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myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mood: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Dei: UGH! Warning everyone warning! Ivette here is going to go full on rant mode - - un! CO: Yeah, but I'll reply to some comments first: SessLover18: Actually I was thinking about cutting, but my parents wouldn't leave me alone long enough to get the sharp butcher knife!! Alex: XDD" Yeah, I'm a bit relieved to know that you're not a Sasori fangirl, rofl. And thank you very much for the happy early birthday wish! ima2Dluva: Migrane headaches!! OH GOD! Those are so hurtful!! Oh noes! You have no DS!? x x I had to buy me one myself. I saved up my money for it ^^" Becky: *drools* SATOWI-KUN! *spazzes* And thankies for the happy early birthday wishes! sonicandtailsrox: Yeah, same here. Without the internet I will probably die...not from suicide, but depression. BASH: Good to hear you're back too, buddy! HOORAH FOR ASPIRIN THEN! Perios: :D Good to hear from you again...and you'll survive those two hard grueling months! Dei: Okay, so now onto rambling mode, un? CO: Umm, I guess....er- *WARNING WARNING EXTREME RAMBLE WITH LANGUAGE AND ANGST!!! IT MAY INSULT SOME OF YOU, AND I'M SORRY IF IT DOES. I REALLY DON'T MEAN TO MAKE SOME OF YOU MAD* Dei: I already listened to this already *mumbles* not like I had a choice, un... CO: *ahem* So...first of all, I just want to say...I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF YOU DISLIKE OR HATE NARUTO ALRIGHT!?!! IT'S MY FUCKING WEBSITE (not really mine though since Adam (truly wonderful man) made MyO, but this is just a small space where I can put whatever the hell I please.) So you can stick you opinions up your- *gets a tamale shoved into her mouth* HMPHRMPHRRR!! Dei: Ah bubup! Don't talk with your mouth full, un! CO: -3-** *swallows it all down* AGH WHY DID YOU DO THAT!??!! Dei: To stop you from actually LOSING just about all of your "friends", un! CO: Well, if they don't like it they can just- *gets water shoved down her throat* Dei: You must be parched after eating that tamale whole!! DRINK, UN CO: *chocking* Dei: There!! Don't you feel better, un!? CO: NO NOW LET ME SPEAK MAN. Dei: NO! I don't want to hear you sobbing about it later!! Saying stuff like "OMG NUUUU MY SO CALLED FRIENDS LEFTED MEEEE LIFE SUCKSSSS EVEN MORE NOW BLAH BLAH BLAH *angst* *angst* *angst* I MUST NOW GO AND VENT AND ANNOY DEIDA-" *gets some meat shoved into his mouth* CO: You must be STARVING Deidara!! Dei: *spits it up* STOP IT UN CO: YOU BETTER CLEAN THAT UP MISTER!!! Dei: *looks at whoever is reading this* If you have actually read all of this nonesense and shit so far, then you either 1) have no life 2) actually care about this psycho here 3) or be extremely bored. Anyways, thanks for sticking so far BUT this woman here is not done speaking yet. Trust me, MORE crap is coming up, un. CO: UGH HFOIEJIEITETI. LOOK YOU AND ANYONE WHO'S READING THIS!!! I'VE HAD A BAD DAY!!! KNOWING THAT MY AUNT WON'T BE COMING FROM EL SALVADOR TO WATCH THE FREAKIN HARRY POTTER MOVIE ON WEDNESDAY and now I have an extra ticket to the HP movie!! ALSO MY DRAWING OF OBITO THAT I'M DOING NOW LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING CHIMP LEGGED RETARD WITH BAD ERASE MARKS AND HIDEOUS FEET AND SHOES. And I had worked so hard on it too....So basically Ivette = failure at drawing, life, and other things. Dei: *listening to Ivette's iPod* DDR music! Interesting, un... CO: And what's even worse is that my parents have somehow found my sharp pocket knife hidden in my room and have taken it away Dx And so I've had to cut with a thumb tack!! Wich doesn't even make a decent cut!! I WANTED A LITTLE BLOOD DAMN IT!!! Dei: *ignoring Ivette and listening to some An Cafe music* Bokura no popopo...un. CO: And now I feel like a goddamn bitch that's alone, friendless, and doomed to a depressing, boring, dark future!! UGH! God, PLEASE shorten my life!! I just want to die when I'm 16 or 17 and go to heaven...although now I think I'll probably go to hell....ugh...just great....blah. Dei: *listening to Harmonia by Rythem* CO: Thank goodness for karate. At least that made me feel a whole lot better...I think. Since it helped me take my mind off of things, but still made me feel rejected. I swear, I am the only person there that sits alone in a corner bitting my nails whyle everyone else is yakking and laughing it up. I actually manage to scare people off....FEAR MAH ANTI-SOCIALNESS!!! Anyways....yeah....there is still a lot more I could rant about (yes, more angst and shit), but I think you all have already suffered enough...if anyone has actually gotten this far and read everything. Dei: *takes off the headphones and turns the iPod off* Are you quite finished yet? CO: Yes... Dei: Good. Now I'm sure a lot of people are pissed off by now, but oh well, it's your choice. CO: *shrugs* I guess. But whatever. I don't really give a crap now. Dei: Whatever you say....damn, I don't know how Gaara just doesn't bloody kill you, un. CO: HA! I'm sure he feels like it, but just doesn't want to get in trouble with the law or something. Dei: *nods* I think so too, un. CO: Oh yeah, and since a lot of you obviously are trying to shoot me now (please, go ahead! I insist!) I will not be posting anymore pictures since they're all Naruto pictures. Dei: Er-alright then, I don't think anyone cares, un. CO: Exactly, probably just like 2 people. So it doesn't really matter to me anymore. Oh, and not that anyone cares, but I'm sorry if I offended all of you. Dei: *sweatdrops* CO: Well, now if you'll excuse me I'm off to bed and steal a small kitchen knife from the kitchen just in case I give into the temptation of cutting again and just need a little rush of blood. Dei: Will you shut up now, it's not like anyone cares anymore, un. CO: You're right, I guess. Well, later. Dei: Ugh, yeah, later people, I guess...un.
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