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myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mood: CO: Well, I definately feel better! My Monday was pretty okay too. And for math I actually think I'll get a good grade for the project. OH!! School was pretty eventful as well. Two guys kissed each other in the hallway!!! XD!! It was an accident though! They sort of bumped into each other!! They were both so mad at one another and wiping their lips!! It kind of reminded me of what happened to Sasuke and Naruto! Gaa: Seriously? That happened? You should have taken a picture! CO: I know what you mean!! But I didn't have my camera!! But school was kind of a drag as well since my friend Jack got in trouble for something a guy did at school. And the guy refuses to justify it was him who did it and not Jack. Jack was sad most of the day because of this. That's not right. Jack is usually the annoying guy who's always happy. And seeing him sad just wasn't right. I hope things get better for him. Anyways, I got tagged...YET AGAIN!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE MISTER!! Anyways, I'll put up six facts about myself...I'm running out of things to say. 1) My favorite shoes at the moment are my black and white striped vans. 2) At the moment I'm in love with black eyeliner. 3) Black nail polish too. 4) I have a Kakashi backpack. 5) I have a Naruto headband that I wear around my neck just about everyday. 6) I usually go to sleep from 11:28-12:14 PM on a school night. I also got things patched up with my friends at school. So things are fine now. I'm also going to get an award today for getting good grades. I even painted my nails black yesterday at night. My Mom is even going to let me put on a little extra eyeliner then usual!! XP AND what do you guys think of my new Gaawa-kun avatar!!!? My good friend sevy made it!! If you like it I'll keep it there for a whyle. But if you don't then I'll just keep my old one. Gaa: My sand is not THAT bloody...it just reeks of blood. CO: Gee...that's....pleasing....no wonder my house was starting to smell like something dead ._. Gaa: Sorry... CO: And how do you really know they don't have AIDS or something...? >> Gaa: My sand sort of filters out those sort of diseases. CO: NO WAY!! So you can never be transmitted those diseases because of your sand?! Gaa: *nods* CO: AMAZING!!! Gaa: Er-I guess. Well, that's about it right? CO: Yes, sayonara! Gaa: Sayonara. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket CO: And today we shall have Ulquiorra's pictures here!! He's from Bleach. And yes!! He's in my top 5 bishie list XP Yes. I do have a list of wich anime guys I like. Gaa: That creeps me out a bit... CO: A lot of people thin that. Oh well. ULQUIORRA TIME!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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