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myOtaku.com: ChristianOtaku

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Currently listening to: Hisoukyoku [by: An Cafe] <3
CO: La la la, comment answearing time: SessLover18: xD lol! If only I could use that imaginary pencil box XP lee radcliffe: lol...yup. My posts are usually filled with nonsense making it hard for people to understand. Nah. School hasn't even started for me! Haha...shit. Thanks for the advice. Asakura: XP AdventureMs.Aqua: *shrugs* ...they just sort of..came to me. BASH: TwT Thank you so much for offering me your help! I APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH. PinkChii: ^^" Thanks. D:" Sorry, but..I really don't feel like posting pictures anymore *hugs* spellcaster94: o o oh...well, thanks for the explanation again ^^ Heh, have fun meeting your friends! *shrugs* I don't really care about seeing mine. *SHOT* *SHOT* *SHOT* Dx Yes, I'm a bad friend. Well, I still feel dizzy every once in a whyle, but the stomach aches seem to have calmed down. And yesterday I stayed in the house (again) just about all day. D: No karate class due to some little kids taking their belt test. So yargh...only 12 days until I go back to hel-I mean school. THE GOOD THING is that I'm going printing crazy ^ w^ SO NOW I WILL PUT ALL THOSE PICTURES IN MY BINDER. WOOOH. X3 It'll make going to school worthwhyle. *sigh* Well, I hope you've all had a good day/night....GAAWA-KUN YOU HAVEN'T SAID A THING EVER SINCE I STARTED THIS. WTF?!?! gaa: *watching tv* Huh? CO: .__.* tjeitjoiejt. WELL HMPH. Gaa: Oh, sorry? Uh...I guess you've said all there is to say. CO: *mumbles* Yeah yeah. Well, all that is left is to put up another icon. See you all later. gaa: *nods* Goodbye everyone. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket CO: *glee* MATT *heart* Gaa: o O
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