myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku
Sunday, May 6, 2007
CO: I'm sorry I haven't posted, visited most of you, or answered most of your PMs this week.....but right now I feel very depressed....it's because I've been hacked on Gaiaonline......I feel hurt, betrayed, helpless, heartbroken, angry, and depressed......I'm probably not be on Gaia much anymore due to this since the FUCK HOLE that's hacked into my account changed FUCKING password and is using my FUCKING account. YES!! I do feel the need to shout out FUCK SINCE MY DAY HAS BEEN LIKE SHIT (for the most part) DUE TO THIS!! And I can't even tell my Mom the real reson why I'm so depressed because if I tell her it's because of this she probably won't let me on the internet anymore!!! She already think it's the internet's fault why I'm so suicidal. Wich is not really true since it makes me happy...until now. But MyOtaku still keeps me happy. NO! I will not tell you guys about my week since I'm still emotionally shaken up...but I will tell you some about my day yesterday....at first it was great...I took some time in the morning to read the bible with my Mom and praise God. But after those hours of happyness I found out about the hacking....heh heh, then I start getting sad for one reason and get sad for a bunch of others...it happens to me very often....I had to lie to my Mom as to why I've been crying so much yesterday. I went on a walk with her and a bird almost pooped on me as we were walking...great....just what I needed....some of the poo got on my pants....my favorite pair of pants!!! D= But to my luck I found a penny and a dollar laying on the grass. It was like God trying to give me something to cheer me up. That made me feel a bit loved since it was very mindy out and I never find money on the ground anymore. So hoorah for that...then I watched some Naruto with my Mom wich was fun. That's about it....now excuse me whyle I go watch some more anime on Adult Swim...
Gaa: *comes out of my room* Are you feeling any better?
CO: *sniff* *sniff* Not really...
Gaa: ....well...at least you're not shouting in anger through tears....
CO: Yes....well...that's about it...
Gaa: This really upset you...I'm sorry....
CO: *sigh* *sniff* *sniff* (yes, I'm still crying). I love you all....*hugs all of you tightly*
Gaa: Aww, let's go watch some anime...alright?
CO: Yes yes...sayonara.
Gaa: Sayonara.
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