myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
CO: Sorry I couldn't post on Sunday guys. I was spending some quality time with my parents. It was actually pretty fun. We went to church, out to eat some pupusas at a Central American restaurant (very delicious food if I must add).
Gaa: Yes, the food was good.
CO: Yes, and then...I went and watched Spiderman 3 with my parents. It was good!! And pretty funny at parts XD
Gaa: It was. I give it a thumbs up.
CO: Yes yes. We had to go see it at 8:45 though. So we got back home at about 11:45 XP. I went to sleep late on Sunday. Nonetheless, it was fun. Now my Monday-
Gaa: Here we go...
CO: < < .....anyways...after being RUDELY interrupted-
Gaa: Hmph.
CO: << it started out perty good. In language arts we're doing a scrapbook project for our final grade. Well, we have to take photos of what we do after school and such. My friends kept on taking pictures of me when I wasn't expecting it - -....and the worst part is that I hate my picture being taken...they knew this and still took my picture!!! - -* And when math class came around (at the end of the day) I got mad at two of my friends. Because they kept on bothering me and saying stuff that basically pissed me off. So I gave them the silent treatment and now they think I hate them. Hmph, good, that was my intention. And for math we're also going to fail a project we were doing on there. Most likely. Oh well. My grade is looking petty good. I bet it can stand a couple of points taken off. I hope today goes well for me. I got my main account back on Gaia!!! HOORAH!! But the person who hacked me basically wiped me out. The bastard is a total ass. The person left me with 26,000 gold...and I had 70,000 gold ;;;x;;;; ......they bought ugly shit with my gold for my avatar (what the fuck would they do that!?) and bought a freaking guild under my name. THE HELL!? That is so gay and retarded!! So I think I'll only be on Gaia to talk to some good friends of mine...but never again for posting and gaining gold....my hopes and dreams have been shattered some...
Now....for comments:
destinyssweetman: Thanks ^^ You're such a nice friend. Yesh, my Mom watches Naruto with me. :D
Shonigoneyes93: Aww, sorry to hear about you getting hacked. I have changed all of my passwords. So I'm safe now...I think. I BETTER BE!!! But thanks for your good wish towards me ^^
spellcaster94: Heh heh, thanks for trying to help out. Actually....I do what you advised me all the time!! I love to read books, relax, and I watched Spiderman 3 XP. I've actually never been to a slumber party O O. Weird, huh?
Kashin: The account of mine that was hacked is: ChristianOtaku Pretty creative, no? XP I already reported it and got my account back ^^" Thanks for offering to help though.
Sakura Star: Your Gaia got banned? Aww, sorry to hear that. Heh heh, why would he want me to start over? I was doing good ;x; Yes, I know it is a sign of good luck. But did it have to poo on my favorite pair of pants!?
furubaFANN: Thanks ^^ Umm, unfortunately I don't know the person who hacked me ._. I wish I did....
PinkChii: Yes, suicide does seem the way to v_v but it isn't... D: Yesh, my Gaawa-kun x3 I have made a new Gaia account. But I got my main one back. Do you have a Gaia account?
Gaa: *read Thegrantinator's comment* - -* You will now will you!? *sand starts rising behind him*
CO: > > Uh...Gaawa-kun...no threatening my friends.
Gaa: *gets temper under control* Fine...
CO: Yes, well, this is all for now. But I do feel a bit better though. Sayonara.
Gaa: Sayonara. I'm watching you Grantinator >.>
CO: *rolls eyes*
CO: And today for pictures we also have...the infamous....TOBI!! From t3h Akatsuki!!
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