lol, my friend Johanna said I looked so cute as I was crying XP OMG!!! I would have probably jumped the guy to floor!!!! lol, nah, I would have probably stalked the Gaawa cosplayer > >
@ spellcaster94: HA HA HA!!! No...your psychic powers did not work this time. I almost never look at google images. I have other sources...
@ Thegrantinator: Yes, I am a real fangirl down to the core of my heart!! You call those guys....fanboys!!!
@ Siaras: Nobody really knows why he's leaving...
@ Kashin: Mmm, well, my feelings are very mixed, and not understandable most of the time...I never thought about them ignoring me....ouch...*feels hurt*
Gaa: Would you really have stalked the poor guy?
CO: Heh heh, maybeh...>> <<
Gaa: !!! Okay then....
CO: But you want to know something weird? I'm currently moping for Bou and my iPod is playing all of my emo songs in my iPod whyle it's on shuffle o O And I have a ton of An Cafe songs, and Naruto songs on there, even more then my emo songs. Woah. It's like it knows how my sould feels....
Gaa: That's creepy. Just a little bit.
CO: Yes, well, this is it. Only Bou pictures for today. I hope somebody puts up the video for Bou's last concert today!!! Well, sayonara.
Gaa: Yeah, ja ne.
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